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[ eth-ik ] / ˈɛθ ɪk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR ethic ON THESAURUS.COM
nounthe body of moral principles or values governing or distinctive of a particular culture or group: the Christian ethic; the tribal ethic of the Zuni. a complex of moral precepts held or rules of conduct followed by an individual: a personal ethic. Origin of ethic1350–1400; Middle English ethic, etic<Latin ēthicus<Greek ēthikós, equivalent to êth(os) ethos + -ikos-ic OTHER WORDS FROM ethicnon·eth·ic, adjectiveWords nearby ethicethereal oil, Etherege, etherify, etherize, Ethernet, ethic, ethical, Ethical Culture, ethical hacker, ethical investment, ethical relativism Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for ethicFirstly, the propositions of ethics are much harder to frame with precision than the truths of logic and mathematics. The Universe Knows Right from Wrong - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Philip Goff|September 9, 2020|Nautilus Platonism about ethics is still a popular option, but its advocates face a deep problem accounting for moral knowledge. The Universe Knows Right from Wrong - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Philip Goff|September 9, 2020|Nautilus Safety, ethics, and regulatory committees are speeding things up by prioritizing approval processes ahead of those for other vaccines and medicines. Oxford Scientists: These Are Final Steps We’re Taking to Get Our Coronavirus Vaccine Approved|Rebecca Ashfield|September 9, 2020|Singularity Hub Follow Leave No Trace ethics when you disperse your dishwater. The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Camp Cooking|AC Shilton|September 5, 2020|Outside Online
We can debate the merits and ethics of such as approach and whether news publishers should be subject to the pressures of the “free market.” Google to launch ‘enhanced news storytelling’ project with licensed content|Greg Sterling|August 20, 2020|Search Engine Land The ethic of reciprocity lies at its center: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What Jesus Really Means|Jay Parini|January 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST But if boxing is to become less perilous, the ethic has to change. Boxers, Be Brave and Quit Before Your Brain Turns to Mush|Gordon Marino|October 25, 2013|DAILY BEAST The question now was where were the equivalents for the various Muslim ethic groups? NYPD on the Real ‘Enemies Within’: Going Undercover With Jihadis|Michael Daly|September 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST Deep faith may resonate in our position, but it is the ethic of love that forces us to prayerfully reexamine our position. Moss to African-American Clergy: Don’t Abandon Obama Over Same-Sex Marriage|Otis Moss III|May 15, 2012|DAILY BEAST In its practical activity there are also two degrees, the Economic and the Ethic, related to each other in the same way. Beauty and the Beast|Stewart A. McDowall It is anarchism that is an ethic of slaves, for it is only the slave that chants the praises of anarchical liberty. Tragic Sense Of Life|Miguel de Unamuno The other ethic, which is much worse than all the rest, is slave-trade. Riches of Grace|E. E. Byrum It is amusing to observe the ease with which critics and historians despatch the Socratic ethic. Philosophy and The Social Problem|Will Durant Such conceptions do not minister to heavenly-mindedness, or beget lives of ethic beauty. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back|Edward P. Lowry
British Dictionary definitions for ethic
nouna moral principle or set of moral values held by an individual or groupthe Puritan ethic Word Origin for ethicC15: from Latin ēthicus, from Greek éthikos, from ēthos custom; see ethos Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to ethicmoral, principle, fairness, morality, integrity, virtue, righteousness, code, ethics, rightness, rightfulness, principles, ethicality, ethicalness, moral philosophy |