

单词 sapphic


Brit. /ˈsafɪk/, U.S. /ˈsæfɪk/
Forms: 1500s Sapphike, 1500s–1600s Saphic, 1500s–1600s Saphicke, 1500s–1600s Saphik, 1500s–1600s Saphique, 1500s–1600s Sapphik, 1500s–1600s Sapphique, 1500s–1700s Saphick, 1500s–1700s Sapphick, 1500s– Sapphic, 1600s Sapphicke, 1600s Sapphyck. Also with lower-case initial.
Origin: Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French sapphique, saphique, Latin Sapphicus.
Etymology: < (i) Middle French sapphique, saphique (French saphique ) (adjective) (of a verse) Sapphic (a1387 as saffique ; in sense A. 2), (noun) Sapphic verse (1576), and its etymon (ii) classical Latin Sapphicus of or relating to the poet Sappho (in Catullus), in post-classical Latin also designating the metrical line used by Sappho (4th cent. in grammarians) < Hellenistic Greek Σαπϕικός , designating the metrical line used by Sappho < ancient Greek Σαπϕώ , the name of the poet Sappho (c600 b.c.), who used this kind of meter + -ικός -ic suffix).Use with reference to prosody. With use as noun with reference to verse (see sense B. 1) compare classical Latin Sapphicum, Sapphicon, neuter (2nd cent. a.d. in a grammarian). Compare the following use of Saphicum in Middle English in this sense:c1450 tr. G. Boccaccio De Claris Mulieribus (1924) l. 1446 A new metyr of hir [sc. Sappho's] inuencion..Is excercysed in metrificacion Callid Saphicum [L. Sapicum, v.r. Sapphicum]. Use with reference to sexuality. Sappho wrote lyric poetry, which often expresses love and affection for women. As a result, she has been associated with female homosexuality since antiquity. However, derivatives of her name were not used with reference to sexuality in Latin or Greek. Compare French sapphique (1799 in this sense).
A. adj.
a. Prosody. Designating a poetic metre, and a related poetic verse form, associated with the ancient Greek poet Sappho (c610–570 b.c.); (of a line, stanza, or poem) written in this metre or form.For more information about the metre and verse form see sense B. 1.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > versification > metre > [adjective] > metre of specific poets
?1553 (c1501) G. Douglas Palice of Honour (London) ii. l. 801 in Shorter Poems (1967) 56 Metyr Saphik and also Elygee.
1585 T. Washington tr. N. de Nicolay Nauigations Turkie ii. ix. 43 She inuented the verses which after her name are called Saphic [Fr. Saphiques].
1656 T. Blount Glossographia Sapphique Verse.
1675 E. Phillips Theatrum Poetarum (new ed.) 148 His Panegyric in Sapphic Verse upon the Emperour Frederic the third.
1706 A. Bedford Temple Musick v. 100 Iambick, and Sapphick Verses.
1760 J. Woodforde Diary 30 Jan. (1924) I. 14 Mr Pye the Subwarden set me Part of the 1st Lesson..to translate into Sapphic Metre.
1841 Penny Cycl. XX. 420/1 The Sapphic strophe consists of three Sapphic verses followed by a versus Adonicus.
1871 B. H. Kennedy Public School Lat. Gram. 472 Catullus has two Sapphic Odes.
1872 C. S. Calverley Fly Leaves 97 She'd throw off odes, again, whose flow And fire were more than Sapphic.
1948 D. L. Clark John Milton at St. Paul's School 135 Directions and diagrams for scanning the various types of verse, as heroic, elegiac, sapphic, phaleuciac, and iambic.
2005 Jrnl. Linguistics 41 105 Compare the Alcmanic, Sapphic, and Alcaic strophes.
b. More generally: of, relating to, characteristic of, or reminiscent of Sappho or her writings.
1644 A. Hume tr. Petrarch Triumph Love iv, in tr. Petrarch Triumphs Love, Chastitie, Death 45 The young Greeke Poetesse, who is receiv'd among The noble Troup for her rare Saphick Muse.
1763 in T. Manningham Poematia 2 According to Sapphic doctrine, it was a propitious omen to the Lover, when Venus..harnessed her Sparrows to visit the inexorable Fair.
1875 E. A. B. R. Lewis Sappho i. i. 13 Had my heart been free from Sapphic spell, With Theba I had been content to dwell.
1902 Classical Rev. 16 193/2 The subject of the first [fragment]..is the leave-taking of a young woman who has been a member of the Sapphic circle.
2012 M. Fantuzzi Achilles in Love ii. 57 This fragment..is only ascribed to Sappho by Byzantine parœmiographers. Therefore, its Sapphic authorship has sometimes been questioned.
2. Of, relating to, engaging in, or characterized by sexual activity between women or female same-sex desire; = lesbian adj. 2.Many of Sappho's love poems are addressed to women. The more general association of her name with same-sex desire in English contexts can be traced back at least to the start of the 18th century.
the world > physical sensation > sexual relations > sexual orientation > homosexuality > [adjective] > homosexual > specifically of women
1761 F. Sydenham tr. Plato Banquet: 1st Pt. 93 Their Affections tend rather to their own Sex: and of this Kind are the Sapphic Lovers [Gk. ἑταιρίστριαι].
1766 Genuine Mem. Maria Brown II. 120 She whispered to me the plan of bliss which these extraordinary letchers had chalked out to themselves, and which they stiled the indulgence of the Sapphic passion.
1808 Edinb. Med. & Surg. Jrnl. 4 477 The disease seldom proceeds so far except in women who have indulged in Sapphic and Lesbian habits.
1895 A. Douglas Let. in H. M. Hyde Trials Oscar Wilde (1948) 360 There are several women in London whose friendship with other women does carry a taint and a suspicion, simply because these women are obviously ‘sapphic’ in their loves.
1950 J. Lait & L. Mortimer Chicago: Confidential i. iv. 42 The Sapphic lover, unless she goes to the extremes of wearing mannish habiliments and cutting her hair short, is seldom obvious.
1991 Gay Times Apr. 39/3 She always conducted her sapphic relationships with the same tremendous energy and outstanding intensity that she expended on everything else.
2006 Daily Tel. 12 May 28/1 Laney's sudden, self-contradictory enthusiasm for sapphic sex and spirituality has much to do with her desire to punish her clingy, controlling mother.
B. n.
1. Prosody. A stanza written in the poetic verse form associated with Sappho; a line of verse composed in the metre generally used for this; the metre in which such lines are generally composed. Also: verse or (more commonly, in plural) verses composed in this form.In the classical Greek verse form in which much of Sappho's poetry was written, the stanza consists of three lines of 11 syllables followed by one of five. The first three lines are logaoedic hendecasyllables (with the pattern ¯ ˘ ¯  ¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ ; sometimes called the lesser Sapphic), and the final line is a pentasyllable (¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ; sometimes referred to as an Adonic: see Adonic n.). In some analyses the third and fourth lines are regarded as forming a single line. The verse form was also used by Sappho's contemporary Alcaeus (see Alcaic n. and adj.), who may have invented it; it was adapted for use in Latin by Catullus, Horace, and others, and for use in English by various poets from the 16th century onwards. greater Sapphic n. (a) (in a metre consisting of logaoedic distichs, used in Latin poetry, e.g. Horace Odes 1. 8, but not found in Sappho or Alcaeus) the second line, having the pattern   ¯ ¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ‖ ¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ , analysable as a regular, or lesser, Sapphic with choriambic expansion (the first line, known as the Aristophanic, has the pattern ¯ ˘ ˘ ¯ ˘ ¯ : see Aristophanic n.); (b) this metre.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > poetry > versification > metre > [noun] > variety of > metres of specific poets
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1590) i. sig. O1 Zelmane..sange these Sapphiques.
1586 W. Webbe Disc. Eng. Poetrie sig. I. v For tryall of which I haue turned the new Poets sweete song of Eliza into such homely Sapphick as I coulde.
1645 J. Howell Epistolæ Ho-elianæ i. xxx. 57 Give me leave to salute you first in these Sapphics.
1675 Eng. Guide Lat. Tongue 70 At the end of three Sapphicks is commonly added an Adonick.
1745 J. Swift On Dan Jackson's Picture: On Foregoing Picture in Misc. X. 207 To give us a Description graphick Of Dan's large Nose, in modern Saphick.
1763 F. Brooke Hist. Lady Julia Mandeville I. 84 That divine sapphic of yours..I have endeavoured to set it.
1849 R. Hily Elements Lat. Gram. (ed. 3) 178 The Greater Sapphic [consists] of a Trochee, a Spondee, a Dactyl, and a Caesura, with another Dactyl and two Trochees.
1851 G. A. Jacob Bromsgrove Lat. Gram. (ed. 3) 264 The Sapphic Stanza..three lines the lesser Sapphic..the 4th a dactyl and spondee, or Adonius.
1874 J. M. Marshall in tr. Horace Wks. I. p. xxxiv Sapphic (the greater). Alternately an Aristophanic and a greater Sapphic.
1892 T. R. Lounsbury Stud. Chaucer II. vii. 49 Lumbering hexameters and dolorous sapphics consequently made their appearance in English literature.
1917 Classical Rev. 31 81/1 This pretty little lyric stanza is spoilt as a Sapphic by the word tyrannous.
1936 Times 24 Oct. 9/3 It was natural to contrast the indifferent Sapphics of Catullus or the inferior Alcaics of Statius.
1988 18th-cent. Stud. 21 493 From the couplets of varied length..to the sapphics of George Canning or the alternating hudibrastics and miltonics of William Somervile.
2005 R. O. A. M. Lyne in Coll. Papers on Latin Poetry vii. 297 No example of the so-called ‘greater sapphic’ (Odes 1.8) nor either of its two component lines, survives in the fragments of Alcaeus, or indeed of Sappho.
2010 Observer (Nexis) 24 Jan. 5 His [sc. Byron's] last poem is written in Sapphics, one of the most difficult forms of all.
2. A lesbian.
the world > physical sensation > sexual relations > sexual orientation > homosexuality > [noun] > a homosexual person > female
cunt lapper1916
rug muncher1981
carpet muncher1992
1985 Spare Rib Dec. 55/1 The Lesrose Chapter (International) New Lesbians/Sapphics only Newsletter/magazine.
1994 J. Burchill in Spectator 25 June 26/3 Its writing about sex..seemed like an Auberon Waugh parody of sweaty, solemn Sapphics.
2011 Weekend Austral. (Nexis) 30 July 10 His website's wedding planner section has plenty of helpful advice for marriage-minded sapphics wishing to wear suits to their ceremonies.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2018; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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