

单词 unpaid


Brit. /(ˌ)ʌnˈpeɪd/, U.S. /ˌənˈpeɪd/
Forms: see un- prefix1 and paid adj.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: un- prefix1, paid adj.
Etymology: < un- prefix1 + paid adj.
A. adj.
a. Of a sum of money: not rendered in payment; (of a tax, rent, or other financial obligation) not paid when due; still outstanding or pending.
society > trade and finance > payment > non-payment > [adjective] > not paid
1371 in H. M. Flasdieck Mittelengl. Originalurkunden (1926) 103 ij car chenys i þe prys of a peny. with þat Jon Peper wes borȝ of which þat bleffde vn payd.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1872) IV. 117 Lisia..wente into Pers, ffor þe tribute was unpayde.
1491–2 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VII (Electronic ed.) Parl. Oct. 1491 §13. m. 6 As often as it shall happen the seid annuall rent..to be behynd and unpayd, in part or in all.
1507 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 25 Yff it happ ye said yerly ferme of v marke..to be behynd..by a monithe vnpaid.
1547 in A. Feuillerat Documents Office of Revels Edward VI (1914) 26 The sum.., as by the bookes..dothe apere more at large, is vnpayd.
1606 T. W. Araignem. & Execution late Traytors sig. B4 That his wife might have her Iointer.., his sisters their legasies in his hand vnpaid.
1661 S. Morgan Sphere of Gentry iv. iii. 41 The party whose portion shall appear to be unpayed.
1764 O. Goldsmith Hist. Eng. in Lett. (1772) II. 20 Alexander..was indebted to him a large sum, which was still unpaid.
1848 W. M. Thackeray Vanity Fair lii. 466 A long arrear of unpaid wages.
1878 J. Davidson Inverurie 349 The fines remaining unpaid.
1922 N.Y. Suppl. 192 407 The balance unpaid on the purchase price of the retaken cement had not been fixed.
1967 Appraisal Terminol. & Handbk. (Amer. Inst. Real Estate Appraisers) (ed. 5) 195 Tax lien, a lien which automatically attaches to property in the amount of property taxes unpaid on the property.
2006 Chicago Tribune (Midwest ed.) 15 Oct. x. 14/2 The unpaid interest is then added to the outstanding loan balance.
b. figurative and in figurative contexts.
the mind > possession > retaining > [adjective] > retained > not given
c1422 T. Hoccleve Tale of Jerelaus (Durh.) l. 817 in Minor Poems (1970) i. 169 His brothres reward had nat been vnpayed, Nad promesse of the Emperour him bownde To pardon.
a1556 Ld. Vaux in R. Edwards Paradyse Daynty Deuises (1576) sig. Bii The time is short, for to requite the smart, That dooth proceede of promise long vnpaid.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost v. 782 How we may best..Receive him coming to receive from us Knee-tribute yet unpaid . View more context for this quotation
1710 W. Congreve To Sir G. Kneller in Wks. III. 1001 Fame due to vast Desert, is kept in store, Unpay'd, till the Deserver is no more.
1791 W. Cowper tr. Homer Iliad in Iliad & Odyssey I. i. 112 The seer..spake, Nor vow nor hecatomb unpaid on us He charges.
1868 J. R. Lowell in H. Bloom Hamlet (2008) 184 They find it easy to stave off utter bankruptcy of conscience by taking up one unpaid promise with another larger, and at heavier interest.
1914 W. S. Blunt Poet. Wks. 327 Let us be happy, sweet, whatever debt we owe On this side or on that of unpaid gratitudes.
2006 J. Lam Rowanhawk xxiii. 132 It would not do to leave their kindness unpaid.
c. Of a debt, bill, etc.: not settled or paid off.
society > trade and finance > payment > payment of debt > [adjective] > not paid or discharged
1484 Rolls of Parl.: Richard III (Electronic ed.) Parl. Jan. 1484 §18. m. 16 Mony worshipfull men..lyff in greate penurie.., their dettes unpaied and their childeryn unpreferred.
