

单词 to have an eye to the main chance

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to look (also have an eye, etc.) to the main chance
1. (a) The venture or course of action from which most is hoped; the likeliest course to obtain success. to stand to the main chance: to take a risk, see what fortune brings. to look (also have an eye, etc.) to the main chance: to use one's best endeavours, be solicitous (for some object). Obsolete. (b) The general probability with regard to a future event or the success of an undertaking. Obsolete. (c) The most important point risked or at stake; (also) the general outcome of a series of events; the whole fortunes of a person, a nation, etc. Obsolete.
the world > existence and causation > causation > chance or causelessness > [noun] > chance or opportunity
fair play?a1500
main chance1577
sporting chance1897
open go1918
a fair crack of the whip1929
the world > action or operation > prosperity > success > [noun] > likeliest course to obtain success
main chance1577
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > probability, likelihood > [noun]
main chance1577
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > [noun] > that which is important > most important
main chance1577
principal verb1602
centre of gravity1718
main stem1900
Big Apple1909
prima ballerina1923
society > morality > moral evil > evil nature or character > lack of magnanimity or noble-mindedness > self-interest > seek or look after one's own interest [verb (intransitive)]
to shift for oneselfa1513
to lick one's fingers1530
to lick the trencher1542
to serve one's (also one's own) turn1560
to have an eye to (also for) the main chance1584
to look (also have an eye, etc.) to the main chance1592
to mind, provide for, be careful of the main chance1645
to fish for oneself1647
to scratch for oneself1850
to play politics1860
1577 R. Holinshed Hist. Scotl. 420/1 in Chron. I Nothing could be either more fond or foolish than to fight at pleasure of the enimie, and to set all on a maine chance at his wil and appoyntment.
1578 J. Lyly Euphues f. 37v Good Father either content your selfe wyth my choice [sc. of a husband], or let me stand to the maine chaunce.
1591 R. Greene Notable Discouery of Coosenage f. 9v When their other trades fail..then to maintaine the main-chaunce, they vse the benefit of their wiues or frends.
1592 T. Nashe Strange Newes sig. M Haue an eie to the maine-chaunce, for no sooner shall they vnderstand what thou hast said by mee of them, but theyle goe neere to haue thee about the eares for this geare.
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 (2nd issue) iii. i. 78 A man may prophecie, With a neere ayme of the maine chance of things, As yet not come to life.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. ix. xviii. 327 Every one should have lived and died according to the fatall course of his owne severall destinie, without the hazard of the whole and maine chance [L. summa rerum].
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. xxi. xvi. 402 So ashamed in themselves they were,..and so mightily feared the losse of the verie maine chance at home, as if the enemie had beene already at the gates of the cittie.
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. i. 22 With whom the Romans for many yeeres maintained war,..for the very main-chance of life and living.
1625 S. Purchas Pilgrimes ii. 1822 It behoued the Bashaw to looke to the main chance for the quenching of the Fire.
1655 T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. iii. 2 Yet withall he was carefull of the main chance to keep the essentials of his Crown.
1695 J. Collier Misc. upon Moral Subj. 64 None so fit to prescribe; to direct the Enterprize, and secure the Main Chance.
extracted from main chancen.
to have an eye to (also for) the main chance
2. Something which is of principal importance in life; a livelihood; (now) esp. the opportunity of enriching or otherwise benefiting oneself. Often in to have an eye to (also for) the main chance: to have consideration for one's own interests; also to mind, provide for, be careful of the main chance.
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > [noun] > that which is important > most important > in life
main chance1584
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > [noun] > that which is important > most important > other
main chance1584
all the world1600
big one1924
society > morality > moral evil > evil nature or character > lack of magnanimity or noble-mindedness > self-interest > seek or look after one's own interest [verb (intransitive)]
to shift for oneselfa1513
to lick one's fingers1530
to lick the trencher1542
to serve one's (also one's own) turn1560
to have an eye to (also for) the main chance1584
to look (also have an eye, etc.) to the main chance1592
to mind, provide for, be careful of the main chance1645
to fish for oneself1647
to scratch for oneself1850
to play politics1860
society > morality > moral evil > evil nature or character > lack of magnanimity or noble-mindedness > self-interest > [noun] > personal benefit or advantage
main chance1584
1584 R. Wilson Three Ladies of London i. sig. E ij b Trust me thou art as craftie to haue an eye to the mayne chaunce: As the Taylor that out of seuen yardes stole one and a halfe of durance.
1645 J. Howell Epistolæ Ho-elianæ iv. viii. 8 [Bacon] scarce left money..which..did argue no great Wisdom, it being one of the essentiall properties of a Wiseman to provide for the main chance.
a1656 Bp. J. Hall Shaking of Olive-tree (1660) ii. 136 Shall we be lesse carefull of the main-chance, even of the eternal inheritance of Heaven?
1695 J. Collier Misc. upon Moral Subj. 128 Wise Men will..take care of the main Chance, and provide for Accidents and Age.
1732 G. Berkeley Alciphron I. ii. xx. 128 Bubalion..thinks himself wise, and passeth for one that minds the main chance.
1751 S. Johnson Rambler No. 116. ⁋6 My Master..had all the good qualities which naturally arise from a close and unwearied attention to the main chance.
1767 T. Gray Let. 5 Nov. in Corr. (1971) III. 979 Come quickly, if the main chance will suffer you, or I will know the reason why.
1796 F. Burney Camilla III. vi. xi. 371 The main chance is all that is worth thinking of.
1828 Lights & Shades Eng. Life II. 159 A Scotchman looks only to the main-chance.
1865 Leaves from Diary Celebrated Burglar 108 The parents..never objected to their sprout showing himself handy in looking after the main chance.
1902 L. Stephen Stud. of Biographer IV. i. 36 It..cannot be said that an eye for the main chance is inconsistent with the poetical character.
1933 L. Strachey Characters & Comm. i. ii. 13 The precept ‘il faut cultiver notre jardin’ has come down to the degenerate descendants of Candide in the form of ‘Have an eye to the main chance’—a very different exhortation.
1988 R. Christiansen Romantic Affinities iii. 111 Imlay was a man to grab at the main chance, ever ready to drop his scruples.
extracted from main chancen.
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