

单词 buyer


Brit. /ˈbʌɪə/, U.S. /ˈbaɪər/
Forms: Middle English beger, Middle English beggere, Middle English beyeres (plural), Middle English beyȝere, Middle English biere, Middle English biger, Middle English bigger, Middle English biggere, Middle English buggares (plural), Middle English bugger, Middle English buggere, Middle English byare, Middle English byere, Middle English byȝar, Middle English byger, Middle English bygger, Middle English byggere, Middle English–1500s bier, Middle English–1600s byar, Middle English–1600s byer, 1500s buier, 1500s– buyer; N.E.D. (1888) also records a form Middle English byȝer; Scottish pre-1700 bayare, pre-1700 bayer, pre-1700 biar, pre-1700 byar, pre-1700 byare, pre-1700 byer, pre-1700 1700s– buyer.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: buy v., -er suffix1.
Etymology: < buy v. + -er suffix1.Compare Old English bycgend buyer, purchaser (compare -end suffix1).
a. A person who buys something with money (or an equivalent); a purchaser.Also with modifier specifying the item bought, as in book buyer n., souvenir buyer, wool-buyer n., etc.
society > trade and finance > buying > buyer > [noun]
a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 213 Þe sullere loueð his þing dere... Ðe beger bet litel þar fore.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 14730 Bath best and bier vte he beft.
1480 Higden's Discripcion Brit. (Caxton) ix It is best chepe because of the byars and sellars that ben at london.
1577 R. Stanyhurst Treat. Descr. Irelande vi. f. 20v/2, in R. Holinshed Chron. I He came hither as a byer [1587 bier], not as a begger.
1632 S. Rutherford Let. in Joshua Redivivus (1671) 447 As the frank buyer who cometh near to what the seller seeketh, useth at last to refer the difference to his will, and so cutteth off the course of mutual prigging.
1752 G. G. Beekman Let. 23 Oct. in Beekman Mercantile Papers (1956) I. 152 Flaxseed is at 6/ with you... Which all the buyers in this Town knows.
1872 J. Yeats Growth Commerce 99 The towns of Lombardy were active buyers of Eastern commodities.
1925 Woman's World (Chicago) Apr. 17/1 A table of oak, on which is stamped..a design intended to make the buyer suppose that the table is quartered oak.
1988 K. Lynch Adventures on Wine Route (1990) viii. 222 To most wine buyers, Aligoté suggests a sharp, bare-boned wine.
2014 L. Floridi 4th Revol. ii. 52 In 2013, Amazon..began offering buyers of printed books the corresponding ebooks for free, or at a discounted price.
b. spec. An agent who selects and buys stock for a shop, company, etc.
society > trade and finance > buying > buyer > [noun] > employed by mercantile house
1856 Rep. Select Comm. Contracts for Public Dept.: Minutes of Evid. 9 in Parl. Papers (H.C. 362) VII. 117 Are you aware that a good buyer will get five times the salary in a mercantile house that a good seller will?
1885 Manch. Examiner 20 May 4/7 The prisoner represented himself as buyer to Messrs. Huntley and Palmer.
1974 tr. G. Simenon Venice Train 112 He's a buyer for the sports department of a store in Paris.
2021 @babsbutterfly2 5 Feb. in twitter.com (accessed 9 June 2022) I worked as a buyer for a Fortune 500 co. so am experienced with delivery problems.
c. Police slang and Criminals' slang. A person who deals in stolen goods; = fence n. 8a.
the mind > possession > taking > stealing or theft > thief > receiver of stolen goods > [noun]
family man1747
1886 T. Byrnes Professional Criminals Amer. 44 The reason why the rogues are kept in ignorance of the final hiding-place is to prevent them, should there be any bickering as to the price, from betraying the buyer.
1956 ‘C. Raven’ Underworld Nights 21 The most impressive woman crook I've ever known was Bella Bennett, the buyer.
2012 A. Magson Death on Point Noir xl. 268 They don't like casual callers; Caspar went in as a buyer and nearly got himself tenderised with iron bars.
2. A person who redeems another or others from sin or damnation; spec. (frequently with the) God or Christ = redeemer n. 1. After the early 16th cent. used only as merged with sense 1a as part of an extended metaphor.
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Son or Christ > [noun] > as saviour
righteous maker1535
horn of salvation (health)1611
a1333 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 22 Holy moder, þat bere cryst buggere of monkunde.
a1400 Psalter (Vesp.) xviii. 16 in C. Horstmann Yorkshire Writers (1896) II. 152 Lauerd mi helper..And mi bier vn-to blisse.
a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Psalter (Univ. Oxf. 64) (1884) xviii. 16 (MED) Lord, my helpere and my biere.
1525 R. Whitford tr. Hugh of St. Victor Expos. v. in tr. St. Augustine Rule f. liii This byer & marchaunt is our lorde & sauyour Iesu.
1658 J. Durham Comm. Bk. Revelation 300 The Mediator as the buyer and Redeemer,..to wit, to engage to be a Redeemer to such and such persons, to consent to lay down such and such a satisfaction and price for their Redemption, and to perform the same in the time and manner condescended upon by the Lord.
1755 E. Young Centaur iv. 207 Lord..Thou Giver, Guider, Lover, yea, Buyer, of Souls!
1800 D. Eaton Script. Only Guide Relig. Truth vi. 74 If we are to suppose either God or Christ the buyer, and his blood the price with which Christians are bought, the question will be asked, of whom are they bought?
1840 Millenial Harbinger Oct. 465 Who is the redeemer, the buyer,..the ransomer of the people?..God by the hand of Moses redeemed and purchased Israel from Egyptian bondage.
1986 W. Lee Life Study Matthew (2022) (e-book ed.) The church as God's chosen and predestinated people also requires a buyer because those people became lost.
2005 D. Francois Tolmie in Salvation in New Test. ii. iv. 250 The focus shifted to Christ, the ‘buyer’.