1590 E. Daunce Briefe Disc. Spanish State 7 No man being buried there, by an ancient law of that region, (if his gouernement hath bin tyranous) or his debts vnpaide.
1646 J. Hetherington & L. Zuma in Subtility & Cruelty 42 Bill returned unpaid, we were forced to deliver into the Hangees hands for his security 10 Clothes.
1681 R. Knox Hist. Relation Ceylon vii. 149 The Interest never runs up higher, tho the Debt lye seven years unpaid.
1754 in Minutes of Evid. Nairne Peerage (1873) 52 in Sessional Papers House of Lords (H.L. A) XII. 65 A just true and lawful debt wholly resting unpaid.
1781 W. Cowper Retirem. 559 Anticipated rents, and bills unpaid.
1830 Sheffield Independent & Yorks. & Derbyshire Advertiser 2 Jan. He did not think there was anything due to the plaintiffs more than would pay the ale shots they had left unpaid.
1887 A. C. Gunter Mr. Barnes xiii. 96 She remembers she has unpaid bills.
1919 Financier 1 Feb. 264/1 Any draft or account unpaid would fall back on them for the full value without warning.
2011 Wall St. Jrnl. 19 Feb. b10/4 Her credit history had been sullied by an unpaid medical bill.
d. Of a (social) duty or obligation: not rendered or discharged.
the world > action or operation > inaction > not doing > [adjective] > not done, performed, or carried out
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) iii. v. 48 She pray'd me to excuse her keeping close, Whereto constrain'd.., She should that dutie leaue vnpaide to you Which dayly she was bound to proffer. View more context for this quotation
1726 A. Pope tr. Homer Odyssey IV. xv. 213 With him all night the youthful strangers stay'd, Nor found the hospitable rites unpay'd.
1864 G. H. Calvert Cabiro iv. 85 To several of the company..had Cabiro been presented; Which courtesy unpaid, constricting frost Numbs the new stranger.
1919 C. R. Haines tr. M. C. Fronto Corr. I. 297 It was no fault of mine that I did not see you yesterday... But had I myself deliberately from choice left this duty unpaid, I should not in the least regret it.
2010 P. Somov Present Perfect vii. 83 Guilt is something we feel when we are under an unpaid obligation, when we..didn't do something that we feel we should have done.
a. That has not received due payment for work, goods, or services. Later also: that does not get paid, that works without pay.
society > occupation and work > worker > workers according to conditions > [adjective] > in receipt of pay > not paid
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > payment for labour or service > [adjective] > paid by wages > not
1434 in H. Nicolas Proc. & Ordinances Privy Council (1835) IV. 245 Greete lones of good made by hym unto þe King..of þe whiche he is yet unpaied.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 257 Quhether he his lordis neid suld let, And pay fryst that he awcht,..Or leve onpayit his wyff.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 313 A number of the Souldyours..whome king Peter promised to pay, came home agayne vnpayde.
1586 A. Poulet Let. to Walsingham in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1824) 1st Ser. III. 10 Yf they shall say that they are unpayd of their wages.
1627 M. Drayton Battaile Agincourt 9 The Church to pawne, would see her Challice layde, E'r shee would leaue one Pyoner vnpayde.
a1658 R. Lovelace Poems (1904) 125 Whilst thy unpay'd Musicians, Crickets, sing.
1728 A. Pope Dunciad ii. 98 That suit, an unpay'd Taylor snatch'd away!
1769 E. Burke Observ. Late State Nation 7 If her armies are three years unpaid.
1837 J. R. McCulloch Statist. Acct. Brit. Empire II. v. v. 646 The risks arising from the frequent defaults of the unpaid overseers.
1891 Daily News 27 June 5/1 Unpaid children..went to their work at six o'clock in the morning.
1941 Population Index 7 25/1 Wage and salary workers, own-account workers, employees, and unpaid family workers.
1979 Decisions Comptroller Gen. U.S. 57 178 The Navy indicates that there may be other unpaid suppliers and subcontractors under this contract.
