The Senator has been unduly influenced by a few wealthy contributors.
Death will come by lethal injection, rather than cyanide gas, since gassing has been challenged in California as unduly cruel.
I don't want to sound unduly negative, but I simply couldn't see what there was to mourn.
It appears unduly insistent on the primacy of certain conceptual connections between cognition and language.
Shareholder activists argue that such perks unduly enrich outside directors, encourage them to stay too long and endanger their independence.
This outlook makes the prospect of high performance seem unduly remote, a far-off destination the organization can only hope to reach.
COLLOCATIONS FROM THE ENTRY►unduly worried/concerned/anxious etc
She doesn’t seem unduly concerned about her exams.
(=not very worried)· Jerry did not sound unduly worried at the prospect of going to jail.
· Special considerations: the Attorney General invited the Court to review the sentence on the ground that it was unduly lenient.· The judge agreed that it was unduly lenient.
· It's why you aren't unduly worried that she's away with Steve.· She shouldn't be here because of Maria Luisa but she trusted Fernando enough not to be too unduly worried about it.· No, I wasn't nervous, not unduly worried.· I don't think the New Zealanders will be too unduly worried about the Lions.
· This would help ensure that the design of one component would not unduly influence the design of another.· Do not let your editor or art director unduly influence you.
· Cashback: If the cashback seems unduly generous look closely at the penalties for early redemption.· Encourage employees, particularly new ones, to question activities that seem unnecessary or procedures that seem unduly complicated.· This outlook makes the prospect of high performance seem unduly remote, a far-off destination the organization can only hope to reach.· Pamela seemed unduly nervous for the rest of the week, especially when the inspectors were in her classroom.· They didn't seem unduly perturbed.· I was wary of Clive Smith as he seemed unduly anxious for Mr. Winterbone to make a will.· Biff didn't seem unduly bothered; he was chasing away his hangover with stinging gulps from his flask.
· Hotels-to-racing group Ladbroke's dramatically reduced profits did not unduly worry the City which approved of its increased dividend payout.
Word family
WORD FAMILYadverbduedulyundulynoundueduesadjectivedueundue
more than is normal or reasonableunduly worried/concerned/anxious etc She doesn’t seem unduly concerned about her exams. It didn’t trouble me unduly.