释义 |
[ hohl-ster ] / ˈhoʊl stər /
nouna sheathlike carrying case for a firearm, attached to a belt, shoulder sling, or saddle. verb (used with object)to put or put back in a holster: to holster a gun. Origin of holster1655–65; <Dutch; cognate with Gothic hulistr,Old Norse hulstr sheath; akin to Old English helan to hide Words nearby holsterholp, holpen, hols, Holst, Holstein, holster, Holston, holt, Holter monitor, Holthouse's hernia, holus-bolus Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for holsterI took off the sheath, the holster, so to speak, of the taser and I loaded the taser. L.A. Riots Anniversary: Stacey Koon’s Disturbing Testimony|Christine Pelisek|April 28, 2012|DAILY BEAST If Bush was too quick to pull the trigger, Obama is reluctant ever to pull the gun out of its holster. Apocalypse When?|Lee Siegel|August 28, 2011|DAILY BEAST Every government in Delhi keeps a thermometer in its holster and calibrates its decibel levels according to ground temperature. Mumbai's Dangerous Amnesia|M.J. Akbar|November 25, 2009|DAILY BEAST The man started to walk menacingly toward my partner, who then reached into his holster for his Smith & Wesson .38. What a Cop Is Supposed to Do|John Connolly|July 26, 2009|DAILY BEAST
All I know is that holster and belt came tumbling down as I sprang and caught at the Colt handle. The Prairie Child|Arthur Stringer Guevara looked at the officer, looked at the capable hand on the cocked gun in the holster. The Flaming Mountain|Harold Leland Goodwin He had thrust the holster of pistols into them, but he took it out now, and hung it in its own place, also across the saddle. The Guns of Shiloh|Joseph A. Altsheler He felt the knife leave his holster, there was a pause, then Jerran said under her breath, "Blast this horse—ugh—got it!" The Buttoned Sky|Geoff St. Reynard At this Donnegan's protector shifted his belt so that the holster came a little more forward on his thigh. Gunman's Reckoning|Max Brand
British Dictionary definitions for holster
nouna sheathlike leather case for a pistol, attached to a belt or saddle mountaineering a similar case for an ice axe or piton hammer Derived forms of holsterholstered, adjectiveWord Origin for holsterC17: via Dutch holster from Germanic; compare Old Norse hulstr sheath, Old English heolstor darkness, Gothic hulistr cover Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |