

单词 royal battle

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royal battle
b. Designating military action, etc., as †conquest royal, †joust royal; royal battle, royal siege (also siege royal), royal war. Also in extended use. Now rare.battle royal, voyage royal: see the first element.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. l. 7440 (MED) Þis litel Ile Is pertynent and longeth to Secile Wher Hercules, for a memorial, Sette pilers in his conquest royal.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xvii. 396 To see where he myghte best pitche his tentes and his pavylions, for to kepe sege royall afore the castell of Mountalban.
1494 in J. Gairdner Lett. Reigns of Richard III & Henry VII (1861) I. 394 The justys roiaulx in the kyngis palaice of Westmester.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard III iv. iv. 467 Away towardes Salisburie, while we reason here, A royall battell might be wonne and lost. View more context for this quotation
1601 R. Johnson tr. G. Botero Trauellers Breuiat 99 They are able to raise, or vndertake any voyage royall.
1602 Ld. Mountjoy Let. in F. Moryson Itinerary (1617) ii. 214 Such necessaries as your Lordships were perswaded were onely fit for a more royall warre.
1669 E. Howard Brit. Princes ii. vii. 188 When Lancasters bold Line possest his Throne, And rais'd a Royal warre, so bloody known.
1729 J. Harvey Life R. Bruce iii. 149 Since the late wond'rous Act the Loyal Bands Increasing daily from the neigh'ring Lands. Then all at once decamp the Royal War, and to Glentrol's thick woody Shades repair.
1759 Mod. Part Universal Hist. VII. xi. xvi. 481 They usually conclude with a royal battle, in which the chova's cocks always come off victorious.
1854 R. W. Eyton Antiq. Shropshire I. 242 In the summer of 1102, his Castle of Brug stood a royal siege of three weeks duration, and was at last surrendered, rather than taken by storm.
1975 F. H. Russell Just War in Middle Ages 145 While in general guerra could mean both a royal war and petty violence, the canonists seem to have used bellum for an openly-declared war and guerra for petty and illicit wars.
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