

单词 comb
comb1 nouncomb2 verb
combcomb1 /kəʊm $ koʊm/ ●●● S3 noun Word Origin
Old English camb
  • But Jim was stunned, because he had sold his gold watch to buy Della the combs.
  • But the dances are normally performed on a comb in the hive where they hang vertically.
  • Hair is in a stretched state when wet, a wide-tooth comb reduces breakage by gently passing through hair.
  • She barely noticed it at all as she stood for a few seconds in front of the mirror and pulled the comb through her hair.
  • She plotted a new method to kill Snow White: with a poisoned comb.
  • The comb and tissue can be used to make a kazoo. 2.
  • The mysterious tonic and the fine-tooth metal comb brought Walker incredible wealth.
word sets
aardvark, nounadder, nounAfghan, nounalley cat, nounalligator, nounalpaca, nounAlsatian, nounamphibian, nounamphibious, adjectiveangora, nounanimal, nounanteater, nounantelope, nounanthropoid, adjectiveantler, nounape, nounappaloosa, nounarachnid, nounarmadillo, nounasp, nounass, nounbaa, verbbaboon, nounbaby, nounbadger, nounbantam, nounbark, verbbark, nounbarnacle, nounbasset, nounbat, nounbay, nounbay, verbbay, adjectivebeagle, nounbear, nounbeast, nounbeast of burden, nounbeaver, nounbellow, verbbellow, nounbelly, nounbig cat, nounbig game, nounbighorn sheep, nounbilly goat, nounbiped, nounbison, nounbitch, nounbivalve, nounbleat, verbbloodhound, nounbloodstream, nounblow-hole, nounboa, nounboar, nounbobcat, nounbovine, adjectivebow-wow, nounboxer, nounbrainwave, nounbrindled, adjectivebristle, verbbronc, nounbronco, nounbrontosaurus, nounbrush, nounbuck, nounbuffalo, nounbull, nounbulldog, nounbullfrog, nounbullock, nounbull terrier, nounburro, nounburrow, nouncalf, nouncall, nouncalve, verbcamel, nouncanine, adjectivecanine, nouncarapace, nouncarcass, nouncaribou, nouncarnivore, nouncarthorse, nouncat, nouncattle, nouncaudal, adjectivecayman, nouncetacean, nounchameleon, nounchamois, nouncheetah, nounchestnut, nounchickadee, nounchicken, nounchihuahua, nounchimpanzee, nounchinchilla, nounchipmunk, nounchow, nounclaw, nouncloven hoof, nouncoat, nouncob, nouncobra, nouncocker spaniel, nouncold-blooded, adjectivecollie, nouncolouring, nouncolt, nouncomb, nounconnective tissue, nouncony, nouncoon, nouncopperhead, nouncorgi, nouncougar, nouncourtship, nouncow, nouncoyote, nouncoypu, nouncrest, nouncrocodile, nouncrop, verbcrustacean, nouncry, nouncub, nouncur, noundachshund, nounDalmatian, noundeer, nounden, noundentine, noundingo, noundinosaur, noundoe, noundog, noundolphin, noundomesticate, verbdonkey, noundormouse, noundorsal, adjectivedromedary, nounduckbilled platypus, nounearthworm, nounelephant, nounelk, nounentrails, nounermine, nounewe, nounexcreta, nounexcretion, nounfallopian tube, nounfallow deer, nounfang, nounfauna, nounfawn, nounfeed, nounfeeler, nounfeline, adjectivefeline, nounfemale, adjectivefemale, nounferal, adjectiveferret, nounfetlock, nounfieldmouse, nounfilly, nounfin, nounfleece, nounflipper, nounflying fox, nounfoal, nounfoal, verbfoetus, nounforefoot, nounforeleg, nounfox, nounfoxhound, nounfox terrier, nounFriesian, nounfrog, nounfrogspawn, nounfruit bat, nounfur, nounfurry, adjectivegarter snake, noungazelle, noungecko, noungeese, gelding, noungerbil, nounGerman shepherd, noungestation, noungiant panda, noungibbon, noungiraffe, noungnu, noungoat, noungolden retriever, noungopher, noungorilla, noungregarious, adjectivegreyhound, noungroundhog, nounground squirrel, noungrunt, verbguinea pig, nounhack, nounhackles, nounhairless, adjectivehamster, nounhare, nounhart, nounhaunch, nounhedgehog, nounheifer, nounhen, nounherbivore, nounherd, nounhermit