

单词 to have some show

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to have some show
a. The quality in an argument, course of action, etc., of seeming attractive or plausible and thus carrying weight; spec. superficial plausibility, speciousness. Esp. in to have some show. Obsolete.
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > [verb (intransitive)] > be worthy of notice
to have some show1556
to make history1830
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > probability, likelihood > be or seem likely [verb (intransitive)]
to have some show1556
to look like1594
to put fairc1595
had liked to1600
to show for ——1776
the mind > mental capacity > expectation > hope > promise, ground of hope > promise, encourage expectation [verb (intransitive)]
to have some show1556
to have (something) going for one1948
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > deceit, deception, trickery > dissimulation, pretence > semblance, outward show > create or maintain appearance [phrase]
to have some show1556
to set a face on (something)1590
to save or keep up appearances1603
to give (also lend) colour1687
1556 tr. A. Mainardi Anatomi f. 226v The third reason the which semeth to haue some shew is this.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. cljv At the fyrst, he couered his mynde craftely, that his writte myght haue some shewe [L. ut aliquam haberet speciem diploma].
1578 J. Lyly Euphues f. 5 Education can haue no shew, where the excellencie of nature doth beare sway.
1581 P. Wiburn Checke or Reproofe M. Howlets Shreeching sig. Cv The coloures of your Rethoricke carry shew, but moue not.
1650 Andrewes's Pattern Catechistical Doctr. (new ed.) ix. i. 496 This reason of the dependance hath some shew in it.
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