[ hohlt ] SHOW IPA
noun Archaic . a wood or grove.
a wooded hill.
Origin of holt before 900; Middle English holte, Old English holt; cognate with Dutch hout, Old Norse holt, German Holz wood; akin to Greek kládos twig (see clado-), Old Irish caill wood
Words nearby holt hols, Holst, Holstein, holster, Holston, holt , Holter monitor, Holthouse's hernia, holus-bolus, holy, Holy Alliance
Definition for holt (2 of 2) [ hohlt ] SHOW IPA
noun Harold Edward, 1908–67, Australian political leader: prime minister 1966–67.
a town in central Michigan.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for holt Adrian Hill, owner of the Picturecraft Gallery in Holt where Williamson lived at the time, organized the show.
Blessed or Cursed? Child Prodigies Reveal All | Justin Jones| November 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But while UConn is treating Holt as a whistleblower, it appears her sorority sisters are treating her as a traitor.
How Kappa Kappa Gamma Threw A UConn Sorority Sister Under The Bus | Emily Shire| May 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It was one of the hazing challenges allegedly put to Holt by her fellow sorority members.
How Kappa Kappa Gamma Threw A UConn Sorority Sister Under The Bus | Emily Shire| May 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The author then proceeded to blame Holt for submitting to her sorority sisters.
How Kappa Kappa Gamma Threw A UConn Sorority Sister Under The Bus | Emily Shire| May 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
At the heart of the blame game between KKG and Holt is a dispute over responsibility.
How Kappa Kappa Gamma Threw A UConn Sorority Sister Under The Bus | Emily Shire| May 15, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Paul followed Holt to one series that was separated from the rest.
Human Error | Raymond F. Jones
So, apparently, did Holt , but he was too anxious and his serves broke high and Amy killed two at the start.
Left Tackle Thayer | Ralph Henry Barbour
When the Andover team ran out upon the field we were all anxious to see how big Holt loomed up.
Football Days | William H. Edwards
But, finally, my friends, has not the faith of Judge Holt been realized?
Assassination of Lincoln: a History of the Great Conspiracy | Thomas Mealey Harris
"Ef Bull once takes a holt , heaven and yarth can't make him let go," said the older son to Ralph, by way of comfort.
The Hoosier Schoolmaster | Edward Eggleston
British Dictionary definitions for holt (1 of 3) noun archaic , or poetic a wood or wooded hill
Word Origin for holt Old English holt; related to Old Norse holt, Old High German holz, Old Slavonic kladũ log, Greek klados twig
British Dictionary definitions for holt (2 of 3) noun the burrowed lair of an animal, esp an otter
Word Origin for holt C16: a phonetic variant of hold ²
British Dictionary definitions for holt (3 of 3) noun Harold Edward. 1908–67, Australian statesman; prime minister (1966–67); believed drowned
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012