

单词 valuable


Brit. /ˈvaljᵿbl/, /ˈvaljʊəbl/, U.S. /ˈvælj(əw)əb(ə)l/
Forms: 1500s valeable, 1500s vaylabill, 1500s–1700s valueable, 1500s– valuable, 1600s valewable, 1600s valluable, 1600s veluable; Scottish pre-1700 valowable, pre-1700 valuble, pre-1700 1700s– valuable, 1800s vaeluable, 1800s vailable, 1800s vailyble, 1800s valable.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: value v., -able suffix.
Etymology: < value v. + -able suffix.
A. adj.
1. Based on good authority; (also) legally acceptable or binding; valid.In later use often with connotations of sense A. 3a.
the mind > mental capacity > understanding > reason, faculty of reasoning > process of reasoning, ratiocination > argument, source of conviction > [adjective] > strong, valid, convincing
?1515 W. Harrington Commendations of Matrimony sig. C.iii The maryage is not valeable nor holdeth not.
1565 Ordinance Bk. Merchants of Staple (1937) 137 Whiche setting over..shalbe as good and valueable as thoughe the parties had ben here personally present.
1647 N. Ward Simple Cobler Aggawam 8 He that will rather make an irreligious quarell with other Religions, then try the Truth of his own by valuable Arguments.
1694 tr. E. Benoist Hist. Famous Edict of Nantes I. 484 The Paper of Notice shall be affix'd to the Post of the said Marketplaces... And in so doing the said Publications shall be good and valuable.
1750 tr. F. de S. de la M. Fénelon Lett. upon Divers Subj. iii. iv. 135 Nothing is more unjust than only to consider myself for no other reason but that it is myself. This is no valuable reason, it is no more than a torrent of self-love.
1852 J. A. Roebuck Hist. Whig Ministry I. v. 243 He..had the pleasure..of hearing a novel, if not a very valuable reason given for continued exclusion.
1904 Amer. Jrnl. Obstetr. & Dis. Women 50 437 I have seen my patients recover without any recurrent ascites, which is a valuable reason for thinking that the peritoneal growths had disappeared.
1968 Freeport (Illinois) Jrnl.-Standard 7 Nov. 4/3 Coupon Valuable at Scotts.
1972 in A. Prahlad African-American Prov. in Context ii. 53 Just 'cause I pinched and saved and didn't throw my money away on liquor..ain't no valuable reason why..me can't get de pension.
a. Of material or monetary value; having value for use or for exchange; (now frequently, when not marked for comparison by as, how, more, most, etc.) of high monetary value, precious.
society > trade and finance > monetary value > [adjective]
1539 Act 31 Hen. VIII xii. f. xvi Euerye inheritour & possessour of manours landes or tenementes..shuld..enioy the profites reuenues and commodities of the same, as well in thynges of hygh pleasure, as in thynges commonly valuable.
1589 T. Nashe To Students in R. Greene Menaphon Epist. sig. **2v Which being the effect of an vndescerning iudgement, makes drosse as valuable as gold.
1621 T. Mun Disc. Trade 13 40. or 50. thousand pounds starling..is no valuable summ in respect of that wealth which is carried from Aleppo and Constantinople into Persia for Raw-silkes.
1686 Bp. G. Burnet Some Lett. conc. Switzerland iii. 131 I did not see the Gospel of St. Mark, which is one of the valuablest things of the Treasure.
1710 H. Prideaux Orig. & Right Tithes ii. 77 Which makes ‘tithes’ at least one fourth part less valueable to them, than they were to the Levitical Priesthood.
1757 tr. J. G. Keyssler Trav. III. 295 A very valuable cabinet where the arrangement is very judicious, especially as to the coins and medals.
1776 Trial Maha Rajah Nundocomar for Forgery 82/2 Do you know whether he kept jewels, or other valuable effects there?
1825 J. R. McCulloch Princ. Polit. Econ. i. i. 2 A commodity or a product is not valuable because it is useful; but it is valuable because it can only be procured by the intervention of labour.
1876 H. Fawcett Man. Polit. Econ. (ed. 5) iii. xvi. 503 Gold was, during the Middle Ages, about 16 times more valuable than the same weight of silver.
