He is the author of Broken Glass, Memoirs of a Porcupine, and African Psycho, among others.
Living Black & Gay in the ’50s|Alain Mabanckou|December 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
My heart was racing, my hands felt like they were covered with porcupine quills.
‘You Have 30 Seconds’: The Real Captain Phillips’s Gripping Memoir|Captain Richard Phillips, Stephan Talty|October 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST
One day, the porcupine has had enough, and turns to writing a memoir.
This Week’s Hot Reads: April 23, 2012|Jimmy So|April 24, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Mabanckou pairs the porcupine with a Congolese boy, who attacks and kills neighbors and strangers with little provocation.
This Week’s Hot Reads: April 23, 2012|Jimmy So|April 24, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The howdah, pierced all over with arrows, had something the appearance of a porcupine or a giant pincushion.
Female Warriors, Vol. I (of 2)|Ellen C. Clayton
While they were searching, the porcupine ambled away and was soon lost in the darkness.
Bill Bruce on Forest Patrol|Henry Harley Arnold
Moccasins worked into grotesque designs with beads and porcupine quills covered his feet.
Seven and Nine years Among the Camanches and Apaches|Edwin Eastman
The porcupine met his approach with a furious squealing and a clashing of its long teeth.
White Fang|Jack London
Their bodies are covered with long bristles, resembling very much the quills of the porcupine.
Martin Rattler|R.M. Ballantyne
British Dictionary definitions for porcupine
/ (ˈpɔːkjʊˌpaɪn) /
any of various large hystricomorph rodents of the families Hystricidae, of Africa, Indonesia, S Europe, and S Asia, and Erethizontidae, of the New World. All species have a body covering of protective spines or quills
Derived forms of porcupine
porcupinish, adjectiveporcupiny, adjective
Word Origin for porcupine
C14 porc despyne pig with spines, from Old French porc espin; see pork, spine