crab, nounhibernate, verbhind, adjectivehind, nounhindquarters, nounhippo, nounhippopotamus, nounhock, nounhog, nounhoof, nounhorned, adjectivehorse, nounhound, nounhowl, verbhump, nounhusky, nounhyaena, nounhybrid, nounhyena, nounibex, nouniguana, nounimpala, nouninbred, adjectiveinbreeding, nouninsectivore, nouninterbreed, verbinvertebrate, nounjackal, nounjackrabbit, nounjaguar, nounjellyfish, nounJersey, nounkangaroo, nounkid, nounkoala, nounkookaburra, nounLabrador, nounlair, nounlamb, nounlemming, nounleopard, nounlion, nounlioness, nounlitter, nounlitter, verblizard, nounllama, nounlonghorn, nounlugworm, nounlynx, nounmale, nounmamba, nounmammal, nounmammary, adjectivemammoth, nounmandible, nounmandrill, nounmane, nounman-eater, nounmare, nounmarmoset, nounmarsupial, nounmarten, nounmastitis, nounmate, nounmate, verbmating, nounmaw, nounmenagerie, nounmew, verbmiaow, verbmice, nounmigrant, nounmilk, verbmimic, verbmimic, nounmink, nounmole, nounmollusc, nounmongoose, nounmongrel, nounmonkey, nounmoo, verbmoose, nounmoult, verbmountain goat, nounmountain lion, nounmouse, nounmule, nounmuskrat, nounmussel, nounmustang, nounmutt, nounmuzzle, nounnag, nounnanny goat, nounnative, adjectivenative, nounnest, nounnewt, nounnocturnal, adjectiveocelot, nounoctopus, nounoffspring, nounoink, interjectionokapi, nounOld English sheepdog, nounomnivore, nounomnivorous, adjectiveopossum, nounorangutang, nounotter, nounox, nounpachyderm, nounpack, nounpad, nounpair, nounpanda, nounpanther, nounparasite, nounparasitic, adjectivepaw, nounpaw, verbpeccary, nounpedigree, adjectivepeke, nounPekinese, nounpelt, nounPersian cat, nounpest, nounpheasant, nounpiebald, adjectivepied, adjectivepig, nounpiggy, nounpiglet, nounpincer, nounpine marten, nounpinto, nounpit bull terrier, nounpit pony, nounplankton, nounplate, nounplatypus, nounpointer, nounpolar bear, nounpolecat, nounpolyp, nounpony, nounpooch, nounpoodle, nounporcupine, nounporker, nounporpoise, nounPortuguese man-of-war, nounpossum, nounpouch, nounprairie dog, nounprance, verbpredation, nounpredator, nounpredatory, adjectiveprehensile, adjectiveprey, nounprickle, nounpride, nounprimate, nounproboscis, nounprocreate, verbprowl, verbpterodactyl, nounpuffin, nounpug, nounpullet, nounpuma, nounpup, nounpurebred, adjectivepurr, verbpussy, nounpython, nounquack, verbquadruped, nounquill, nounrabbit, nounrabbit warren, nounrabid, adjectiveraccoon, nounracoon, nounram, nounrat, nounrattler, nounrattlesnake, nounravening, adjectivereindeer, nounreptile, nounretract, verbretriever, nounrhesus monkey, nounrhino, nounrhinoceros, nounroan, nounrodent, nounroe deer, nounrottweiler, nounruminant, nounruminate, verbrump, nounrunt, nounrut, nounsable, nounsac, nounsalamander, nounsausage dog, nounscavenge, verbschool, nounscorpion, nounseal, nounsea lion, nounseashell, nounsea urchin, nounsemen, nounserpent, nounsetter, nounsex, verbshed, verbsheep, nounsheepdog, nounShetland pony, nounshire horse, nounshrew, nounshrimp, nounSiamese cat, nounsilkworm, nounsimian, adjectivesire, nounskin, nounskunk, nounsloth, nounslug, nounsnail, nounsnake, nounsnakebite, nounsnarl, verbsniffer dog, nounsnout, nounsocial, adjectivesow, nounspaniel, nounspawn, verbspawn, nounsperm whale, nounsponge, nounspoor, nounspore, nounspringbok, nounsquid, nounsquirrel, nounstag, nounstallion, nounstarfish, nounSt Bernard, nounsteed, nounsteer, nounsting, nounstinger, nounstoat, nounstomach, nounstray, adjectivestray, nounstud, nounsucker, nounsuckle, verbsuckling, nounswine, nountadpole, nountail, nountame, adjectivetame, verbtapeworm, nountapir, nounteat, nountentacle, nounterrapin, nounterrier, nounterritorial, adjectiveterritory, nountiger, nountigress, nountoad, nountom, nountomcat, nountooth, nountortoise, nountortoiseshell, nountrumpet, verbtrunk, nountufted, adjectiveturtle, nountusk, nountyrannosaurus, nounudder, nounuterus, nounvampire bat, nounvent, nounvermin, nounvertebrate, nounvicuña, nounviper, nounvivarium, nounvixen, nounvole, nounwag, verbwallaby, nounwallow, verbwalrus, nounwarm-blooded, adjectivewarren, nounwarthog, nounwater buffalo, nounwater rat, nounwater vole, nounweasel, nounweevil, nounwhale, nounwhelk, nounwhelp, nounwhelp, verbwhinny, verbwhippet, nounwhisker, nounwild boar, nounwildcat, nounwildebeest, nounwildfowl, nounwinkle, nounwithers, nounwolf, nounwolfhound, nounwombat, nounwool, nounyak, nounyap, verbyap, nounyearling, nounyelp, nounYorkshire terrier, nounyoung, nounzebra, nounzoologist, nounzoology, nounzygote, noun
