

单词 orthopedic
orthopedicor‧tho‧pe‧dic (also orthopaedic British English) /ˌɔːθəˈpiːdɪk◂ $ ˌɔːr-/ adjective Word Origin
WORD ORIGINorthopedic
1800-1900 French orthopédique, from Greek ortho- (ORTHODOX) + pais ‘child’
  • an orthopedic surgeon
  • After finishing his studies in Boston, he returned to Los Angeles, becoming the first orthopedic surgeon in the Southwest.
  • An orthopedic surgeon who asked not to be identified said he also hears increased patient complaints about waiting for bedpans or medications.
  • And the medical staff has been augmented with an orthopedic and vascular surgeon.
  • He was taken to a local hospital, where doctors recommended that he see orthopedic surgeons here.
  • I can not see an orthopedic doctor until late March of 1996.
  • My mom fired him on the spot and called in an orthopedic specialist.
  • On April 1, 1922, Los Angeles's first orthopedic hospital opened, including a school for its young patients.
  • The most orthopedic surgeons, specialists in bone injuries.
word sets
aether, nounaftercare, nounambulance, nounamniocentesis, nounampoule, nounamputate, verbanaesthesia, nounanaesthetize, verbanodyne, nounantibiotic, nounantidote, nounantiseptic, nounantiseptic, adjectiveappendectomy, nounartificial respiration, nounastringent, adjectiveastringent, nounbandage, verbbathe, verbbed bath, nounbedpan, nounbiopsy, nounblood bank, nounblood donor, nounblood group, nounbloodletting, nounblood transfusion, nounbrain scan, nounbridge, nouncaesarean, nouncallipers, nouncapsule, nouncardiac, adjectivecast, nouncasualty, nouncatheter, nounCAT scan, nouncauterize, verbcervical smear, nouncesarean, nouncheckup, nounchemotherapy, nounchiropractor, nounclinic, nounclinical, adjectiveclinical thermometer, nouncommit, verbcompress, nounconstruct, verbconsultant, nounconsulting room, nounconvalesce, verbconvalescence, nounconvalescent, nouncosmetic surgery, nouncottage hospital, nouncrown, nouncrown, verbcrutch, nouncurative, adjectivecure, nouncure, verbD and C, nounday room, noundecongestant, noundentistry, noundermatology, noundetox, noundetoxification, noundiagnose, verbdiagnosis, noundiagnostic, adjectivedialysis, noundischarge, verbdischarge, noundispensary, noundoctor, verbdonate, verbdonor, noundress, verbdrug rehabilitation, nounear trumpet, nounECG, nounECT, noun-ectomy, suffixEEG, nounEKG, nounElastoplast, nounelective, adjectiveelectric shock therapy, nounemergency room, nounendoscope, nounenema, nounepidural, nounether, nouneviscerate, verbexam, nounexamination, nounexamine, verbfacelift, nounfilling, nounfirst aid, nounfirst aider, nounfirst aid kit, nounforceps, noungauze, noungeriatrics, noungraft, noungraft, verbgrommet, noungurney, nounhealth care, nounhealth centre, nounhealth service, nounheart-lung machine, nounhospice, nounhospital, nounhypnotherapy, nounhypo, nounhypodermic, nounhypodermic, adjectivehysterectomy, nounice pack, nounimplant, verbimplant, nounincision, nounincubator, nouninduce, verbinfection, nouninfirmary, nouninject, verbinjection, nouninlay, nouninoculate, verbinpatient, nouninseminate, verbinstitutionalize, verbintensive care, nouninternal medicine, nounintravenous, adjectiveinvasive, adjectivein vitro fertilization, nounirrigate, verbisolation, nounisometrics, nounIV, nounIVF, nounkeyhole surgery, nounlamp, nounlaudanum, nounlaughing gas, nounlaxative, nounlife support system, nounlinctus, nounliniment, nounlint, nounlobotomy, nounlumpectomy, nounmammography, nounmanipulate, verbmanipulative, adjectivemassage, nounmassage, verbmastectomy, nounmedical, adjectivemedical, nounmedicine, nounmental hospital, nounmonitor, nounmouth-to-mouth resuscitation, nounMRI, nounNational Health Service, the, negative, adjectivenose job, nounnursing home, nounob/gyn, nounobstetrics, nounoccupational therapy, nounold folks' home, nounold people's home, nounop, nounopen-heart surgery, nounoperable, adjectiveoperate, verboperating room, nounoperating table, nounoperating theatre, nounoperation, nounoperative, adjectiveorthodontics, nounorthopedic, adjectiveorthopedics, nounosteopathy, nounoutpatient, nounoxygen mask, nounoxygen tent, nounpacemaker, nounpack, nounpadded cell, nounpaediatrics, nounpalliative, nounpalpate, verbPap smear, nounpetroleum jelly, nounphial, nounphysiotherapy, nounpill, nounplaster, nounplaster cast, nounplastic surgery, nounpost-mortem, nounpoultice, nounprep, verbprescription, nounpreventive medicine, nounprimary health care, nounprivate medicine, nounprivate patient, nounprobe, nounprophylactic, adjectiveprosthesis, nounquarantine, nounquarantine, verbradiographer, nounradiography, nounradiologist, nounradiology, nounradiotherapy, nounreceive, verbrecovery room, nounrehabilitate, verbreject, verbreset, verbresidential care, nounresidential treatment facility, nounrest home, nounresuscitate, verbrhinoplasty, nounRx, saline, nounsanatorium, nounscalpel, nounscan, nounscreen, verbscreening, nounsection, nounsection, verbsedate, verbset, verbshock treatment, nounsickbay, nounsickroom, nounsilicone implant, nounskin graft, nounsmear, nounsmear test, nounsmelling salts, nounsocialized medicine, nounspatula, nounspecimen, nounsperm bank, nounsplint, nounstaunch, verbstethoscope, nounstitch, nounstomach pump, nounstretcher, nounsurgery, nounsurgical, adjectivesuture, nounswab, nounswab, verbsyringe, nounsyringe, verbtablet, nountape, verbteaching hospital, nountermination, nountheatre, nountherapy, nounthermometer, nountongue depressor, nountourniquet, nountracheotomy, nountranquillize, verbtransfusion, nountransplant, verbtransplant, nountreatment, nountruss, nountuck, nounultrasound, nounvaccinate, verbvasectomy, nounventilator, nounveterinary, adjectivevisiting hours, nounward, nounwell-woman, adjectivewetting solution, nounwheelchair, nounX-ray, nounX-ray, verb
· After finishing his studies in Boston, he returned to Los Angeles, becoming the first orthopedic surgeon in the Southwest.· An orthopedic surgeon who asked not to be identified said he also hears increased patient complaints about waiting for bedpans or medications.· The most orthopedic surgeons, specialists in bone injuries.· He was taken to a local hospital, where doctors recommended that he see orthopedic surgeons here.· Likewise, the orthopedic surgeon keeps records and shares all his information with the player.
1relating to the medical treatment of problems that affect people’s bones or muscles:  an orthopaedic surgeon the orthopedic ward in the hospital2orthopedic bed/chair/shoe etc one that is designed to help treat medical problems that affect people’s bones or musclesorthopedically /-kli/ adverb




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