Anaesthesia is the use of anaesthetics in medicine and surgery.
The operation can be done under local anaesthesia.
anaesthesia in British English
or US anesthesia (ˌænɪsˈθiːzɪə)
local or general loss of bodily sensation, esp of touch, as the result of nerve damage or other abnormality
loss of sensation, esp of pain, induced by drugs: called general anaesthesia when consciousness is lost and local anaesthesia when only a specific area of the body is involved
a general dullness or lack of feeling
Also called: anaesthesis
Word origin
C19: from New Latin, from Greek anaisthēsia absence of sensation, from an- + aisthēsis feeling
anaesthesia in American English
Derived forms
anaesthetic (ˌanaesˈthetic) (ˌænəsˈθɛtɪk)
adjective, noun
anaesthetist (anˈaesthetist) (əˈnɛsθətɪst)
anaesthetize (anˈaestheˌtize)
verb transitiveWord forms: anˈaestheˌtized or anˈaestheˌtizing
Examples of 'anaesthesia' in a sentence
The treatment is painless and does not require anaesthesia.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
No anaesthesia is required and the procedure takes less than an hour.
The Sun (2007)
This procedure is usually preferred if the procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia only.
The Sun (2007)
The procedure is used mostly under local anaesthesia.
The Sun (2007)
The procedure involves electrodes being implanted in the brain under local anaesthesia.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
All experiments have to be carried out under local or general anaesthetic unless anaesthesia itselfwould be more traumatic than the procedure.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
I had to wait in another room because they had to put her under general anaesthesia.
Martin, April The Guide to Lesbian and Gay Parenting (1993)
If a patient has a poor peak flow, he or she may be unfit for anaesthesia or surgery.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Open only to women who have gone under the knife, hopefuls must have had at least one cosmetic procedure that involved general or local anaesthesia.
The Sun (2011)
Most Caesarean are now done under epidural or spinal anaesthesia, not general anaesthetic.
The Sun (2010)
It is astonishing to us now, but it was 40 years before general anaesthesia was used universally for surgery.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Third, he recognised the need for research in both clinical and basic science aspects of anaesthesia and intensive care, especially in relation to patients with cardiovascular disease.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
All related terms of 'anaesthesia'
basal anaesthesia
preliminary and incomplete anaesthesia induced to prepare a surgical patient for total anaesthesia with another agent
local anaesthesia
the use of anaesthetics that affect a particular area of the body
spinal anaesthesia
anaesthesia of the lower half of the body produced by injecting an anaesthetic beneath the arachnoid membrane surrounding the spinal cord
epidural anaesthesia
upon or outside the dura mater
general anaesthesia
the use of a general anaesthetic
endotracheal anaesthesia
a method of administering gaseous anaesthetics to animals through a tube inserted into the trachea