

单词 to look forward

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to look forward
b. With verbs, as look, think: esp. to look forward: to look ahead, to look expectantly towards the future or to a coming event.
1741 I. Watts Improvem. Mind i. i. 11 To think forward a little.
1741 S. Richardson Pamela III. xxxv. 343 One, who can look forwarder than the Nine Days of Wonder.
a1777 S. Foote Devil upon Two Sticks (1778) i. 12 Banish your fears, and let us look forward, my love.
1816 M. Keating Trav. (1817) II. 23 Like chess-players, they seem always to look three moves forward.
1837 B. Disraeli Venetia II. 1 His visit to the hall was looked forward to with interest.
1875 B. Jowett in tr. Plato Dialogues (ed. 2) IV. 45 He looks forward to all future systems sharing the fate of the past.
extracted from forwardadj.adv.n.
to look forward
to look forward
1. intransitive. With to (also occasionally †for, †into, †on). To anticipate, expect, consider (an event in) the future; (in later use esp.) to await eagerly.
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > expect [verb (intransitive)] > look ahead
to look forward1569
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > expect [verb (transitive)]
wait onc1390
to wait after ——1393
to look after ——c1400
to expect for1538
to presume on, upon, or of1608
to look forwards1637
to look for ——a1677
to look to ——1782
to look forward1848
1569 A. Golding tr. N. Hemmingsen Postill (new ed.) f. 320 When Abel slewe his sacrifices,..he looked forward too the thing yt was signified [L. prospexit ad significatum].
a1616 W. Shakespeare Measure for Measure (1623) iv. iii. 55 Looke forward on the iournie you shall go. View more context for this quotation
a1695 H. Wharton 14 Serm. preach'd Lambeth Chapel (1697) ix. 324 The Soul cannot but..look forward into the Ages to come, and be solicitous of its future State.
1753 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison IV. xl. 285 As if I were looking forward to a reward.
1780 W. Lothian Hist. United Provinces Netherlands i. 7 They looked forward to the time when firmness and perseverance would force their enemies to grant honourable terms.
1848 H. H. Wilson Hist. Brit. India 1805–35 III. i. 48 They..looked forward to the speedy expulsion of the intruders.
1862 W. M. Thackeray Adventures of Philip III. iii. 65 The way in which we looked forward for letters from our bride and bridegroom.
1892 Temple Bar Nov. 379 We were looking forward to a merry time.
1930 A. M. Lindbergh Let. 17 May in Hour of Gold (1973) 135 Most of the time I am either tired, looking forward to a nap, or fuzzy, just having risen from one.
1970 ‘O. John’ Diamond Dress xii. 139 I'd been looking forward to some delicious spaghetti alla carbonara and a bottle of Frascati.
2011 M. Roffey With Kisses of his Mouth 17 He said..that he was looking forward to meeting me.
2. intransitive.
a. Without construction. To await or consider the future; to be in a state of anticipation.
1642 H. More Ψυχωδια Platonica sig. E3 Even naturall-providence would bid them look forward.
1684 J. Goodman Winter-evening Conf. 27 If we look forward, and forethink of so many years to come, we are apt to phansie we have an Ocean before us.
1737 A. Pope Epist. of Horace ii. ii. 19 Pleas'd to look forward, pleas'd to look behind.
a1766 F. Sheridan Hist. Nourjahad (1767) 71 The loss of Mandana imbitters all my joys, and methinks I begin to look forward with disgust.
1827 Christian Telescope 16 June 125/2 It is with heartful satisfaction that we look forward.
1883 M. Oliphant Hester II. v. 71 Now I can look forward with unmingled pleasure.
1946 H. W. Schneider Hist. Amer. Philos. xxv. 281 Some looked forward in the spirit of utopian reform.
2009 in J. Cassio & A. Rush Green Careers 59 Building inspection is a conservative field, although the green building stuff is challenging many of them to look forward.
b. looking forward: (esp. in business and management) in or for the future; looking ahead; starting from now. Cf. going forward at go v. Phrasal verbs 1.
1987 World Econ. Outlook (Internat. Monetary Fund) Oct. 28/2 Looking forward, it is hard to dispute that..increased financing would have beneficial effects.
1995 R. S. Nickerson in D. N. Perkins et al. Software goes to School i. 18 Looking forward, there is the possibility of an effective synergism here.
2001 Daily Tel. 8 Mar. 28/1 Looking forward, earnings before interest depreciation and amortisation are growing at 25pc a year and are expected to hit £7.2 billion by 2002.
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