

单词 to go unpunished

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to go unpunished
Not punished; not subjected to punishment. Frequently in predicative use, esp. in to go unpunished.
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) xli. 105 Ant foreasemuche ase bifore þis time manie felonies habbez ben idon biþinne þe kinges ȝerd þat habbez ben vnpuniste.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1965) Prov. xvii. 5 Who gladeþ in þe fallyng of an oþer shal not ben vnpunshid [L. inpunitus].
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1905) II. 276 So he had levur lefe þe blame vnpunysshid.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope vi. xv. N viij b Men ought not to leue hym vnpunysshed.
1512 Helyas in W. J. Thoms Coll. Early Prose Romances (1828) III. 75 A good dede is never unrewarded nor an evyll unpunisshed.
?1573 L. Lloyd Pilgrimage of Princes f. 76v They suffred theft to be vnpunished.
1613 J. Taylor True Cause Watermens Suit in Wks. (1630) 174/1 Few or none escapes vnpunished if their faults be knowne.
1651 T. Hobbes Leviathan ii. xxx. 183 Crimes..which unpunished, seem Authorised.
1712 R. Blackmore Creation vii. 315 His Sword unpunish'd Criminals defie.
1776 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall I. vi. 163 The crime went not unpunished.
1827 R. Pollok Course of Time I. ii. 69 An individual sovereignty, that none Created might, unpunished, bind or touch.
1875 B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues (ed. 2) I. 319 The impious..ought not to go unpunished.
1928 M. M. Knight et al. Econ. Hist. Europe xii. 667 The Russians declined to attend..due to the unpunished assassination of one of their diplomats there several years earlier.
1950 E. Northcott tr. E. Eyck Pitt versus Fox xviii. 269 It was a blessing for India that the oppressed should not feel utterly forsaken nor the rulers feel able to sin unpunished.
2012 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 7 Nov. a25/1 The Bad Samaritan, if you will—the callous bystander who refuses to render even minimal help in a dire emergency—goes unpunished.
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