

单词 the holy table

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the holy table
a. The table on which the elements are placed for Holy Communion; = communion table n. Also in extended use: Holy Communion itself. Frequently with distinguishing word, as the Lord's table, the holy table.Often, esp. in Britain in the late 16th and 17th centuries, used in deliberate opposition to altar with the implication that the rite of Communion is not regarded as a sacrifice. Cf. altar n. 2c.
society > faith > worship > sacrament > communion > [noun]
the Lord's Supperc1384
Lord's Table1533
the Supper?1548
unbloody sacrifice1548
table service1593
second service1655
table prayer1858
society > faith > artefacts > division of building (general) > altar > [noun] > communion table
God's boarda1200
communion table1549
communion board1553
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 236 Godes table is þe wyeued. Þe coupe is þe chalis.
c1450 (c1400) Bk. Vices & Virtues (Huntington) (1942) 261 Þe prestes of cristenedome..seruen at Goddis table and seruen hym of his cuppe and of his bred and of his wyne.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) 1 Cor. x. 21 Ye cannot be parte takers off the lordes table, and off the table off devyls.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Svpper of the Lorde f. cxxj Not suffering them to bee partakers of the Lordes table, untill he knowe them to bee reconciled.
1550 in Acts Privy Council (1891) III. 170 That it was convenyent to take downe the aultars as thinges abused, and in liewe of them to sett up tables as thinges moste meete for the Supper of the Lorde, and most agreable to the first constitution.
1552 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16279) Administr. Lordes Supper sig. M.vi The Table hauyng at the Communion tyme a fayre white lynnen clothe vpon it.
1616 J. Boys Wks. (1629) 844 Is not..the denying of the cup a notorious lurching at the Lord's Table?
1641 R. Dey Two Looks over Lincolne 3 The Bishop of Lincolnes Crosier..metamorphosed the holy Altar, into an holy Table, name and thing in appearance, yet an holy Altar still, in reverence, adoration, place and situation.
1650 J. Lamont Diary (1830) 15 Both Durie and his lady was debarred from the tabel, because of ther malignancie.
a1711 T. Ken Edmund viii, in Wks. (1721) II. 203 Just in the midst was th' Holy Table plac'd, Where it the Past'ral Chair directly fac'd.
a1751 P. Doddridge Hymns (1755) 152 My God, and is thy Table spread?
1846 C. Anderson in H. Anderson Life & Lett. C. Anderson (1854) xi. 425 There were sixteen of us..sitting down..at the table of the Lord.
1890 W. W. How Holy Communion ii. 66 You will now have some little space of time for private prayer and meditation,..before you go up to the Holy Table.
1902 T. M. Lindsay Church & Ministry in Early Cent. vi. 254 After the celebration the faithful, who all remained in the church, came forward to the ‘Table’.
1950 Times 12 May 3/2 Two but not more than two candlesticks might lawfully be upon the holy table.
2004 Church Times 25 June 18/4 The existence of such a retable made it necessary for the clergy to celebrate the communion service in front of the holy table, facing away from the people.
extracted from tablen.
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