If someone is anorexic, they are suffering from anorexia and so are very thin.
Claire had been anorexic for three years.
...an anorexic teenager.
An anorexic is someone who is anorexic.
Not eating makes an anorexic feel in control.
anorexic in American English
suffering from anorexia
suppressing appetite for food
an anorexic person
an anorexic drug
Also ˌanoˈrectic (ˌænəˈrɛktɪk), ˌanoˈretic (ˌænəˈrɛtɪk)
Examples of 'anorexic' in a sentence
It is not unusual for a recovering anorexic to go through a period of chaotic eating.
Wilkinson, Helena Beyond Chaotic Eating (1993)
The denial of needs and food and the wish to transform oneself are most strikingly manifested in the anorexic woman.
Bloom, Carol & Gitter, Andrea (contributor) & Gutwill, Susan (contributor) & Kogel,Laura (contributor) & Zaphiropoulos, Lela (contributor) Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model (1994)
The tabloids claimed she had become anorexic, and blamed the fashion industry.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The lower her weight the more impaired the anorexic's thinking becomes.
Wilkinson, Helena Beyond Chaotic Eating (1993)
The anorexic woman feels that the smaller she is, the less room she leaves inside to be attacked internally.
Bloom, Carol & Gitter, Andrea (contributor) & Gutwill, Susan (contributor) & Kogel,Laura (contributor) & Zaphiropoulos, Lela (contributor) Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model (1994)
After all, who actually thinks of anorexic models as carrying the banner for what constitutes today's ideal?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Show an anorexic patient a picture of a forest, he says, and they will often narrow it down to the fine detail of trees.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Mostly it was full of anorexic patients, but once in a while I would see this one obese lady in the waiting room.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
In other languages
British English: anorexic /ˌænəˈrɛksɪk/ ADJECTIVE
If someone is anorexic, they are suffering from anorexia and so are very thin.