2013 New Yorker 23 Sept. 68/1 Its articles were written by a network of two thousand unpaid sports fans.
b. With for. Cf. sense A. 3a.
society > occupation and work > worker > workers according to conditions > [adjective] > in receipt of pay > not paid
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > payment for labour or service > [adjective] > paid by wages > not
1547 Perth Guildry 17 June in Dict. Older Sc. Tongue (2002) at Unpay For his fee this last ȝeir beand our maister of werk and thairfor on payit rewardit or satefeit or recompansit as ȝit.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) v. vi. 308 Wilt thou vndoo the worth thou art vnpayd for By tasting of our wrath? View more context for this quotation
1618 J. Taylor Pennyles Pilgr. in Wks. (1630) 123 Master Taylor..Vnask'd (vnpaid for) me both lodg'd and fed.
1782 F. Burney Cecilia I. i. ix. 131 The sight of plans for new edifices when the workmen were yet unpaid for old ones..excited an indignation.
1836 Rep. Supreme Court Vermont 7 321 The plaintiff avers that he remains wholly unpaid for said leather.
1865 A. O. Abbott Prison Life in South 82 The slave sweat and bled, unpaid for his toil.
1932 Pop. Mech. Aug. 261/1 An expressman, angered because he was unpaid for hauling them from a theater, dumped their cages on the sidewalk.
2008 J. M. Greenfield in J. G. Pettey Ethical Fundraising ii. 30 Volunteers and employees are unpaid for their help in solicitation.
a. Of goods, services, etc.: not paid for. Occasionally without preposition.
society > trade and finance > payment > non-payment > [adjective] > not paid for
1454 in J. Stuart Extracts Council Reg. Aberdeen (1844) I. 404 The said Theman sal deliuer the samyn cors till his wyfe agayn, scho payand till him the handlane of it gif it be unpayit.
1465 J. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 528 [If] þe blak hose be payid for, he wyll send me þe roset vnpayd for.
1552 in A. Feuillerat Documents Office of Revels Edward VI (1914) 124 The like charges of the said lorde..beinge yet behinde and vnpaid for.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) iii. iii. 24 Rustling in vnpayd-for Silke. View more context for this quotation
1653 W. Ramesey Astrologia Restaurata To Rdr. 11 The Drapers cloth on their back,..and all unpaid for.
1732 H. Fielding Mod. Husband v. xii. 79 It is surely as much a Robbery to take away a Picture unpaid for, from the Painter who would sell it, as from the Gentleman who would keep it.
1796 F. Burney Camilla IV. viii. xii. 432 The little articles she had occasionally brought were still unpaid for.
1827 R. Pollok Course of Time II. viii. 121 A show unpaid for, paying to be seen!
1886 C. E. Pascoe London of To-day (ed. 3) xliii. 379 Letters posted unpaid are charged double postage.
1915 Electr. World 4 Dec. 1282/1 Unmetered service unpaid for may not be stopped except on notice as above.
1971 A. Clarke in M. Atwood & R. Weaver Oxf. Bk. Canad. Short Stories (1986) 230 The new unpaid-for living-room couch, desk, matching executive chair.
2005 M. Collier eBay Business All-in-one Desk Ref. for Dummies viii. iii. 677 You'll also get to see how many unpaid item reminders you filed..and the percentage of unpaid items as a percentage of your total sales.
b. Of work, a job, etc.: carried out without pay; not remunerated; voluntary.
?1775 Hist. Eng. 14 Sir Hugh Middleton; to whose unpaid Labour London owes, and will ever remain indebted for the Healths and Lives of Millions.
1792 J. Cartwright Let. to Duke of Newcastle 48 Will your Grace be pleased to inform the public of your voluntary and unpaid services?
