Izvestiia Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii

Izvestiia Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii


(Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions), a series of scientific journals of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR, intended mainly for the publication of works of higher educational institutions of the country, irrespective of their departmental affiliation (results of scientific research, individual chapters of dissertations and monographs, materials of interuniversity scientific conferences, and reviews or methodological bulletins). The publication of the series began in 1957.

The editorial board of each journal is confirmed by the ministry and consists of prominent scholars and specialists of the corresponding branch of science and technology, working in various higher educational institutions. The journals are published by the individual institutions of higher learning, on the instructions of the ministry.

In 1972 the series consisted of 22 titles: Aviatsionnaia tekhnika (Aviation Technology, Kazan Aviation Institute; four issues a year), Chernaia metallurgiia (Ferrous Metallurgy, Moscow Steel and Alloy Institute and Siberian Metallurgical Institute in Novokuznetsk; 12 issues a year), Elektromekhanika (Electromechan-ics, Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute; 12 issues a year), Energetika (Power Engineering, Byelorussian Polytechnic Institute; 12 issues a year), Fizika (Physics, Tomsk State University; 12 issues a year), Geodeziia i aerofotos”emka (Geodesy and Aerial Photography, Moscow Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Cartography Engineers; six issues a year), Geologiia i razvedka (Geology and Prospecting, Moscow Institute of Geological Prospecting; 12 issues a year), Gornyi zhurnal (Mining Journal, Sverdlovsk Mining Institute; 12 issues a year), Khimiia i khimicheskaia tekhnologiia (Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ivanovo Chemical Engineering Institute; 12 issues a year), Lesnoi zhurnal (Forestry Journal, Arkhangel’sk Forestry Technology Institute; six issues a year), Matematika (Mathematics, Kazan State University; 12 issues a year), and Mashinostroenie (Machine Building, Moscow N.E. Ban man Higher Technical College; 12 issues a year).

Also Neft’igaz (Oil and Gas, Azerbaijan Petrochemical Institute; 12 issues a year), Pishchevaia tekhnologiia (Food Technology, Krasnodar Polytechnic Institute; six issues a year), Pravovedenie (Jurisprudence, Leningrad State University; six issues a year), Priborostroenie (Instrument-making, Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics; 12 issues a year), Radioelektronika (Radio Electronics, Kiev Polytechnic Institute; 12 issues a year), Radiofizika (Radio Physics, Gorky State University; 12 issues a year), Stroitel’stvo i arkhitektura (Construction and Architecture, Novosibirsk Construction and Engineering Institute; 12 issues a year), Tekhnologiia legkoi promyshlennosti (Technology of Light Industry, Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry; six issues a year), Teknologiia tekstil’noi promyshlennosti (Technology of the Textile Industry, Ivanovo Textile Institute; six issues a year), and Tsvetnaia metallurgiia (Nonferrous Metallurgy, Northern Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute, Ordzhonikidze; six issues a year).