· He cleaned his teeth and brushed his hair.
· Regular grooming with a special fine flea comb should alert you to the presence of these troublesome parasites.· I searched the town for finer combs, washed all our clothes again and shampooed both of us morning and night.
· Then she took out a comb, and began to set it into some kind of order.· She took a comb from her bag and combed her hair, looking at herself in the mirror.· He took a comb from the pocket of his suit and stood at the sink.· He crossed to his locker and took out a comb, running it through his short black hair.
· Never brush your hair when wet; instead use a wide-tooth comb.· Don't over brush. Use a special wide-toothed comb to tease curls into place.· Heat can help here too 5 Use a comb spreader to apply fresh adhesive to the floor.· He has lost half his hair, and that which is left could use a comb.
1comb (1) [countable] a flat piece of plastic, metal etc with a row of thin teeth on one side, used for making your hair tidybrush2[countable] a small flat piece of plastic, metal etc with a row of thin teeth on one side, used for keeping your hair back or for decoration3[singular] if you give your hair a comb, you make it tidy using a comb:  Your hair needs a good comb.4[countable] the red piece of flesh that grows on top of a male chicken’s head5[countable] a honeycomb fine-tooth comb
comb1 nouncomb2 verb
combcomb2 ●●● S3 verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theycomb
he, she, itcombs
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theycombed
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave combed
he, she, ithas combed
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad combed
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill comb
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have combed
Continuous Form
PresentIam combing
he, she, itis combing
you, we, theyare combing
PastI, he, she, itwas combing
you, we, theywere combing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been combing
he, she, ithas been combing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been combing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be combing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been combing
  • His blond hair was neatly combed.
  • Police and volunteers are combing the countryside in the hope of finding the missing boy.
  • Rescuers combed the hillsides but found no trace of the missing climbers.
  • The children combed the shoreline for shells.
  • Tugboats and helicopters combed the area before the body was finally found.
  • After applying, comb through to ensure even distribution and leave for a minimum of three minutes.
  • Hours later, police were still combing the blood-smeared lobby for evidence.
  • It has no elasticity, is brittle and breaks easily when brushed or combed.
  • Let him see the hand go through the hair, as if combing the wetness out.
  • Never before have we been so potent, not even in New York when we were combing nurses out of our hair.
  • Oh, yes, I comb their hair and, when I am finished, I sing to them.
  • She had not combed out her hair.
  • There was no way I could search the entire house, but I could certainly comb a couple of places.
