

单词 without remorse

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without remorse
P1. without remorse: without mitigation, respite, or hesitation; wholeheartedly, unreservedly (cf. remorselessly adv. 2).In quot. a1616 with of.
the world > action or operation > continuing > continually (in action) [phrase]
night and dayeOE
day and nightOE
without(en) blina1300
morning, noon, and nightc1325
but stintc1330
by and byc1330
early and latec1330
without ceasec1330
without ceasinga1340
withouten hoc1374
without releasec1400
still opece1422
in a ranec1480
never ceasable?1518
without remorse1555
every foot (and anon)1561
year in and year out1819
twenty-four hours a day1914
1555 R. Eden tr. V. Biringucci Pyrotechnia in tr. Peter Martyr of Angleria Decades of Newe Worlde f. 333 He therfore that hath begune to digge a caue, let hym determine to folowe it, puttinge away thestimation of the basenes therof, and not to feare the streyghtnesse of the way, but rather to applye all his possible diligence withowt remorse [It. senza remorso].
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) ii. iii. 87 That ye squeak out your Coziers Catches without any mitigation or remorse of voice. View more context for this quotation
1675 Mock Songs & Joking Poems 68 It burnt her Hood without remorse And had not then a Fen been near With water to quench it, I fear Her lovely Hair to wrack had gone.
1782 W. Cowper Hope in Poems 154 Kind souls! to teach their tenantry to prize What they themselves without remorse despise.
1885 Cent. Mag. July 397/1 Notwithstanding all the wholesale ways of fishing which were practiced without remorse,..one catches now and then a glimpse of a quiet angler of the true Izaak Walton breed.
1998 M. S. Lief et al. Ladies & Gentlemen of Jury x. 399 When the law is disobeyed, it must be exposed and it must be condemned without remorse, without hesitation.
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