If you carry forward a balance, you transfer it to the next page or column of an account, or to anotherledger or book, so that it will be the starting figure there.
This balance is carried forward from the previous page.
Is the client's current balance carried forward to the next billing?
If you carry forward a balance, you transfer it to the next page or column of an account, or to anotherledger or book, so that it will be the starting figure there.
If you carry forward a loss or credit, you apply it to a following tax year.
It is extremely rare for advertising and market research expenditure to be carried forward; it is generally written off in the year in which it is incurred.
The balance sheet's asset, liability, and owner's equity balances are permanent runningtotals that are carried forward to the next accounting year.
If you carry forward a loss or credit, you apply it to a following tax year.
Examples of 'carry forward' in a sentence
carry forward
From this moment onwards there would be a different kind of guilt to carry forward -- the regret that they had not found each other sooner.
All related terms of 'carry forward'
carry through
成功地完成 chénggōng de wánchéng
carry over
延续(續) yánxù
carry out
( order, instruction ) 执(執)行 zhíxíng
carry on
( continue ) 继(繼)续(續) jìxù
carry off
▶ to carry it off ( succeed ) 顺(順)利完成 shùnlì wánchéng