

单词 to take at worth

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to take at (also of, to) worth
P2. to take in (good) worthand variants: to receive or take (something) in good part, to accept without complaint or offence, to be content with; to take (something) at its true or proper value. Similarly with other prepositions and verbs, such as to take at (also of, to) worth, to have (also accept, bear, etc.) in worth. Cf. to take aworth at aworth adv. Obsolete.
the mind > emotion > pleasure > contentment or satisfaction > be content or satisfied with [verb (transitive)]
to take in (good) wortha1382
to have (also accept, bear, etc.) in wortha1456
to take up with1609
to settle for1959
the mind > attention and judgement > judgement or decision > evaluation, estimation, appraisal > estimate [phrase] > at true value
to take in (good) wortha1382
to have (also accept, bear, etc.) in wortha1456
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1965) Psalms l. 21 Þanne þou shalt taken at worth sacrifise of riȝtwisnesse offryngis & brent sacrifises.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. xii. l. 125 Take we her wordes at worthe for here witnesse be trewe.
c1450 ( J. Walton tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Linc. Cathedral 103) 64 (MED) If þou appreue in thyn opinioun Þat Sche [sc. Fortune] is good and all to þy plesaunce, Lo take in worth þan hire condicioun.
a1456 Balade of Compleynte (BL Add. 16165) in W. W. Skeat Compl. Wks. Geoffrey Chaucer (1894) I. 415 Beseching yowe in my moste [emended in ed. to yow in my most] humble wyse Taccept in worthe this litel pore dyte [emended in ed. to Taccepte in worth this litel povre dyte], And for my trouthe my service not despice [emended in ed. to nat despyse].
1483 Vulgaria abs Terencio (T. Rood & T. Hunte) sig. nij I thanke the that thou tokist it to worthe.
c1500 Young Children's Bk. (Ashm. 61) in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 23 Be it gode or be it badde, Yn gud worth it muste be had.
?1526 R. Hyrde in M. Roper tr. Erasmus Deuout Treat. Pater Noster sig. a.iii He wyll nat suffre ones to be offended hym selfe by her neuer so lytell: where he wolde that she shulde take his dedes all well in worthe.
c1528 Everyman (1961) 903 This morall men may haue in mynde..Ye herers, take it of worth.
a1529 J. Skelton Magnyfycence (?1530) sig. Ei And so as ye se it wyll be no better Take it in worthe suche as ye fynde.
1534 W. Turner tr. J. von Watt Of Olde God & Newe sig. Oj Yf greate abbottes wolde take my salutation in good worthe: it sholde be redy for theym.
1564 Briefe Exam. sig. Aiiij I trust your most Reuerende fatherhood wyll beare all these thynges well in worth.
1636 R. Baker tr. Cato Variegatus 16 When a poore friend, a small gift gives to thee: Take it in worth: and let it praysed be.
1642 T. Fuller Holy State i. vi. 16 He compounds with his father to accept in good worth the utmost of his endeavour.
1668 W. Voile Glasse & Salve for Professors 86 To mind one another of sins and duties,..as also to take admonitions and reproofs well in worth, and in good part, one from another.
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