

单词 right-twisted

> as lemmas

a. Forming adjectives with past participles, as right-born, right-bred, right-framed, right-made, right-shapen, right-twisted, etc. Cf. well adv. and n.4 Compounds 1. Also parasynthetically.
OE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Cambr. Univ. Libr.) v. xix. 468 He hine..gelærde [read gelædde] to mærsianne & to weorðianne þa rihtgesettan tide..þære Drihtenlican æriste [L. catholicum dominicae resurrectionis tempus].
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 1645 All þatt tu willt offrenn godd..birrþ..clennlike don Off rihht bigetenn ahhte.
1526 W. Tyndale Prol. Epist. Rom. sig. biii The ryghte shapen workes abyde not behynd but accompanye fayth evyn as bryghtenes doth the sunne.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes f. 177v Make praier vnto the Goddes, that a lawfull and right born heire for the succession of the croune and empier might bee begotten betwene Philippus and Cleopatra.
1553 in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1822) III. i. 76 If ye saw them [sc. the Bishops]..ye would say, they were the Pope's right-shapen sons.
1571 A. Golding tr. J. Calvin Psalmes of Dauid with Comm. (xxxix. 5) Within a while after hee will intermedle holy and right framed prayers.
1659 H. Thorndike Epil. Trag. Church of Eng. i. 227 The right born, imbasing..his birth, shall slide down.
1678 J. Ray tr. F. Willughby Ornithol. 56 Those [of her young] that she sees look stedfastly on the Sun, she [sc. the eagle] keeps and brings up as right-bred,..but such as turn away their eyes..she casts away as degenerous.
1680 W. Allen Perswasive to Peace & Unity (ed. 2) Pref. p. xxxiii It does agree with every right made publick prayer whatsoever.
1707 E. Ward Wooden World Dissected 18 What Discouragement gives not this to right-bred Tars from entering Volunteers?
1876 Chron. & Descr. Index Patents 1875 19 Each bobbin has a left twisted cotton or yarn thread worked round it and three right twisted threads.
1891 J. C. Atkinson Last of Giant-killers 170 Some even say that a right-shaped twig of any tree will do just as well.
1934 Times Lit. Suppl. 4 Jan. 4/2 A right-twisted shell lies conveniently for the waves breaking upon it so that they may press it more closely to the rock.
1999 I. Kostov & R. I. Kostov Crystal Habits Minerals vi. 231 Weiss himself used not the terms left-hand and right-hand, but right-twisted (rechtsgewundenen) and left-twisted (linksgewundenen) crystals.
extracted from rightadv.
as lemmas




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