

单词 to give warning

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to give warning (to)
a. Previous intimation or threat of impending evil or danger. Phrase, to give warning (to), to warn. Also Scottish to make warning.Scarborough warning: see Scarborough warning n. at Scarborough n. 1a.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > danger > warning of imminent danger or evil > [noun]
OE Crist III 921 Þæt mæg wites to wearninga þam þe hafað wisne geþoht, þæt se him eallunga owiht ne ondrædeð.
a1300 Cursor Mundi 2993 O þis warning he þam tald, And þai þam dred both yong and ald.
1330 R. Mannyng Chron. Wace (Rolls) 8764 To opene my mouþ y ne dar ne may, Bot hit be a byhouely þyng at nede, Þat were warnyng of tokene of dede.
c1430 Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 2279 Of treason first I gaf him warnyng, Therfor I haue lost my living.
1487 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (St. John's Cambr.) v. 502 Thai maid him mony tyme varnyng, Quhen that thai his tynsale mycht se.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccxiv The erle of Warwycke..wrote to the Marques Montacute..geuynge hym warnyng, and aduertesyng him in what perill their whole affayres stode in.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. xi. sig. K3v As two broad Beacons..Send forth their flames..And warning giue, that enimies conspyre, With fire and sword the region to inuade.
c1600 Timon (1980) i. ii. 6 I gyue thee fayre warning.
1656 N. Bernard Life J. Usher 91 So great a Prophet..might have at some speciall times more then ordinary motions and impulses in doing the Watch-mans part, of giving warning of Judgements approaching.
1681 H. Prideaux Lett. (1875) 91 They talk nothing now but of wageing war with ye King... However they thought fit first to give his Majesty some warneing.
c1718 M. Prior Paulo Purganti 160 I give you warning: You'll die before to-morrow morning.
1759 D. Hume Hist. Eng. under House of Tudor I. 84 He gave his master warning of the danger [later edd. He made warning of the danger to his master].
1815 W. Scott Lord of Isles iv. xxvi. 163 ‘In murderous strife,’ Said Bruce, ‘his warning saved my life.’
1846 A. Marsh Father Darcy II. xvi. 276 [Tresham] insisted vehemently that warning should be given to the Lord Mounteagle, his kinsman.
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. xviii. 229 The banished oppressor had at least given Englishmen fair warning.
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