The stratosphere is the layer of the earth's atmosphere which lies between 10 and 50 kilometres above the earth.
2. singular noun
If you say that someone or something climbs or is sent into the stratosphere, you mean that they reach a very high level.
This was enough to launch their careers into the stratosphere.
If oil supplies were ever disrupted, it would send U.S. oil-import bills into thestratosphere.
stratosphere in British English
the atmospheric layer lying between the troposphere and the mesosphere, in which temperature generally increases with height
Derived forms
stratospheric (ˌstrætəˈsfɛrɪk) or stratospherical (ˌstratoˈspherical)
stratosphere in American English
the atmospheric zone or shell located above the tropopause at an altitude of c. 20 to 50 km (c. 12 to 31 mi) and characterized by an increase in temperature with increasing altitude