

单词 was vanished

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was vanished
c. In perfect tense with be; esp. was vanished = had vanished. Obsolete.
1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis II. 259 Thus it befell..Sche was vanyssht riht as hir liste, That no wyht bot hirself it wiste.
a1400 Partonope (Univ. Coll. MS.) 826 (2568) With that worde sodenly they be Vanesshid a-way, that trewly he Wote neuer where they be become.
c1425 J. Lydgate Assembly of Gods 1188 So sodenly As they were vanysshyd saw I neuer thyng with ey.
a1505 R. Henryson Orpheus & Eurydice 113 in Poems (1981) 135 And quhen scho wanyst was and invisible, Hir madin wepit.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) xxiii. 68 By that tyme they had gone a lytyll by ye ryuer syde they loste ye syght of ye castell, it was clene vanysshyd a way.
a1628 F. Greville Cælica xli, in Certaine Wks. (1633) 189 And I poore Ixion to my Iuno vowed, With thoughts to clip her, clipt my owne desire: For she was vanisht, I held nothing fast.
1678 D. Manly Hexham's Woorden-boeck (rev. ed.) Het is verstoven,..it is Vanished away as dust.
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