

单词 to have, take, occasionally bear suspicion

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to †have, take, occasionally bear suspicion
d. to †have, take, occasionally bear suspicion: to entertain a suspicion. (Now only to have a, any, no, etc. suspicion, or suspicions.) †to give one suspicion: to cause one to suspect.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > lack of confidence, distrust, suspicion > suspect, distrust [phrase]
to have, take, occasionally bear suspicion13..
to have or hold (a person or thing) suspectc1380
to have (or hold) in suspectc1386
to have supposinga1400
to enter into suspicion with1471
to have in suspicion1471
to have in jealousy1523
to smell a ratc1540
to smell a fox1599
to be or look shy on or at1837
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > lack of confidence, distrust, suspicion > suspect, distrust [phrase] > cause to
to bring in or into suspicion1471
to give one suspicionc1515
13.. K. Alis. 453 Þeo barouns haddyn suspecioun.
c1374 G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde ii. 561 As I was comynge Al sodeynly he lefte his compleynynge. Of which I toke somwhat suspecion.
c1450 Mirk's Festial 10 Nay, syr, not so, lest men wold haue suspessyon of euell.
?1473 W. Caxton tr. R. Le Fèvre Recuyell Hist. Troye (1894) I. lf. 44v She..had suspecion that he wold do harme to Jupiter.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) lxv. 222 To thentent that he take in you no suspecyon.
?1533 G. Du Wes Introductorie for to lerne Frenche sig. Tiv Whiche might be occasyon To gyue you suspicion.
1588 R. Parke tr. J. G. de Mendoza Hist. Kingdome of China 257 More for that none should doo to them any harme, then for any euill suspition they had of them.
1594 W. Shakespeare Lucrece sig. I4v To cleare her From that suspicion which the world might bear her. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) i. ii. 460 His ill-ta'ne suspition.
1685 J. Evelyn Diary (1955) IV. 439 Under pretence to serve the Church of England, he gave suspicion of grat<y>fing another party.
extracted from suspicionn.
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