1934 Z. Fitzgerald Auction—Model 1934 in Esquire July 155/2 And the collection, after all, is just about as valuable now as the Polish and Peruvian bonds of our thriftier friends.
1974 Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. 87 481 More valuable coins were overestimated in number compared with less valuable coins.
2008 Guardian 9 Sept. 7/1 A giant sea snail which can produce rare and valuable pearls is being closely guarded at Birmingham's National Sea Life Centre.
b. valuable consideration n. Law legal consideration (consideration n. 6) having some economic value, which is necessary for a contract to be enforceable; an instance of this.
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > payment for labour or service > [noun] > anything regarded as
valuable consideration1611
1611 R. Fenton Treat. Vsurie i. vii. 30 If it come meerely for loane, without any other valuable consideration..then is it that vsurie whereof the question moued is now to be discussed.
1656 R. Sanderson 20 Serm. 141 Some small trifle or other: which being of very little worth or use, and so not to be taken for a valuable consideration, may therefore be called nought or nothing.
1705 W. Nicolson London Diaries 26 Dec. (1985) 336 An old painted Legend of St Guthlac..is in the possession of Mr Le Neve; who will part with it, or any thing else, on a valuable Consideration.
1766 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. 297 A valuable consideration is such as money, marriage, or the like, which the law esteems an equivalent given for the grant.
1818 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. (ed. 2) II. 64 Not even an alienation, for a valuable consideration, to a purchaser..will avoid it.
1898 Ld. Harris in Westm. Gaz. 15 Oct. 7/1 Who will satisfy themselves that no valuable consideration has passed between the respective county clubs to bring about the transfer.
1921 A. Tardieu Truth about Treaty xiii. 419 To obtain valuable consideration to the amount of 112,000,000 francs..France was thenceforward to pay 22,000,000 francs in premiums and 190,625,000 francs in advances.
1980 Globe & Mail (Toronto) (Nexis) 21 Mar. The counts allege that he obtained a valuable consideration and sums of money for himself, his wife and his mother-in-law.
2007 Times (Nexis) 10 May 2 The legal argument focused on whether..a property adjustment order amounted to valuable consideration.
c. Esp. of a rent: amounting to a reasonable sum; significant; not nominal. Obsolete.
society > trade and finance > money > sum of money > [adjective] > large sum
1613 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 159 Vpon trust and confidence that they..shall demise the same at a valewable rent, and to the best profite.
1663 S. Tuke Adventures of Five Hours Ep. Ded. It is Your Pleasure (Noble Sir) that I should hold my Fortune from You; like those Tenants, who pay some Inconsiderable Trifle in lieu of a Valuable Rent.
1797 Laws of Maryland (1798) lxxxix §41 The said commissioners shall..consider the tenancy in dower, by curtesy, or for life, in possession, or estate for fifteen years without any valuable rent reserved, generally worth half the value of the fee-simple.
1818 M. Dawes Epitome Law Landed Prop. 73 The redendum..reserves a pepper-corn rent for one, two or three years, while the ground is building upon, and at the end thereof yeilding and paying a valuable rent for the rest of the term.
1876 H. N. Mozley & G. C. Whiteley Law Dict. 301/1 Even where an actual valuable return is not payable, it is usual to indicate the relation of reversioner and tenant by reserving a peppercorn or other nominal rent.
a. Having considerable importance or worth; of great use or benefit; having qualities which confer value.
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > worth > [adjective]
of pricea1325
of (‥) valourc1330
of value1395
at a premium1828
good value1842
1567 T. Stapleton Counterblast iv. xiii. f. 522 For Christ is the only mediatour, as both God and man, that is, as a meritorius and effectuall mediation, valuable through it self.
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) 146 Somewhat further, over heaps of stones of valewable portraictures, we mount towards the most lofty part of this Pallace.
1690 R. Boyle Let. 18 Oct. in Corr. (2001) VI. 313 You have not Censur'd me..for my not having sent you all this While an Acknoledgement of your Obligeing Letter and the Veluable present that Accompanyed it.
1727 R. Bradley Compl. Body Husbandry 236 The carrot is another deep rooted plant, and is valuable for the sake of the root as well as for the seed.
a1768 T. Secker Serm. Several Subj. (1770) IV. xviii. 387 Yet we never..doubt of their having a real, though unknown, Subserviency to valuable Ends.
