单词 | stockish |
释义 | stockishadj. 1. Resembling a stock or block of wood; esp. of a person, excessively dull, stupid or ‘wooden’. ΘΚΠ the mind > mental capacity > lack of understanding > stupidity, dullness of intellect > [adjective] sloweOE stuntc960 dullOE hardOE stuntlyc1000 sotc1050 dillc1175 dulta1225 simplea1325 heavy1340 astonedc1374 sheepishc1380 dull-witteda1387 lourd1390 steerishc1411 ass-likea1425 brainless?a1439 deafc1440 sluggishc1450 short-witted1477 obtuse1509 peakish1519 wearish1519 deaf, or dumb as a beetle1520 doileda1522 gross1526 headlessa1530 stulty1532 ass-headed1533 pot-headed1533 stupid?1541 sheep's head1542 doltish1543 dumpish1545 assish1548 blockish1548 slow-witted1548 blockheaded1549 surd1551 dull-headed1552 hammer-headed1552 skit-brained?1553 buzzardly1561 witless1562 log-headeda1566 assy1566 sottish1566 dastardly1567 stupidious1567 beetle-headed1570 calvish1570 bluntish1578 cod's-headed1578 grout-headed1578 bedaft1579 dull-pated1580 blate1581 buzzard-like1581 long-eared1582 dullard1583 woodena1586 duncical1588 leaden-headed1589 buzzard1592 dorbellical1592 dunstical1592 heavy-headeda1593 shallow-brained1592 blunt-witted1594 mossy1597 Bœotian1598 clay-brained1598 fat1598 fat-witted1598 knotty-pated1598 stupidous1598 wit-lost1599 barren1600 duncifiedc1600 lourdish1600 stockish1600 thick1600 booby1603 leaden-pated1603 partless1603 thin-headed1603 leaden-skulledc1604 blockhead1606 frost-brained1606 ram-headed1608 beef-witted1609 insulse1609 leaden-spirited1609 asininec1610 clumse1611 blockheadly1612 wattle-headed1613 flata1616 logger-headeda1616 puppy-headeda1616 shallow-patedc1616 thick-brained1619 half-headed1621 buzzard-blinda1625 beef-brained1628 toom-headed1629 thick-witted1634 woollen-witted1635 squirrel-headed1637 clod-pated1639 lean-souled1639 muddy-headed1642 leaden-witteda1645 as sad as any mallet1645 under-headed1646 fat-headed1647 half-witted1647 insipid1651 insulsate1652 soft-headed1653 thick-skulleda1657 muddish1658 non-intelligent1659 whey-brained1660 sap-headed1665 timber-headed1666 leather-headeda1668 out of (one's) tree1669 boobily1673 thoughtless1673 lourdly1674 logger1675 unintelligenta1676 Bœotic1678 chicken-brained1678 under-witted1683 loggerhead1684 dunderheaded1692 unintelligible1694 buffle-headed1697 crassicc1700 numbskulled1707 crassous1708 doddy-polled1708 haggis-headed1715 niddy-noddy1722 muzzy1723 pudding-headed1726 sumphish1728 pitcher-souleda1739 duncey1743 hebete1743 chuckheaded1756 dumb1756 duncely1757 imbecile1766 mutton-headed1768 chuckle-headed1770 jobbernowl1770 dowfarta1774 boobyish1778 wittol1780 staumrel1787 opaquec1789 stoopid1791 mud-headed1793 borné1795 muzzy-headed1798 nog-headed1800 thick-headed1801 gypit1804 duncish1805 lightweight1809 numbskull1814 tup-headed1816 chuckle-pate1820 unintellectuala1821 dense1822 ninnyish1822 dunch1825 fozy1825 potato-headed1826 beef-headed1828 donkeyish1831 blockheadish1833 pinheaded1837 squirrel-minded1837 pumpkin-headed1838 tomfoolish1838 dundering1840 chicken-headed1842 like a bump on a log1842 ninny-minded1849 numbheadeda1852 nincompoopish1852 suet-brained1852 dolly1853 mullet-headed1853 sodden1853 fiddle-headed1854 numb1854 bovine1855 logy1859 crass1861 unsmart1861 off his chump1864 wooden-headed1865 stupe1866 lean-minded1867 duffing1869 cretinous1871 doddering1871 thick-head1873 doddling1874 stupido1879 boneheaded1883 woolly-headed1883 leaden-natured1889 suet-headed1890 sam-sodden1891 dopey1896 turnip-headed1898 bonehead1903 wool-witted1905 peanut-headed1906 peanut-brained1907 dilly1909 torpid-minded1909 retardate1912 nitwitted1917 meat-headed1918 mug1922 cloth-headed1925 loopy1925 nitwit1928 lame-brained1929 dead from the neck up1930 