

单词 the book of kings

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the Book of Kings
b. In plural. Chiefly as Kings (with singular agreement), or in the Book of Kings: (the name of) the two (or alternatively, esp. formerly, four; see note) books of the Old Testament relating the history of the Kings of Israel and Judah, from the accession of Solomon to the destruction of the Temple in 586 bc.In the original Hebrew text 1 and 2 Kings are a single book. In the Septuagint, the Vulgate, and the older English versions, there are four books of Kings, 1 and 2 Samuel being regarded as the first two; this system of division, following the Septuagint, is still often used in the Orthodox canon, although typically with the books entitled 1–4 Kingdoms in English.
society > faith > aspects of faith > Bible, Scripture > Testament > Old Testament > divisions of Old Testament > [noun] > Kings
the Book of KingsOE
OE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Otho) v. Concl. 482 Eft on cyninga bec [L. in Regum librum] xxx questionem.
OE Ælfric Old Test. Summary: Judges (Laud) Epil., in S. J. Crawford Old Eng. Version of Heptateuch (1922) 414 Se Israhel..mislice ferde, oð þæt hi fengon to ciningum, swa swa on ‘Cininga Bocum’ ys full cuð be ðam.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 370) (1850) 4 Kings (heading) The fourthe of Kingus [Bodl. 959 the fourthe book of Kyngis].
a1382 Prefatory Epist. St. Jerome in Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1959) vii. l. 131 By al nameȝ o rewe & ioyntours of wordeȝ: outelaft storyes in þe boke of kyngeȝ ben ytouched & questiouns..of þe euangely ben made open.
c1425 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Queen's Oxf.) (1850) 1 Kings Prol. 1 In this book of Kingis the first is contened, how Anna..axide of God to haue a sone.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 110 The viijth chapiter of the first boke of kynges.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) ii. f. xxvv (heading) The first boke of the kynges, otherwyse called the first boke of Samuel.
1581 J. Baker Lect. vpon xii. Articles Christian Faith i. sig. A.viiv We knowe not the names of those men that wrote them, as..the booke of Kinges, and the Chronicles, and such like.
1613 A. Gibson Lands Mourning 50 Nebuchadnezar..carryed him to Babell, as it is in 2 Kings 25.
1661 T. Pierce Serm. 29 May 11 Look upon Solomon in the Book of Kings, and again look upon him in Ecclesiastes, how was he there lifted up by his prosperity?
1700 Flaming Whip for Lechery 78 The first Book of Kings begins with an Account of a new Rebellion hatcht against David.
1759 B. Kennicott State Printed Hebrew Text Old Test. II. iv. 433 These 3 verses are not in Kings, but seem absolutely irreconcileable with what is there recorded.
1819 S. T. Coleridge Coll. Lett. (1959) IV. 917 Two thirds of the sentences..read exactly like the Book of Kings.
1863 A. C. Hervey in W. Smith Dict. Bible II. 36/1 Some details are given of a battle in which Jehoash was defeated, which are not mentioned in Kings.
1968 Jet 21 Mar. 26 His wife dumbfounded the vicar by producing a Bible and quoting from the Second Book of Kings.
1990 W. E. Mills et al. Mercer Dict. Bible 489/1 Kings is a composite work compiled by editors who selected..material derived from earlier sources.
2013 Times (Nexis) 4 June The Prime Minister..will be giving one of the readings from the Book of Kings.
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