1801 Med. & Physical Jrnl. 5 173 If they should accord with the spirit of your very valuable Journal, you are at full liberty to insert them.
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. xviii. 248 At such a moment the ministers could not refuse to listen to any person who professed himself able to give them valuable information.
1875 B. Jowett in tr. Plato Dialogues (ed. 2) V. 81 No instrument of education is more valuable than arithmetic.
1900 Daily News 7 Sept. 6/5 The two petrol omnibuses now running had taught them some valuable lessons.
1972 E. Wigginton Foxfire Bk. 254 The more we researched this chapter [on hunting], the more valuable an asset we found a good dog to be.
2009 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 13 Sept. (Styles section) 8/1 Your husband's work is recognized as inherently valuable, and your relatives are given preferential treatment.
b. Of great use or value to a person or for a purpose.
the world > action or operation > advantage > usefulness > [adjective] > very
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius f. 390v Releases & Pardons were esteemed, not to be in any respect valuable to clense the sinnes of guiltye consciences in the sight of God simply: but should be as pledges and witnesses of a full releasing their penaunce.
1645 H. Hammond Pract. Catech. 217 Peace and quiet living, if it may be gotten, is more valuable to them then life it selfe deprived of that.
1694 P. Falle Acct. Isle of Jersey ii. 67 'Tis a Sea-weed..more valuable to Us than the choicest Plant that grows in our Gardens.
1702 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion I. i. 67 King James..would often say, ‘that his access to the Crown of England was the more valuable to him, as it redeem'd him from the subjection to the ill manners..of those Preachers’.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson ii. iv. 164 These were the principal goods on board her; but we found besides, what was to us much more valuable than the rest of the cargoe.
1851 T. Carlyle Life J. Sterling ii. xi. 296 I..saw most of the usual wonders,—the Pæstan Temples being to me much the most valuable.
1878 W. S. Jevons Polit. Econ. 96 We may say that quinine is valuable for curing fevers,..or that water is valuable for putting out fires.
1883 Law Times 20 Oct. 405/2 Young solicitors will find many hints valuable to them interspersed among its contents.
1937 S. F. Armstrong Brit. Grasses (ed. 3) x. 215 Although definitely a ‘top grass’ of the hay type it is equally valuable for either grazing or mowing.
1956 R. Carrington Guide Earth Hist. (1958) v. 54 Two specialized types that are particularly valuable to our palaeontologist time-detectives..are fossilized dung..and fossil trackways.
2004 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 15 Jan. c2/1 A fax machine is valuable to you only if lots of other people you correspond with also have fax machines.
c. Of a person: entitled to consideration or distinction; worthy, estimable; (later also) useful.
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > excellence > [adjective] > and noble or magnificent
1598 F. Meres tr. Luis de Granada Sinners Guyde ii. xx. 513 In the harmony of the spirituall musick of the Church, he is no lesse valuable that eateth, then he that eateth not.
1645 J. Corbet Hist. Relation Mil. Govt. Gloucester 48 Every valuable person was active in his own place.
1703 E. M. Thompson Corr. Family of Hatton (1878) II. 250 Mr. Pepys, who was a very valuable person,..is dead, and was yesterday buryed.
1730 J. Southall Treat. Buggs 3 The late Learned and truly Valuable Dr. Woodward..approv'd the Design.
1776 J. Adams in J. Adams & A. Adams Familiar Lett. (1876) 148 We have this week lost a very valuable friend..by the smallpox in the natural way.
1808 S. T. Coleridge Coll. Lett. (1959) III. 76 If..perfect Simplicity and an unpretending nature, joined to shrewdness & entertainingness make a valuable Woman, Sara H. is so.
1816 J. Austen Emma I. viii. 120 In good hands, she will turn out a valuable woman. View more context for this quotation
1888 Dict. National Biogr. XL. 192/1 On her sailing for England in March 1785, he mourned her departure as that of his only valuable friend in the islands.
1943 K. A. Porter Let. 20 July (1990) iv. 271 Every talented, gifted, valuable man I know is in the army.
1981 A. Sillitoe Second Chance 204 An experienced sniper was too valuable to waste.
2006 Ecologist Feb. 15/1 It was his field work in Africa..that convinced the Syngenta-funded panel of researchers..that Hayes would be a valuable member of the team.
