A strawberry is a small red fruit which is soft and juicy and has tiny yellow seeds on its skin.
...strawberries and cream.
...homemade strawberry jam.
strawberry in British English
(ˈstrɔːbərɪ, -brɪ)
nounWord forms: plural-ries
any of various low-growing rosaceous plants of the genus Fragaria, such as F. vesca (wild strawberry) and F. ananassa (garden strawberry), which have white flowers and red edible fruits and spread by runners
(as modifier)
a strawberry patch
the fruit of any of these plants, consisting of a sweet fleshy receptacle bearing small seedlike parts (the true fruits)
(as modifier)
strawberry ice cream
3. barren strawberry
a purplish-red colour
(as adjective)
strawberry shoes
5. another name for strawberry mark
Word origin
Old English streawberige; perhaps from the strawlike appearance of the runners
strawberry in American English
(ˈstrɔˌbɛri; ˈstrɔbəri)
nounWord forms: pluralˈstrawˌberries
the small, red, fleshy accessory fruit of a stolon-bearing plant (genus Fragaria) of the rose family
this plant
Word origin
ME strawberi < OE streawberie < streaw, straw + berige, berry: prob. from the small achenes
This makes it sweeter than strawberries and a delicious fruit to eat fresh as well as cooked.
The Sun (2010)
Our great garden excitement is actual tiny strawberries appearing.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Wild strawberry is noticeably common this year.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Slice the small strawberries and arrange artfully over the top.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Some just come to watch the games on big screens with a pot of strawberries and cream.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
He signed his works with a wild strawberry.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
His meticulous nature ran down to the weekly ritual of preparing strawberry jam sandwiches for his grandchildren.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The noticeable gaps between the petals distinguish it from the wild strawberry that will bear juicy red fruit.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Whether the small strawberries produced by the wild plants will be sweet depends on whether we have a sunny summer.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The smoothies are prepared using a piece of raw placenta from the new mother and fruit such as strawberries or blueberries.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
How toxic is that juicy strawberry?
The Sun (2016)
Garnish with one small whole strawberry.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
And we searched for wild strawberries.
The Times Literary Supplement (2010)
Something not unlike strawberry jam glued to the inside of the spaceship would be all that was left of the gullible fool.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Layer the strawberry cream, strawberries and meringue in serving glasses.
The Sun (2014)
It is as much a fixture as the strawberries, cream and incessant rain.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
But it is worth these drawbacks because it has a superb wild forest strawberry flavour, juicy and sweet.
The Sun (2011)
The Chilean pine strawberry's fruits were sometimes as large as small apples.
The Sun (2014)
Other soft fruit, including strawberries and raspberries, need less chilling.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Juicy English strawberries are the envy of the world, so why would we want to buy from foreign growers?
The Sun (2011)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: strawberry /ˈstrɔːbərɪ; -brɪ/ NOUN
A strawberry is a small red fruit with tiny seeds in its skin.
...strawberries and cream.
American English: strawberry
Arabic: فَرَاوِلَة
Brazilian Portuguese: morango
Chinese: 草莓
Croatian: jagoda
Czech: jahoda
Danish: jordbær
Dutch: aardbei
European Spanish: fresa
Finnish: mansikka
French: fraise
German: Erdbeere
Greek: φράουλα
Italian: fragola
Japanese: イチゴ
Korean: 딸기
Norwegian: jordbær
Polish: truskawka
European Portuguese: morango
Romanian: căpșună
Russian: клубника
Latin American Spanish: fresa
Swedish: jordgubbe
Thai: ผลสตรอเบอรี่
Turkish: çilek
Ukrainian: полуниця
Vietnamese: quả dâu tây
All related terms of 'strawberry'
strawberry bush
an E North American shrub or small tree, Euonymus americanus, having pendulous capsules that split when ripe to reveal scarlet seeds : family Celastraceae
strawberry mark
a soft raised swelling on the skin, often red, appearing in the weeks after birth . Most will shrink and disappear without treatment
strawberry moon
a traditional name for a full moon occurring in June
strawberry roan
a horse having a chestnut coat sprinkled with white hairs such a coat
strawberry tree
a S European evergreen tree, Arbutus unedo, having white or pink flowers and red strawberry-like berries
wild strawberry
a plant which has white flowers and red edible fruits and is spread by runners , Fragaria vesca
barren strawberry
a Eurasian plant, Potentilla sterilis , related to the strawberry that does not produce edible fruit
garden strawberry
a plant which has white flowers and red edible fruits and is spread by runners , Fragaria ananassa
strawberry blond
(of hair ) reddish blond
strawberry blonde
Strawberry blonde hair is reddish blonde.
strawberry shrub
→ Carolina allspice
strawberry tomato
a tropical solanaceous annual plant, Physalis peruviana, having bell-shaped whitish-yellow flowers and small edible round yellow berries
hautbois strawberry
a strawberry , Fragaria moschata, of central Europe and Asia , with small round fruit
haemangioma simplex
a soft raised swelling on the skin, often red, appearing in the weeks after birth . Most will shrink and disappear without treatment