Longman Language Activatorto search a place to try to find someone or something
· At the site, rescue workers have been searching systematically in the hope of finding more survivors.search a place/area etc · Police have searched the area near his home, but have so far found nothing.search (a place) for · Local people are still searching woods near the victim's home for any clues to help find her killer.
to search an area very carefully and thoroughly, looking for something that is very important: scour a place for: · A team of detectives is scouring the area for the murder weapon.· Developers are scouring the country for possible sites for these new superstores.
to thoroughly examine a large area in great detail, especially by moving across it, looking for something or someone that is difficult to find: · Police and volunteers are combing the countryside in the hope of finding the missing boy.· Rescuers combed the hillsides but found no trace of the missing climbers.comb a place for: · The children combed the shoreline for shells.
to search for something in a river, lake etc by pulling a heavy net along the bottom: · The murder weapon, a kitchen knife, was found when police dragged a nearby pond.
to search a room, house, cupboard etc very thoroughly and roughly in order to find things or steal things, usually causing a lot of untidiness or damage: · Thieves broke in and ransacked the house.· The newspaper's offices were ransacked by members of the secret police.
if the police raid a place, they arrive there suddenly to look for criminals, drugs, or stolen goods: · The Casino nightclub has been closed since it was raided last month.· Police officers raided a house in North London last night, and found substantial quantities of illegal drugs.
to search a house, a room etc very thoroughly, often making it very untidy: · We turned all the cupboards inside out but couldn't find the letters.· I turned the house upside down looking for my birth certificate.
Afro, nounaftershave, nounanti-perspirant, nounastringent, adjectiveastringent, nounatomizer, nounauburn, adjectivebackcomb, verbbald, adjectivebalding, adjectivebalm, nounbarber, nounbarbershop, nounbarrette, nounbath, nounbathe, verbbeard, nounbeautician, nounbeautify, verbbeauty contest, nounbeauty mark, nounbeauty parlor, nounbeauty queen, nounbeauty salon, nounbikini line, nounblackhead, nounblond, adjectiveblonde, adjectiveblonde, nounblow-dry, verbblusher, nounbob, verbbob, nounbody, nounbody spray, nounbrilliantine, nounBrylcreem, nounbubble bath, nounbun, nounbuzzcut, nouncleanser, nouncoiffure, nouncold cream, nouncollagen, nouncologne, nouncomb, nouncomb, verbcompact, nouncomplexion, nouncondition, verbconditioner, nouncornrows, nouncosmetic, adjectivecosmetics, nouncosmetic surgery, nouncotton bud, nouncotton wool, nouncream, noundental floss, noundeodorant, noundepilatory, noundimple, noundouble chin, noundowny, adjectiveeau de cologne, nounelectrolysis, nounemery board, nounessential oil, nouneyebrow pencil, nouneyeliner, nouneye shadow, nounface cream, nounfacelift, nounface pack, nounface powder, nounfacial, nounfacial scrub, nounfalse teeth, nounflannel, nounflattop, nounfoam, nounfoundation, nounfragrance, nounfringe, noungel, noungrey, adjectivegrey, verbgrip, nounhairbrush, nounhaircut, nounhairdo, nounhairdresser, nounhairdryer, nounhairgrip, nounhairline, nounhairnet, nounhairpiece, nounhairpin, nounhair slide, nounhairspray, nounhairstyle, nounhealth farm, nounhenna, nounhighlight, verbhirsute, adjectivehydrogen peroxide, nounkinky, adjectiveknot, nounkohl, nounlacquer, nounlacquer, verblank, adjectivelanolin, nounlather, verblayer, verbliner, nounlip gloss, nounliposuction, nounlipstick, nounloofah, nounlotion, nounlowlights, nounmade-up, adjectivemake-up, nounmanicure, nounmanicured, adjectivemascara, nounmedicated, adjectivemilky, adjectivemoisturize, verbmoisturizer, nounmousse, nounmoustache, nounmoustachioed, adjectivemousy, adjectivemouthwash, nounmudbath, nounmudpack, nounmusk, nounmustachioed, adjectivemutton chop whiskers, nounmyrrh, nounnailbrush, nounnail file, nounnail polish, nounnail scissors, nounnit, nounnose job, nounoil, nounointment, nounolive, nounpaint, verbpart, nounpart, verbparting, nounpate, nounpedicure, nounperfume, nounperfume, verbperfumery, nounperm, nounperm, verbpermanent, nounpermanent wave, nounperoxide, nounpigtail, nounplait, nounpomade, nounponytail, nounpowder, verbpowder