

单词 quop


Brit. /kwɒp/, U.S. /kwɑp/, Irish English /kwɑp/

α. Middle English quape, Middle English qwape, Middle English qwappe, Middle English–1500s quappe, 1600s (1700s English regional (Gloucestershire)) (1800s Welsh English) quapp, 1800s quap.

β. 1600s 1800s– quop, 1800s– qwop (English regional (Worcestershire)).

See also quob v.
Origin: An imitative or expressive formation.
Etymology: Ultimately imitative. Compare (especially with sense 1) German regional (Low German) quappen , expressing the noise made by a soft, flabby, fat body when falling down, quappig (of people) very corpulent and fleshy, and (with frequentative suffix: see -le suffix 3) Middle Dutch quabbelen to quiver, wobble (originally used of fatty body parts of animals; Dutch kwabbelen ), German regional (East Central, southern) quappeln , quabbeln to quiver. With sense 1 compare later quob v. Perhaps compare also quab n.1, quab n.2Both later α. forms (after c1600) and β. forms show rounding of the vowel under the influence of the preceding labial, although in the case of the α. forms this is not reflected in the spelling. With sense 2 compare the semantically similar wap v.1 5, which is perhaps influenced by quop v.
Now English regional and Irish English.
1. intransitive. To tremble, wriggle, writhe; to throb, pulsate, palpitate. English regional in later use.
the world > movement > motion in specific manner > alternating or reciprocating motion > pulsation > pulsate [verb (intransitive)]
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) Tobit vi. 4 He droowȝ it [sc. the fish] in to þe drye, & it began to quappyn beforn his feet.
a1425 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (1987) iii. 57 Lord, so that his herte gan to quappe, Heryng hire come.
a1450 Partonope of Blois (Univ. Oxf.) 8973 His hert gan qwappe [v.r. whape], his coloure gan change.
a1500 (a1450) Partonope of Blois (BL Add.) (1912) 10840 (MED) Toward þe castell come Partonope..Anoone as Meliore gan þat espie, Hir herte in hir body gan to qwape..Hir Ioy was hym to se algate.
a1643 W. Cartwright Ordinary (1651) ii. ii. 26 My heart gan quapp full oft.
1777–8 R. Wight Horæ Subsecivæ (MS Bodl. Eng. lang. d.66) 347 [Gloucestershire] My finger quapps.
1850 J. Collins List Words Gower Dial. Glamorganshire in Proc. Philol. Soc. 4 223 Quapp, to throb.
1898 F. H. North Awakening Noahville xxxii. 249 The bride that jumped shrieking from the southern tower and was instantly killed..stood last night behind that curtain there... I quapped at the sight of her!
β. a1658 J. Cleveland Model New Relig. in Wks. (1687) 246 How Quops the Spirit? In what Garb or Air?1669 J. Dryden Wild Gallant iv. 48 I'll fetch it presently; oh how my heart quops now.1681 Ballad Dk. Monmouth in C. M. Ingleby & L. T. Smith Shakespeare's Cent. Prayse (1879) 387 His great Heart quops his Courage fails.1848 A. B. Evans Leicestershire Words 71 Quop, to throb (used also in Gloucestershire) as in the suppuration of boils and abscesses.1889 A. Gissing Both of this Parish I. v. 103 It makes a body's heart quop to hear tell of such a history.1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. viii. [Lestrygonians] 174 His heart quopped softly.1974 A. R. Ammons Sphere §27 Soon all our hearts will be quopping in concert.1989 N. Cave And Ass saw Angel i. viii. 57 As ah watched mah heart quopped longingly.1996 G. Goodland Littoral 24 The tide within quopping, I've always Climbed higher than I thought.
2. intransitive. Of the sea: to heave, undulate. Cf. quapping adj. Now rare. poetic in later use.
c1430 (c1386) G. Chaucer Legend Good Women 1767 As the se, with tempest al toshake, That after, whan the storm is al ago, Yit wol the water quappe [v.rr. quape, whape] a day or two.
1567 G. Turberville tr. Ovid Heroycall Epist. 67v Euen as the Sea doth shake & trembling quappe, When with a gentle gale it is enforst.
1896 Catholic World Feb. 695 Beyond brown Carmel the Midland Sea Quaps jet-silvern ceaselessly.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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