

单词 trained band

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trained band
(a) Military. Formerly esp. in trained band: = trainband n. (now historical); †trained soldier: = train soldier n.1 (obsolete).
society > armed hostility > drill or training > [adjective] > trained
society > armed hostility > armed forces > the Army > [noun] > militia or citizen army
trained band1562
people's army1856
1562 J. Shute in tr. A. Cambini in Two Comm. Turcks Ep. Ded. sig. **.iiv If the generall with his chiefe officers wante this perfection they are not greatly to be feared althoughe their armi be of trained souldiours.
1570–6 W. Lambard Perambulation Kent (1596) 70 The trained companies only shall resort to the places of their appointed Rendeuous.
1594 Sir H. Cocke in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eng. Hist. (1827) 2nd Ser. III. 175 Havinge..taken a perfect vyewe of all the Trayned Bandes.
1611 Bible (King James) Gen. xiv. 14 Abram..armed his trained seruants.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary ii. 105 To haue six thousand of the trained bands in readines.
1644 W. Prynne & C. Walker True Relation Prosecution N. Fiennes App. 25 Iames Powell of Bristoll, one of the Trained Souldiers of that City.
1707 J. Chamberlayne Angliæ Notitia (ed. 22) ii. xvi. 217 Of the standing Militia, or Trained-Bands.
1747 Gentleman's Mag. July 341/1 The whole French garrison of Pondicherry, consisting of about 1000 regular troops, 200 train'd peons, and many others.
1827 H. Hallam Constit. Hist. Eng. I. ix. 597 The citizens of London mustered their trained bands on holidays.
1837 T. De Quincey Revolt of Tartars in Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. July 104/2 A body of trained cameleers (that is cuirassiers mounted on camels).
1868 Queen's Regulations & Orders Army §630 For every trained soldier in the infantry 90 rounds of ball Cartridges, and 300 rounds per Battery for Artillery.
1904 Scribner's Mag. Jan. 32/2 There did not exist in the country any nucleus of trained officers to fit them for the field.
1964 C. V. Wedgwood Trial of Charles I (1967) ii. 46 The City Trained Bands—citizen volunteers who formed no part of the Army—had long had the duty of patrolling the approaches to Parliament.
2003 Independent 20 Nov. i. 20/7 At least the Iraqi army might not have been senselessly stood down, leaving hundreds of thousands of trained, well armed men with nothing to do.
extracted from trainedadj.1
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