buyer beware: (used to express) the principle that a person making a purchase is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before any exchange of money; earliest as beware the buyer, later frequently in let the buyer beware. Cf. caveat emptor at caveat n. 1b. [After post-classical Latin caveat emptor : see caveat emptor at caveat n. 1b] .
the world > action or operation > manner of action > care, carefulness, or attention > caution > with caution [phrase] > precaution proceeding purchase
caveat emptor?1523
1607 E. Sharpham Fleire ii. sig. C4 They are no prouerb breakers: beware the buyer say they.
1619 J. Dyke Counterpoison against Covetousnes 57 Take no more for a commoditie then it is worth. We vse to say in another case, Caueat emptor, let the buyer beware; but here I say, caueat venditor, let the seller beware and take heed of couetousnesse.
1761 Country Gentleman, Farmer & Housewife's Compend. Instructor vii. 203 It is a cheap way of drying, but let the buyer beware he is not deceived, especially if he buy malt of this brown sort.
1861 Daily News 11 Dec. 6/3 Although a man who made a bad bargain without a warranty, could not recover, as the old rule—buyer, beware—applied, yet a warranty was binding on him who gave it.
1895 Maine Farmer 31 Oct. 1/6 Nor can a Board escape responsibility by quoting the common law—‘Let the buyer beware’.
1992 Dogs Today Dec. 28/2 Some [manufacturers] put a lot of effort into developing and testing their products. Others would appear to be after making a quick buck. It's definitely a case of ‘buyer beware’.
2015 St. Joseph (Missouri) News-Press (Nexis) 7 Aug. Potential bidders should do their research before bidding, and also should realize it's a buyer-beware transaction, as there are no inspections of the properties prior to sale.


buyers' market n. a market in which goods, stocks, shares, etc., are plentiful and cheap.
society > trade and finance > trading conditions > [noun] > supply and demand or market > state of the market > specific state of market
good cheapc1325
great cheapc1375
sacrifice market1888
buyers' market1926
seller's market1934
1881 Boston Daily Advertiser 22 July 6/1 The tone of the market is about the same with strong holders, but it is distinctly a buyers' market.
1930 Economist 13 Dec. 1105/1 The problem..is the marketing of about 300 million bushels of Canadian grain at adequate prices in what is obviously a buyers' market.
2006 K. W. Bender Moneymakers iii. 70 Giori's market was actually a typical buyers' market in which the customer had the last word.
2021 Sun (Nigeria) (Nexis) 16 Mar. The equities market has now become a buyers' market and this presents an opportunity for investors especially bargain hunters to buy some stocks that are undervalued so that when the current situation improves, they can benefit immensely.
buyer's remorse n. (also buyer remorse, buyers' remorse) originally and chiefly U.S. a feeling of regret experienced after making a purchase, typically one regarded as unnecessary or too expensive; also in extended use.
1951 Post-Standard (Syracuse, N.Y.) 7 Oct. (Mag.) Helen wasn't happy until she was buzzing around from store to store in search of a bowl that was a buy... She settled for a salad set that wasn't quite what she wanted. Then buyer's remorse set in.
1997 New Yorker 6 Oct. 56/1 The publishers spend too much. Then they go through a period of buyer's remorse.
2004 Chicago Tribune (Midwest ed.) 8 Aug. v. 4/2 We've all been around long enough to recall wave after wave of planned obsolescence and resulting buyer remorse throughout the history of personal computing.
2012 S. Townsend Woman who went to Bed for Year xxxi. 185 Decide how much to spend on distant or near relations, trawl round shops, ignore present list and make ludicrous impulse buys. Arrive home, unload presents, immediately suffer from buyer's remorse.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2022).




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