

单词 bring to the ground

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to bring to the ground
b. figurative in †to bring to the ground: to cast down, overthrow, overcome, subdue; to come (also go) to the ground: to be overcome; to perish; so to be dashed to the ground (of hopes); down to the ground: completely, thoroughly, in every respect (colloquial); from the ground up (colloquial, originally U.S.), completely, entirely; ‘down to the ground’; to get off the ground, to make a successful start; on the ground, in situ, on the spot. See also to fall to the ground at fall v. Phrases 1d.
the world > action or operation > failure or lack of success > defeat or overthrow > be defeated or overthrown [verb (intransitive)]
to come (also go) to the groundc1175
to go away (also flee) with the worsea1413
to go to (also unto) the worse1485
to go to the wall (or walls)1549
to go to the posta1624
to have had one's chips1959
the world > action or operation > prosperity > success > mastery or superiority > have or gain mastery or superiority over [verb (transitive)] > overcome or overwhelm > completely or overthrow
to bring to the groundc1175
to lay downa1225
to nip in (also by, on) the head (also neck, pate)?a1500
to knock over1853
to throw down1890
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > despair, hopelessness > desperate state or condition > be beyond hope [verb (intransitive)] > of hopes: fail
to be dashed to the ground1849
the world > relative properties > wholeness > completeness > completely [phrase] > thoroughly > from beginning to end or through and through
to the boneOE
through and throughc1225
out and outc1300
from top to tail1303
out and inc1390
(from) head to heel (also heels)c1400
(from) head to foot (also feet)c1425
from top to (into, unto) toec1425
to the skin1526
to one's (also the) finger (also fingers') ends1530
from first to last1536
up and down1542
whole out1562
to the pith1587
to the back1594
from A to (also until) Z1612
from clew to earing1627
from top to bottom1666
back and edge1673
all hollow1762
(all) to pieces1788
from A to Za1821
to one's (also the) fingertips1825
to one's fingernails1851
from tip to toe1853
down to the ground1859
to the backbone1864
right the way1867
pur sang1893
from the ground up1895
in and out1895
from soda (card) to hock1902
the world > space > place > presence > present [phrase]
in (also into, intil, to) present?c1225
in (the) presencea1393
in placea1400
upon the place1600
in evidence1612
to the fore1637
on (also upon) hand (also hands)1835
sur place1915
on the ground1960
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > beginning > begin [verb (intransitive)] > well
to get (also be) off the (also one's) mark1914
to get off the ground1961
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 11773 Þatt illke wise. þatt adam. I paradys wass fandedd. & brohht to grund.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 1292 Þis lond was ibroȝt þoru treson verst to grounde.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 7495 Þus lo þe englisse folc vor noȝt to grounde com.
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. Wace (Rolls) 9888 Arthur..preyed hym of help a stounde, Or elles he scholde go to grounde.
c1540 (?a1400) Destr. Troy 9342 Hit greuys me full gretly, & to ground brynges.
1579 W. Fulke Heskins Parl. Repealed in D. Heskins Ouerthrowne 411 It must needes fall to the ground.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xiv. 252 Let such vanities passe, and come to the ground.
1640 C. Harvey Church-gate iii He holds us up, whilst in him we are found: If once we fall from him, we go to ground.
1762 H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Painting II. ii. 62 It fell to the ground with the rest of the King's plans and attempts.
1849 E. E. Napier Excursions Southern Afr. II. 5 These poor fellows' hopes were suddenly dashed to the ground.
1856 R. W. Emerson Eng. Traits v. 82 The strong survived, the weaker went to the ground.
1859 County Courts Chron. 1 Nov. 148/3 Barring the blind eye and the broken knees, I'll warrant the horse to suit you down to the ground.
1867 R. Broughton Cometh up as Flower II. vii. 104 Suited me down to the ground.
1879 M. E. Braddon Cloven Foot xlv Some sea-coast city in South America would suit me down to the ground.
1889 T. A. Trollope What I Remember III. 289 The occupation..suited my tastes and habits ‘down to the ground’, as the modern slang phrase has it.
1894 G. Du Maurier Trilby (1895) 421 He looks as if he could be trusted down to the ground.
1895 Congress. Rec. 6 Feb. App. 207/1 There never has been a time that a democratic administration has not been American from the ground up.
1910 W. M. Raine Bucky O'Connor 52 We suited each other from the ground up.
1960 Guardian 25 Nov. 15/1 On-the-ground investigations.
1961 New Statesman 28 July 129/3 Intended as a half-way point of the Festival, at which audience and platform might fruitfully interact, it never got off the ground.
1963 Listener 10 Jan. 59/2 There is no longer any good reason why the young..American writer should undergo a European apprenticeship unless it be to satisfy his curiosity or to watch the operations of another literature on the ground.
1969 Listener 3 Apr. 469/1 It soon became evident..that the history of contemporary music required reconsidering from the ground up.
1969 Guardian 4 July 5/5 If thefts continue, the future plans for the Crewe to Glasgow [railway] line can never really get off the ground.
extracted from groundn.
to bring (also come) to the ground
c. Regarded as the place of burial. above ground: unburied, alive. to bring (also come) to the ground (now only dialect): to bury, be buried.
the world > life > death > disposal of corpse > burial > [noun] > earth or ground as place of burial
c1400 Siege Troy 1334 in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen 72 44 So doughty a body..That soo lowe is leyd in þe ground.
?c1430 St. Greg. Trental in Tundale's Vis. (1843) 79 Sone to the gronde the con hor bere bryng And beryd hor.
1570 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 157 To see me honestly brought to the grownde.
1611 Bible (King James) Gen. iii. 19.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) iv. i. 52 While I remaine aboue the ground, you shall Heare from me still. View more context for this quotation
1694 L. Echard tr. Plautus Rudens iv. vii, in tr. Plautus Comedies 208 I'll find out my Master, if he be above Ground, and bring him t'ye.
1858 N. Hawthorne Fr. & Ital. Jrnls. (1872) I. 19 Rachel, who died last week, and is still above ground.
1877 L. J. Jennings Field Paths 28 Poor thing! it was only fourteen months afore she came to the ground.
extracted from groundn.
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