

单词 to denounce to the horn

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to denounce to the horn
a. usually cursed, outlawed, or something bad. to denounce to the horn (Scots Law): publicly to proclaim a rebel with the ceremony of horning. Obsolete or archaic.
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > disapproval > denunciation > denounce [verb (transitive)]
to cry shame on, upon, of1600
to call down1605
to declaim against1611
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 29251 Þe [man] þat brekes kirkes grith, And es denunced cursd þar-wit.
c1425 Wyntoun Cron. vii. ix. 534 Schyr Willame Besat gert for-þi Hys chapelane..Denwns cursyd wyth Buk and Bell All þei, þat had part Of þat brynnyn, or ony art.
a1575 N. Harpsfield Treat. Divorce Henry VIII (1878) (modernized text) 182 She..was denounced..contumas, and a citation decerned for her appearance.
1579 Sc. Arts. Jas. VI (1597) §75 The disobedience of the processe of horning is sa great..that the persones denunced rebelles takes na feare theirof.
1579 Sc. Arts. Jas. VI (1597) §75 The partie swa denunced to the Horne.
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius 466 He accurseth and denounceth himselfe for a damned creature.
1709 J. Strype Ann. Reformation xxv. 281 He was solemnly denounced excommunicate by the President.
1802 E. Parsons Myst. Visit IV. 50 Her..dislike to the late Mrs. Clifford led her to denounce her a base, false woman.
1861 G. Ross W. Bell's Dict. Law Scotl. (rev. ed.) 274/2 A messenger-at-arms..thereafter denounced the debtor rebel, and put him to the horn, as it is termed, by three blasts of a horn.
1879 W. H. Dixon Royal Windsor II. vii. 76 A safer plan was to denounce him as a public enemy.
extracted from denouncev.
to put (also denounce) to the horn
a. The wind instrument as used in forms of legal process; e.g. in the Scottish ceremony of proclaiming an outlaw, when three blasts were blown on a horn by the king's messenger; hence to put (also denounce) to the horn, to proclaim an outlaw, to outlaw; †to be at the horn: to be out of the protection of the law, proclaimed an outlaw.
society > authority > punishment > outlawry > be an outlaw [verb (intransitive)]
to be at the horn1397
society > society and the community > social relations > lack of social communication or relations > exclusion from society > be excluded from society [verb (intransitive)] > be an outlaw
to be at the horn1397
society > authority > punishment > outlawry > [noun] > action of declaring an outlaw > horn used in proclamation
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical instrument > wind instrument > horn > [noun] > horn used in legal process
society > authority > punishment > outlawry > outlaw [verb (transitive)]
to put (also denounce) to the hornc1540
to declare a person a fugitive1752
society > society and the community > social relations > lack of social communication or relations > exclusion from society > exclude from society [verb (transitive)] > proclaim a rebel
to put (also denounce) to the hornc1540
1397 Sc. Acts Rob. III (1844) I. 574/1 [red] Qwhasa cumys nocht within þe said terme sal be at þe kyngis horne and þair landis and gudis eschete.
1432 Sc. Acts Jas. I c. 11 (1814) II. 22/1 Ilk officiar of þe kingis as mare or kingis seriande..sal nocht pass in þe cuntre na þe baroun seriande in þe barony but a horne and his wande.
c1540 J. Bellenden tr. H. Boece Hyst. & Cron. Scotl. xii. vi. f. 176/2 Makbeth..syne confiscat Makduffis guddis & put him to ye horn.
1567 Compend. Bk. Godly Songs (1897) 76 For ȝe war all at Goddis horne.
1609 J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem iv. xxiii. §2 (Jam.) Gif ane man findes ane theif with the fang..in~continent he sould raise the blast of ane horne vpon him; and gif he hes not ane horne, he sould raise the shout with his mouth; and cry lowdly that his neighbours may heare.
c1610 J. Melville Mem. Own Life (1735) 397 Such as were denounced to the Horn.
a1765 J. Erskine Inst. Law Scotl. (1773) ii. v. §56 236 The messenger must..read the letters, also with an audible voice, and afterwards blow three blasts with an horn; by which the debtor is understood to be proclaimed rebel to the King... Hence the letters of diligence are called letters of horning, and the debtor is said to be denounced at the horn.
1895 S. R. Crockett Men of Moss-hags 121 Both of us were put to the horn and declared outlaw.
extracted from hornn.
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