

单词 waif and stray or straif

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waif and stray or †straif
a. A piece of property which is found ownerless and which, if unclaimed within a fixed period after due notice given, falls to the lord of the manor; e.g. an article washed up on the seashore, an animal that has strayed. Often waif and stray or †straif: cf. stray n. 1, straif n.Not evidenced as English before 1377; the bracketed quots. represent the Anglo-Norman use of 13–15th centuries, in which the word is often collective singular meaning lost property collectively or the right of the lord to such property.
the mind > possession > possessions > [noun] > personal or movable property > flotsam or jetsam > a piece of
1223 in W. Kennett Parochial Antiq. (1818) II. 275 Recognitum est..quod ad nos spectat le Gwayf &c in terris nostris.
c1290 Fleta (1647) i. xlvii. 62 Si quis..libertatem Weyvii habere clamans, animal vagans in feodo suo invenerit.
1293 Rolls of Parl. I. 115/1 Omnia Animalia que dicuntur Wayf, inventa in predictis terris.
1372 in W. Kennett Parochial Antiq. (1818) II. 151 Dicte xix marce seisite fuerunt ibidem tanquam Wayf in manum prioris.
1400 in Liber Custum. (Rolls) 486 Quod prædictus Dux..haberet..omnimoda catalla vocata ‘Wayf’ et ‘Stray’.
a1425 ( in J. T. Fowler Memorials Church SS. Peter & Wilfrid, Ripon (1882) I. 52 Wrek, weyf, stray, merchet.]
1377 W. Langland Piers Plowman B. Prol. 94 Of wardes and wardmotes, weyues and streyues.1444 Rolls of Parl. V. 126/2 All maner Wayffes and Strayes, and othur godes forfeted.1447 J. Shillingford Lett. (Camden) 99 He and his predecessours..have had view of Frank Plegge weif and straif and all other profits longing to a view.1455 Rolls of Parl. V. 311/2 Wrecke of the Sea, Weyves, Estrayes.1546 in R. G. Marsden Sel. Pleas Court Admiralty (1894) I. 148 The sayde Leonard Sumpter fyndynge the sayde shyppe..dryvynge with the streamys as a wayff and forsaken of all creatures toke and seased uppon the same as lawfull wayff and thynge forsaken.1547 in J. H. Glover Kingsthorpiana (1883) 93 That all wavys and strays from hense forthe shalbe delyvered to the Baylie by the Thurbarrowes.a1642 R. Callis Reading of Statute of Sewers (1647) i. 22 When an owner cannot be found, the Common Law gives it Domino Regi, as Waifs, Strays, Wreck of the Sea.1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. viii. 292 Wrecks, treasure trove,..waifs, and estrays, may be granted by the king to particular subjects, as a royal franchise: and indeed they are for the most part granted out to the lords of manors.1826 W. Scott Woodstock I. ii. 51 Sir Henry Lee is keeper of Woodstock Park, with right of waif and stray [etc.].1852 I. Pfeiffer Journey Iceland 85 He has a right to all the waifs, which is a privilege of some importance, on account of the wood drifted from the American continent.1866 C. Kingsley Hereward the Wake I. vi. 171 The country folk, who were prowling about the shore after the waifs of the storm.incorrect use.1871 J. Ruskin Fors Clavigera I. iii. 18 Hearing that a considerable treasure of ancient coins and medals has been found in the lands of Vidomar, Viscount of Limoges, King Richard sends forthwith to claim this waif for himself.
extracted from waifn.1adj.
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