Politicians are not known for their probity or punctuality.
Anglo-Saxon probity is hardly seen as a virtue here.
I see that I enjoy an exaggerated reputation for probity among my compatriots.
It is hardly necessary to emphasise the necessity of probity for all members of the Bar.
It is possible to criticise a merchant's goods without reflecting on the competence or the probity of their producer.
Measure for Measure, set in ducal Vienna, is a much darker meditation on power, lust and moral probity.
The boundary between probity and fraud was much more difficult to draw in this area.
The maintenance of his fragile coalition caused Namaliu further difficulties in 1990 and compromised his own considerable reputation for integrity and probity.
There is surely no better way to advertise your professional probity.
formal complete honesty: I have always found Bentner to be a model of probity in our dealings.