simpy1932 nail-headed1936 square-headed1936 dingbats1937 pinhead1939 dim-witted1940 pea-brained1942 clueless1943 lobotomized1943 retarded1949 pointy-headed1950 clottish1952 like a stunned mullet1953 silly (or crazy) as a two-bob watch1954 out to lunch1955 pin-brained1958 dozy1959 eejity1964 out of one's tiny mind1965 doofus1967 twitty1967 twittish1969 twatty1975 twattish1976 blur1977 dof1979 goofus1981 dickheaded1991 dickish1991 numpty1992 cockish1996 the mind > emotion > absence of emotion > [adjective] > lacking emotional sensibility unfeelingc1000 mis-feelinga1382 stonishc1450 unpainfulc1450 obtuse1509 sprightlessa1522 insensate1553 senseless1560 soulless1568 dull-esprited1591 impassible1592 bluntie1598 impenetrable1600 stockish1600 stolidc1600 incapable1601 stupid1605 tasteless1605 unsensitive1610 unexalted1611 insensible1617 unsensible1619 languid1622 immovable1639 dead-hearted1642 sterile1642 resupine1643 unaffectionate1645 iron-bound1648 resentlessa1649 torpid1656 torpulent1657 impassive1699 unreceptive1722 hebete1743 apathetic1744 stubbed1744 gustless1766 unresponsive1768 unsusceptible1779 tideless-blooded1786 unaffectioned1788 inaccessible1796 hebetudinous1820 unimpressible1828 insensitive1834 apathetical1835 non-sensitive1836 blunt-hearted1845 irreceptive1846 unreceptant1846 unimpressionable1847 anaesthetic1860 insentient1860 hard (also tough, sharp) as nails1862 unsqueamish1893 tone-deaf1894 unget-at-able1897 facty1901 zombie1937 pegamoid1957 1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice v. i. 81 Naught so stockish hard and full of rage, but musique for the time doth change his nature. View more context for this quotation 1612 T. Taylor Αρχὴν Ἁπάντων: Comm. Epist. Paul to Titus i. 7 A stockish senselessnesse, or a sufferance of any evill, without any great sense of it. 1641 R. Greville Disc. Nature Episcopacie i. ix. 53 The issue will be slavish, grosse superstition, and stockish Idolatry. 1816 G. Colman Eccentricities Edinb. 19 Touch'd by vivifick flame, the stockish dirt Fermented, and became no more inert. 1842 R. W. Emerson Lect. Transcendentalist in Wks. (1906) II. 285 These persons are not by nature melancholy,..they are not stockish or brute. 1842 J. Foster Let. 1 Oct. in Life & Corr. J. Foster (1846) II. 347 The stockish stupidity of those Chartists. 1881 R. L. Stevenson Apol. Idlers in Virginibus Puerisque 124 Many..come out of the study with an..owl-like demeanour, and prove dry, stockish, and dyspeptic in all the better and brighter parts of life. 2. Short and thick-set, stocky. rare. ΘΚΠ the world > life > the body > bodily height > shortness > [adjective] > and broad short shoulderedc1405 bunting1584 squaddy1593 chubby1611 truncheon1611 squat1630 squabbish1666 truss1674 squab1675 squad1675 stocky1676 punch1679 trunch1683 squat1688 stub1711 fodgel1724 thick-set1724 puddy1747 chunky1749 dumpy1750 squabby1754 knurly1758 clunch1776 trunchy1778 fubsy1780 punchy1780 humpty-dumpty1785 trunched1787 pudgy1788 fubby1790 runty1807 squattish1809 roly-poly1818 stumpy1822 hoddy-doddy1824 spuddya1825 hodmandod1825 stubby1831 podgy1832 fubsical1834 dumpty1847 fatling1847 stuggy1847 nuggety1856 cloddy1876 blocky1879 chumpy188. cobby1883 squidgy1891 stockish1913 pyknic1925 humpisha1935 1913 N. Munro New Road xviii A stockish little man dressed in the Highland habit. Derivatives ˈstockishly adv. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > absence of emotion > [adverb] unappassionately1598 stupidlya1626 dispassionately1717 impassively1828 apathetically1831 passionlessly1831 soullessly1832 stockishly1846 unresponsively1853 feelinglessly1856 stolidly1856 insensately1863 impassibly1872 unemotionally1884 stonily1899 insensitively1961 the mind > mental capacity > lack of understanding > stupidity, dullness of intellect > [adverb] sotly1154 blately1513 grossly?1531 dully1533 blockishly1556 bluntly1557 buzzardly1561 sottishly1566 thickly1574 doltishly1580 witlessly1598 stupidiously1600 brainlessly1610 stupidly?1611 insulsely1637 uncleverly1697 numbskully1708 unintelligently1754 stupid?1757 duncishly1826 stockishly1846 sumphishly1850 simple-mindedly1851 obtusely1863 crassly1883 bovinely1900 unperceptively1935 simplistically1939 obtusively1953 dopily1958 gormlessly1958 1846 R. Browning Soul's Trag. in Bells & Pomegranates No. VIII ii I understand only the dull mule's way of standing stockishly. 1914 H. Newbolt Aladore xxvi Then he stood before her stockishly, like a thing of wood. ˈstockishness n. ΘΚΠ the mind > mental capacity > lack of understanding > stupidity, dullness of intellect > [noun] hardnessOE stuntnessc1000 sotshipc1050 witlessnessa1100 sotheada1200 dullness1398 bluntness1483 slowness1495 grossnessa1530 stupidity?1541 assishness?1548 dastardness1552 lourderie1555 dastardliness1556 blockishness1561 doltishness1569 sottage1569 sheepishness1574 doltry1581 sottishness1589 doltage1593 dorbellism1593 grout-headry1600 opacity1611 duncery1615 dunstery1615 stupidness1619 hebetude1621 insulsity1623 unintelligence1634 obtuseness1648 jobbernowlism1652 dullery1653 non-intelligence1653 blockheadishness1656 crassness1664 blockheadedness1716 stolidness1727 blockheadism1753 numbskullity1779 nincompoophood1791 duncishness1805 numbskullism1806 foziness1821 noodledum1821 obtusity1823 soft-headedness1823 noodledom1827 duncehood1829 dunderheadedness1830 sumphishness1830 asininity1831 dunderheadism1836 stockishness1837 dullardness1840 fat-headedness1840 stupor1845 duncedom1847 misintelligence1848 nincompoopery1850 wooden-headedness1850 dumminess1852 jolterheadedness1852 ninnyship1852 donkeyism1855 dumbness1860 beef-wittedness1863 crassitude1865 donkeyhood1869 slow-wittedness1869 chuckle-headedness1880 leatherheadedness1880 pinheadedness1884 numbskulledness1885 donkeydom1889 thickheadedness1889 density1894 moronism1922 nitwittedness1931 nitwittery1931 noodleness1931 dopiness1942 squirrel-headedness1955 nincompoopism1957 dim-wittedness1960 clottishness1961 the mind > emotion > absence of emotion > [noun] > want of or incapacity for emotion dryheada1300 lethargyc1380 drynessc1450 dumping1542 unsensibility1551 insensibleness?1555 unsensibleness?1555 stupidity1568 stolidity1570 stupor1570 dumpishness1574 senselessness1577 innaturality1579 astoniedness1580 impassibility1603 stupefaction1603 torpor1607 deadness1611 unsufferance1611 hebetude1621 nonsense1621 drought1622 hebetation1623 obstupefaction1625 unanswerableness1626 tastelessnessa1631 insensateness1646 impassiveness1648 obtuseness1648 barrenness1655 torpulency1657 sterility1661 spiritlessness1669 unspiritedness1669 unaffectedness1678 insensibility1691 stolidness1727 apathy1742 impenetrableness1747 unfeelingness1766 impassivity1794 unfeeling1805 soullessness1811 incommobility1822 obtusity1823 unimpressibleness1830 hardhead1836 stockishness1837 insensitiveness1838 impenetrability1847 unreceptivity1849 unsusceptibility1850 woodenness1854 unimpressionability1862 irresponsiveness1864 unresponsiveness1869 impassibleness1874 irreceptivity1881 unimpressibility1889 apatheia1893 inemotivity1894 affectlessness1921 insensitivity1957 1837 R. Browning Strafford iii. iii. 77 O stockishness! Wear such a ruff, and never call to mind St. John's head in a charger? This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1917; most recently modified version published online June 2021). < adj.1600 |
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