1829 Trans. Royal Asiatic Soc. 2 277 Where they have become possessed of landed property, they have hulmoh, or unpaid labour in man, beasts and implements.
1882 Cent. Mag. July 368/1 Thoreau enumerates..his various unpaid occupations, such as inspector of storms.
1895 Ld. Farrer in Westm. Gaz. 19 Feb. 2/1 I did not know before I joined the Council how good and how zealous unpaid work can be.
1929 D. G. Mackail How Amusing! 518 The gossip-writers had all contributed their quota of unpaid puffery.
1978 J. D. Mackie Hist. Scotl. xviii. 341 He gave most of his attention, sometimes in unpaid coaching, to the ‘lad o' pairts’ who went up to the University at a very early age.
2011 Independent 5 Apr. 10/4 Ministers say that many young people miss out because they lack the personal contacts or cannot afford to take an unpaid internship.
c. Of a period of time: spent working without pay. Also: designating time spent on leave of absence from one's job, during which one receives no pay.
1842 Standard 31 May No body of men in the country had devoted more of their unpaid time to the discharge of their duties than the magistracy of Ireland.
1927 Scotsman 28 Feb. 2/4 Some of the members had given between 200 and 300 unpaid hours overtime.
1953 ‘P. Lanham’ & A. S. Mopeli-Paulus Blanket Boy's Moon 121 Libe..asked his Makulu Baas for a day's unpaid leave.
1978 J. Stallworthy Familiar Tree 55 With never a ‘well done’ for years of unpaid overtime, I slaved, helping you climb the treacherous ascent from hustings into Parliament.
1991 Industr. Law Jrnl. 20 281 Trade union members were entitled to ‘reasonable’ unpaid time off for trade union activities.
2004 Toronto Star 30 June a4/5 Passage of the family leave law—which allows up to eight unpaid weeks off work—was blocked by the NDP.
B. n.
With the and plural agreement: people who are unpaid for their work considered collectively; (in early use) spec. unpaid magistrates or justices.Recorded earliest in the Great Unpaid at Phrases.
1824 Cobbett's Weekly Reg. 4 Sept. 586 I think it is a good deal the practice of the great ‘Unpaid’..to carry on their justice-work in oddish sort of places.
1824 Cobbett's Weekly Reg. 4 Sept. 589 There cannot be less than twenty thousand of the ‘ unpaid’ constantly at work, inflicting some or other of these penalties.
1889 Jrnl. Royal Statist. Soc. 52 472 The functions left to the unpaid, the irresponsible, and the partially informed, should be supervisory only, like those of visiting justices to prisons.
1979 M. Wyman Hard Rock Epic iii. 70 The money was ordered given ‘quietly’ to avoid creating further troubles for the company among the unpaid.
2011 R. Perlin Intern Nation (2012) ii. 28 The ranks of the unpaid are swelling, while paid positions disappear.


Chiefly derogatory. the Great Unpaid: unpaid magistrates or justices considered collectively. Now historical.
society > law > administration of justice > one who administers justice > [noun] > Justice of the peace or district magistrate > unpaid (collectively)
the Great Unpaid1824
18241 [see sense B.].
1826 Edinb. Rev. 441 We beg to be acquitted of all intention of affronting, or attacking the Great Unpaid.
1873 Melbourne Punch 6 Mar. 75/1 How few complaints are made Of rulings being incorrect Amongst the Great Unpaid.
1904 R. Marsh Miss Arnott's Marriage xvii. 177 I have heard a great deal of the stupidity of the Great Unpaid, but I had never conceived that it could go so far as this.
1993 Victorian Periodicals Rev. 26 38/2 Each week Truth would contain a summary of what it considered to be unjust judgements passed by the ‘Great Unpaid’.


unpaidish adj. Obsolete characteristic of the Great Unpaid.Apparently an isolated use.
1829 E. Elliott Village Patriarch iii. 50 Mark his unpaidish sneer, his lordly frown.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2014; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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