

单词 to outrance

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to (also unto) (the) outrance
The greatest degree; a degree which goes beyond bounds or measure; extremity. to (also unto) (the) outrance: to the utmost, to the bitter end, to the death. at outrance: at the last extremity. to fight to (also at) (the) outrance: to fight to the death. Cf. à outrance adv.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > effort or exertion > [phrase] > thoroughly or to the utmost
to the uttermostc1400
to (also unto) (the) outrancec1425
up to the hilt ( hilts)1598
(up) to the handle1824
to the hilt1950
society > society and the community > dissent > fighting > fight [verb (intransitive)] > fight to the end
to fight to (also at) (the) outrancec1425
society > society and the community > dissent > fighting > [phrase] > to the end or the death
to (also unto) (the) outrancec1425
à outrance1837
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > end or conclusion > the end [phrase] > at the last extremity
at outrancec1425
society > armed hostility > war > types of war > [adverb] > of war: to the death
à outrance1600
at outrance1819
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iv. 4487 (MED) Þi malys..hast on hem kyd þi felle myȝt, Of þi rancour hooly þe outtraunce.
?a1430 T. Hoccleve Balade to Virgin & Christ l. 48 in Minor Poems (1970) i. 68 The feend me assaille, & haue at the outrance.
1466 in Publ. Mod. Lang. Soc. (1907) 22 602 (MED) xv frenshemen..have nowe late Chalengid xv English men to the outraunce.
a1500 (c1380) G. Chaucer Ballade on Womanly Noblesse 628 Wommanly noblesse Shulde nat desire for to do the outrance Ther as she fyndeth non unbuxumnesse.
1538 S. Gardiner Let. 12 Feb. in Lisle Papers (P.R.O.: SP 3/8/67) f. 93 This next sondaye ij gentlemen shall fight at oultrance before the King.
c1550 R. Bieston Bayte Fortune A vj But poore men to punishe vnto the oultrance.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. 280 As if sword-fencers were brought within the lists to fight at outterance.
1609 P. Holland tr. Ammianus Marcellinus Rom. Hist. xix. ii. 125 They were so stiffely set to fight to the outrance.
a1671 R. Knevet Combate in Shorter Poems (1966) 372 No Missions wee can here procure, The combate must to th' outrance dure.
1755 T. Smollett in tr. M. de Cervantes Don Quixote I. ii. v. 69 (note) To fight the owner to extremity or outrance.
1819 W. Scott Ivanhoe I. ix. 153 The combat was understood to be at outrance.
1825 W. Hazlitt Spirit of Age 48 Establishing the fallacy (if fallacy it be) of an old popular prejudice that the Just and True were one, by ‘championing it to the Outrance’.
1876 T. W. Robertson Caste ii. 22 I received order of my prince to keep this gate, and this gate I will keep to the outrance!
extracted from outrancen.
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