

单词 some and some

> as lemmas

(by) some and some
c. (by) some and some, by little and little; by degrees; gradually. Obsolete. (Cf. A. 8b.)
the world > action or operation > manner of action > slowness of action or operation > [phrase] > gradually or in stages
(a, by) lite and litec1290
a little and a littlea1375
little and littlea1387
(by) some and some1398
by little and by littlea1425
little by little?a1425
by small and small1558
by (a) little1577
by lithe and lithe1592
by inchesa1616
inch by incha1616
to go slow1664
1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (Tollem. MS) xi. i Vapoures, þat beþ gaderid sum and sum in þe erþe.
1398 J. Trevisa tr. Bartholomew de Glanville De Proprietatibus Rerum (Bodl.) xvii. cxliii Whan þe weþye is swiþe olde, þan he faileþ & roteþ somme and somme.
1602 J. Rhodes Answere Romish Rime sig. B4v Your doctrine.., which did creepe Into the Church, by some and some.
extracted from somepron.adj.1adv.n.1
some and some
d. some and some, something in return for something. Obsolete.
the world > time > change > exchange > [noun] > person or thing exchanged
tit for tat1546
some and some1573
tip for tap1573
quid pro quo1816
1573 G. Gascoigne Hearbes in Wks. (1907) I. 353 Recompence the lyke agayne: For some and some is honest playe.
1583 B. Melbancke Philotimus (new ed.) sig. Ti Thinke some and some is honest play.
extracted from somepron.adj.1adv.n.1
some and some
a. some…, some, = Some…, others. (Cf. A. 2) †Formerly also in some…than some, some and some.
c888 Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. xxxiii. §5 Sume beorhtor sume unbyrhtor, swa swa steorran.
c1000 West Saxon Gospels: Mark (Corpus Cambr.) xii. 5 Sume hi beoton, sume hi of-slogon.
1154 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) ann. 1140 Sume helden mid te king & sume mid þemperice.
c1200 Trin. Coll. Hom. 101 Sume sitteð and sume ligeð and sume we stondeð.
a1225 Leg. Kath. 37 Summe þurh muchele ȝeouen.., summe þurh fearlac.
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 948 Of summe þay smyte of legges & armes & of sum þe heuedes þay gerde.
a1400 K. Alis. (W.) 2517 To divers castles he heom sent:..Some to Libye, some to Rome.
a1400–50 Alexander 1330 All at he slayn fyndez, He makes to grave, some in grete, some in gray marbyll.
1523 J. Skelton Goodly Garlande of Laurell 250 Some whispred, some rownyd, some spake, and some cryde.
a1525 (c1448) R. Holland Bk. Howlat l. 64 in W. A. Craigie Asloan MS (1925) II. 97 Sum will me dulfully dicht Sum dyng me to deid.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 8 Some [fled] into Norway, and some into Denmarke, and some into one Countrie, and some into another.
1611 Bible (King James) Psalms xx. 7 Some trust in charets, and some in horses. View more context for this quotation
1690 W. Temple Ess. Gardens of Epicurus 11 in Miscellanea: 2nd Pt. Like Rover Shots, some nearer and some further off, but all at great Distance from the Mark.
1750 tr. C. Leonardus Mirror of Stones 130 For some are gold, some silver, others copper, and others iron.
1837 P. Keith Bot. Lexicon 122 Some are annular, some are reticulated, some are dotted, and some akin to spirals.
1855 C. Kingsley Westward Ho! xxv Some ran; some did not run.
(b)1493 Chastysing Goddes Chyldern (de Worde) ii. sig. Aij/2 Our lorde withdraweth him fro some more than fro some.1527 Inventory Goods Henry Fitzroy 19 in Camden Misc. (1855) III Item, Counter~points of all sortes, some bygger than some.1547 tr. A. de Marcourt Bk. Marchauntes (new ed.) c vj b My marchants, of whome truely some be wilier than some.1821 W. Scott Kenilworth III. xvi. 326 Some are wiser than some,..and some are worse than some.(c)a1529 J. Skelton Why come ye nat to Courte (?1545) 385 But there is some trauarse Bytwene some and some.
extracted from somepron.adj.1adv.n.1
some and some
b. some and some, a few at a time, gradually. Obsolete. (Cf. A. 4c.)
the world > relative properties > number > plurality > fewness > [adverb] > at a time
some after some1598
some and some1686
1686 tr. J. Chardin Trav. Persia 63 He put my Goods aboard, some and some, as he saw his Opportunity.
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 238 They came dropping in, some and some, not in two Bodies and in Form.., but all in Heaps.
1769 G. White Let. 28 Feb. in Nat. Hist. Selborne (1789) 65 Persons that assert that the swallow kind disappear some and some gradually, as they come.
extracted from somepron.adj.1adv.n.1
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