The majority (61.8%) of the anopheline mosquitoes were collected outdoors.
Teshome Degefa, Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Guofa Zhou, Ming-chieh Lee, Harrysone Atieli,Andrew K. Githeko, Guiyun Yan 2017, 'Indoor and outdoor malaria vector surveillance in western Kenya: implications forbetter understanding of residual transmission', Malaria Journal Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Anopheline species confirmed as malaria vector if the salivary gland contained sporozoites.
Yuneu Yuliasih, Mara Ipa, Heni Prasetyowati 2012, 'Anopheles barbirostris Confirmation as Malaria Vector in Waikabubak through the Detectionof Circumsporozoit Protein', Aspirator: Journal of Vector Borne Diseases Studies Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The reservoir formation determined the incidence of the anopheline species.
Vanessa Melandri, Jerônimo Alencar, Anthony Érico Guimarães 2015, 'The influence of the area of the Serra da Mesa Hydroelectric Plant, State of Goiás,on the frequency and diversity of anophelines (Diptera: Culicidae): a study on theeffect of a reservoir', Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Anopheline mosquitoes were found despite an earlier spray campaign.
Toby Leslie, Harpakash Kaur, Nasir Mohammed, Kate Kolaczinski, Rosalynn L. Ord, MarkRowland 2009, 'Epidemic of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Involving Substandard Antimalarial Drugs,Pakistan, 2003', Emerging Infectious Diseases Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Five species of anopheline vectors were collected.
Rekha Saxena, B. N. Nagpal, V. P. Singh, Aruna Srivastava, Vas Dev, M. C. Sharma,H. P. Gupta, Arvind Singh Tomar, Shashi Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar Gupta 2014, 'Impact of deforestation on known malaria vectors in Sonitpur district of Assam, India',Journal of Vector Borne Diseases Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Within villages, sites with high anopheline biting rates were significantly clustered.
Thomas R. Burkot, Hugo Bugoro, Allan Apairamo, Robert D. Cooper, Diego F. Echeverry,Danyal Odabasi, Nigel W. Beebe, Victoria Makuru, Honglin Xiao, Jenna R. Davidson,Nicholas A. Deason, Hedrick Reuben, James W. Kazura, Frank H. Collins, Neil F. Lobo,Tanya L. Russell 2018, 'Spatial-temporal heterogeneity in malaria receptivity is best estimated by vectorbiting rates in areas nearing elimination', Parasites & Vectors Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The distribution of anopheline positive habitats varied significantly between seasons.
Atin K. Srivastava, B. Kharbuli, D. S. Shira, A. Sood 2013, 'Effect of land use and land cover modification on distribution of anopheline larvalhabitats in Meghalaya, India', Journal of Vector Borne Diseases Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These secondary peaks were related to permanent anopheline breeding sites resulting from human activities.
Luiz Herman Soares Gil, Mauro Shugiro Tada, Tony Hiroshi Katsuragawa, Paulo EduardoMartins Ribolla, Luiz Hildebrando Pereira da Silva 2007, 'Urban and suburban malaria in Rondônia (Brazilian Western Amazon) II: perennial transmissionswith high anopheline densities are associated with human environmental changes', Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Additionally, only two anopheline species were found, showing low diversity in the study areas.
César Camilo Prado, Luis Antonio Alvarado-Cabrera, Paola Andrea Camargo-Ayala, DiegoGarzón-Ospina, Milena Camargo, Sara Cecilia Soto-De León, Juan Ricardo Cubides, CarmenTeresa Celis-Giraldo, Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, Manuel Alfonso Patarroyo 2019, 'Behavior and abundance of Anopheles darlingi in communities living in the ColombianAmazon riverside.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Colonies grown were characterized and subjected to initial toxicity test against anopheline larvae.
Bambang Fajar Suryadi, Bagyo Yanuwiadi, Tri Ardyati, Suharjono 2015, 'Isolation of Bacillus sphaericus from Lombok Island, Indonesia, and Their Toxicityagainst Anopheles aconitus', International Journal of Microbiology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (