

单词 weak sister

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weak sister
b. In the translations of the Bible from Tyndale onward, used to render Greek ἀσθενής, ἀσθενῶν, applied by St. Paul (esp. in Romans xiv and 1 Corinthians viii) to believers whose scruples, though unsound, should be treated with tenderness, lest they should be led by the example of the more enlightened into acts condemned by their conscience. Hence allusively in weaker brethren (often supposed to be a scriptural phrase), applied to the more timorous members of a party, who are in danger of being shocked by extreme statements of principle or policy; weak sister (colloquial, originally U.S.), an ineffectual or unreliable person (of either sex); a person of weak character; also transferred.In the Wycliffite and other early versions the rendering is ‘sick’ (Vulgate infirmus).
society > faith > aspects of faith > [adjective] > having faith > with unsound scruples
society > authority > rule or government > politics > party politics > groups or attitudes right to left > [noun] > moderatism > other opposed to extremism
weaker brethren1882
1526 Bible (Tyndale) 1 Cor. viii. 11 But take hede that youre libertie cause nott the weake to faule.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) 1 Cor. viii. 11 And so thorow thy knowledge shall the weake brother perisshe for whom christ dyed.
1573 T. Cartwright Replye to Answere Whitgifte To Church sig. Aiiiv That the setters forwarde of thys cause..giue occasion to the papists of slaundering the religion, & to the weake of offence.
1675 B. Parry in B. Duppa Holy Rules & Helps Devotion (new ed.) i. To Rdr. sig. A3v If Noise and Clamour might pass for Inspiration, the Apostles must go for Weak-Brethren, and mere Novices, compared with our New Lights.
?1779 R. Richardson Epist. to Vicar of Rochdale Ded. p. xvii But recollecting the many Christian Injunctions in Favour of weak Brethren, you thus proceeded with your Charge.
1857 Call (San Francisco) 3 May 1/1 G. W. Swerzy..is a ‘weak sister’ and a rather ‘bad egg’.
1866 ‘G. Eliot’ Felix Holt I. iv. 95 ‘I lack grace to deal with these weak sisters,’ said the minister.
1882 W. Besant All Sorts of Men I. viii. 194 I do as little as I can..on Sunday, because of the weaker brethren. The Sunday we [sc. Seventh Day Independents] keep as a holiday.
1949 R. B. West Rocky Mt. Cities 311 The morning Rocky Mountain News..dawdled along as one of the weakest sisters in the Scripps-Howard string [of newspapers].
1955 E. Berckman Beckoning Dream (1956) xix. 135 Luanna was a softie.., a weak sister. She's the one you'd expect to go all to pieces, and she did.
1976 ‘J. Ross’ I know what it's like to Die xvii. 116 Birdsell was a weak sister... He was..known to be greedy and a physical coward.
extracted from weakadj.n.
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