puff, nounpreen, verbprimp, verbpumice, nounquiff, nounraven, adjectiverazor, nounrecede, verbred, adjectiveredhead, nounrhinoplasty, nounroll-on, nounrosewater, nounrouge, nounscent, nounshampoo, nounshampoo, verbshave, verbshave, nounshaven, adjectiveshaver, nounshaving brush, nounshaving cream, nounshort back and sides, nounshower cap, nounshower gel, nounsideburns, nounskincare, nounslide, nounsoap, verbspa, nounspiky, adjectivesplit ends, nounspray, nounstringy, adjectivestylist, nounsunbed, nounsunblock, nounsunburn, nounsun cream, nounsunglasses, nounsunlamp, nounsunscreen, nounsunshade, nounsuntan, nounsuntan lotion, nounsun-worshipper, nounswarthy, adjectiveswept-back, adjectivetalc, nountalcum powder, nountease, verbtester, nountoilet bag, nountoiletries, nountoilet water, nountone, verbtoner, nountooth, nountoothbrush, nountoothpaste, nountoothpick, nountooth powder, nountweezers, nounvanity case, nounVaseline, nounwar paint, nounwash, nounwave, nounwave, verbwavy, adjectivewax, verbwear, verbwetting solution, nounwhisker, nounwig, nounwrinkle, noun
 Melanie ran upstairs to comb her hair.
· He cleaned his teeth and brushed his hair.
· She straightened up as Melissa approached, pulled off one of her gardening gloves and combed back her hair with her fingers.· She sat her on the counter beside the sink and combed back her thin hair.· Sharp colour and defined curls create dramatic impact For a classic fifties look short hair is combed back from the face.· He was shaved and smelled of aftershave, his hair combed back.· Looking in the mirror that was perched precariously on the windowsill, he combed back the hair that hung over his eyes.· His hair was combed back smoothly over his round skull.· Pictures of me at the time show me to have my hair combed back, without parting, from my forehead.· The little guy's flattop is combed back too much, and the face is missing those character-telling wrinkles.
· She was combing out her blonde hair and pouring a colourless liquid from a bottle over her head.· Afterwards she combed out long gray curls which turned into ringlets in the sun.· His own hair was combed out over his shoulders, and for make-up he had used only the faintest trace of kohl.· She had not combed out her hair.· But if you sit here a moment, I will comb out your hair, and you may keep the comb.· Typically, layoffs comb out the young, eager employees and leave behind the deadwood-in jobs they neither know nor want.· I did comb out a single dead louse, and we inspected it on a sheet of white paper.
· After applying, comb through to ensure even distribution and leave for a minimum of three minutes.· Stroke the Luminescent Mousse quickly through your hair and comb through, making sure that it is well distributed at the roots.· Simply apply them evenly through towel-dried hair, comb through and set hair as usual.· This is sprayed on to hair before perming and combed through to regulate hair's porosity and ensure an even finish.· Lightly comb through to the ends.· Simply spray on to damp hair that has been lightly towel-dried and comb through.
· The latter were neatly dressed, the girls in calico aprons, the boys in knickerbocker suits with their hair combed flat.· Let him see the hand go through the hair, as if combing the wetness out.· I wear my hair long and I comb it forward to hide as much as possible of my face.· His thick brown hair was combed straight back.· Stroke the Luminescent Mousse quickly through your hair and comb through, making sure that it is well distributed at the roots.· I am neat, clean, and my hair is combed.· Sharp colour and defined curls create dramatic impact For a classic fifties look short hair is combed back from the face.· He was shaved and smelled of aftershave, his hair combed back.
1to make hair look tidy using a comb:  Melanie ran upstairs to comb her hair.2to search a place thoroughlycomb something for somebody/something Police are still combing the woods for the missing boy.comb something ↔ out phrasal verb to use a comb to make untidy hair look smooth and tidy:  She sat combing out her hair in front of the kitchen mirror.comb through something phrasal verb to search through a lot of objects or information in order to find a specific thing or piece of information:  We spent weeks combing through huge piles of old documents.




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