

单词 the father of lights

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the Father of Lights
a. the Father of Lights and variants: God. [After post-classical Latin pater luminum (Vulgate), itself after Hellenistic Greek πατὴρ τῶν ϕώτων (New Testament), both in James 1:17 (see quot. c1384).]
OE (Northumbrian) Liturgical Texts (Durham Ritual) in A. H. Thompson & U. Lindelöf Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis (1927) 28 Omne donum perfectum de sursum est descendens a patre luminum : ælc geafo wisfæst ufa is ofdune stigende from feder lehta.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Royal) (1850) James i. 17 Ech best thing ȝouun, and al parfijt ȝift is fro aboue, comynge doun of the fadir of liȝtis [L. Patre luminum], anentis whom is not ouerchaunginge, nether schadewing of whileness, or tyme.
1529 T. More Dyaloge Dyuers Maters i. xvii. f. xxiv/1 Euery good and very perfyte gyfte commeth from aboue descendyng from the father of lyghtys.
1662 J. Chandler tr. J. B. van Helmont Oriatrike 195 The light of the same proceeding immediately and fountainously from the Father of Lights.
1753 W. Hopkins Appeal to Common Sense Christian People 178 Join with me in solemn Thanks to the Father of Lights.
1833 J. Montgomery Lect. Poetry & Gen. Lit. vi. 224 No living writer can hope for immortality in its only enviable earthly sense, who does not occupy his talents on subjects..not disreputable to their Author,—the Father of lights!
1876 J. S. Blackie Songs Relig. & Life 68 That first Father of Lights From whom the ray vivific marvellous burst.
1917 Jrnl. Race Devel. 7 279 True reform is deadened. There is no news for a big struggle. There is no upward look to the Father of Lights.
1961 Jrnl. Eng. & Germanic Philol. 60 625 The Christians, too, saw Jehovah as a bright God, the Father of Lights.
2008 M. Ward Planet Narnia (2010) ii. 28 Since God is the Father of lights, even the dim and guttering lights of paganism could be ascribed ultimately to Him.
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