4. Capable of being compared or equated in value with something. In later use only modified by equally and tending to merge with sense A. 3a.
1576 A. Fleming tr. Cicero in Panoplie Epist. 365 There is within the whole compasse of the world, no special thing counterpeisable with learning, nor valuable with wisedome and knowledge.
a1644 F. Quarles Judgem. & Mercy (1646) 70 Is..a puffe of breath wee call life, valuable with his honour, in comparison of whom the very Angels are impure?
1651 T. Hobbes Philos. Rudim. ii. §14. 28 His Will..hath simply before it, for its object, a certain good valuable with the thing promised.
1659 J. Rushworth Hist. Coll. 2 They did not slight nor disrelish an Alliance with Spain; for many of the greatest eminency in England judge it equally valuable with any other of Christendom.
a1681 R. Allestree 40 Serm. (1684) II. v. 62 The preservation of publique safety and propriety is valuable with the lives of many men.
a1690 S. Jeake Compl. Body Arithm. (1701) iii. vi. x. 354 For after Division made thereby, the Quotient will be equally valuable with the Quotient of the divided Fractions.
1733 Pract. Husbandman & Planter I. 105 They [sc. common cherries] are of a bitterish sweet Relish, and are equally valuable with our small Black Cherries, for an Infusion in Spirits.
1768 Pennsylvania Gaz. 6 Oct. 2/3 The sun-flower oil may prove equally valuable with the best Florence oil for diet or medicine.
1830 N. Amer. Rev. July 71 This same intelligent personage became so familiar with the properties of touch that he seems to have accounted them almost equally valuable with those of vision.
1885 Wallace's Monthly Apr. 184/2 One of our prominent ornithologists assured us lately that he regards this duck as equally valuable with the great auk.
1902 Nature 27 Feb. p. clxxv/1 (advt.) The new work on the fungi appears to be equally valuable with those which he has already printed.
1952 Middlesboro (Kentucky) Daily News 20 Apr. 24/1 Equally valuable with skills and practical knowledge acquired is the camaraderie.
2000 J. Weinsheimer in D. G. Marshall Force of Trad. (2005) ii. 42 Charitable interpretation is not equally valuable with other kinds of interpretation in the manner of eclecticism.
5. Capable of having a value estimated; that can be assigned a value. Obsolete.
1589 Burgh Court Bks. St. Andrews 8 Aug. in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue at Valuble Swa lang as the said Bessie remaneis infeft in the said annuell rent off ij s. & the said Dauid occupyar off the said tenement or samekle thairoff as is valuble of the said annuell rent.
1611 R. Fenton Treat. Vsurie vi. 29 A daies worke is valuable at a certaine price.
1628 R. Sanderson Two Serm. Paules-Crosse ii. 82 That sinne..from which hee hath once escaped without shame, or so much as valuable losse.
1690 J. Locke Two Treat. Govt. i. ix. ⁋10 We are..now speaking..of Possessions and Commodities of Life Valuable by Money.
1890 Southeastern Reporter 11 23 The said lot..was valuable at $1,050.
B. n.
Something which is of great worth or value; esp. a small item of personal property. Usually in plural.
the mind > possession > possessions > [noun] > personal or movable property > valuable property
1703 M. Pope Disc. Afflictions People of God 20 A Collection of all the Valuables of the World can't give the least relief to a Soul distressed in the sence of its own Vileness.
1797 H. Lee Canterbury Tales I. 188 With such valuables and papers as he deemed most likely to secure him either impunity or revenge.
1829 E. Bulwer-Lytton Devereux II. ii. v. 84 I did not long wrestle with my pride, before I obtained the victory, and sent all my valuables to the hammer.
1842 R. I. Wilberforce Rutilius & Lucius 22 No one but had furnished himself with some valuable.
1878 R. B. Smith Carthage 123 Which the crews helped by throwing overboard their valuables.
1952 R. C. Hutchinson Recoll. of Journey ii. 19 I've put some of my valuables in the bank, but I shall be very much surprised if I find them again after the Germans have gone.
1979 Pop. Mech. Jan. 86/3 Don't hide valuables in your bedroom, where many burglars look first.
2007 Neo Apr. 76/2 Usually these jobs entail casing a joint and then returning to steal valuables later.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2011; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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