

单词 the eyes are the windows of the soul

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the eyes are the windows of the soul
d. the eyes are the windows of the soul and variants: the eyes express the innermost feelings, thoughts, state of mind, etc., of a person. [Compare classical Latin ut imago est animi vultus, sic indices oculi ‘the face is a picture of the mind, as the eyes are its interpreter’ (Cicero Orator 60), Middle French par les fenestres de mes yeulx ‘by the windows of my eyes’ (1433).]
?1543 T. Phaer tr. J. Goeurot Regiment of Lyfe ii. f. x The eyes..are the wyndowes of the mynde [Fr. les yeulx lesquelz sont messagers de lame], for bothe ioye and anger..are seene..through them.
1656 J. Collop Poesis Rediviva 46 What light without, that knowledge is within, Through th'eyes the windows of our Souls let in.
1706 Nocturnal Revels II. 61 The Eyes are the Windows of the Soul.
1742 ‘Fantosme’ Mem. Nobility Thule I. 112 The Eyes being the Mirrors of the Soul, those Irregularities are as a Mark set on her by Nature, to warn those who address her not to rely much upon her Kindness.
1772 Hist. Miss Dorinda Catsby I. viii. 81 ‘I have always been taught’ (said the charming man) ‘that the eyes are the windows of the heart.’
1850 Jackson's Oxf. Jrnl. 29 June There is nothing striking in his appearance; but the eye, that index of the mind, would give assurance to the observer that the head was ‘screwed on the right way’.
1883 Evening Observer (Dunkirk, N.Y.) 20 July 1/4 The eye is the window to the soul; use your eyes and hold your tongue.
1936 Mexia (Texas) Weekly Herald 22 May 6/6 It is a common saying that the eye is the ‘mirror of the mind’.
1983 Back Stage 4 Feb. 85/1 We have all heard the old bromide, ‘The eyes are the portals of the soul’.
2008 C. Hartsock Sight & Blindness in Luke–Acts iii. 58 The idea that the eyes are the window to the soul is not a modern one.
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