

单词 privy council

privy counciln.

Brit. /ˌprɪvɪ ˈkaʊnsl/, U.S. /ˌprɪvi ˈkaʊns(ə)l/
Forms: Middle English preuei conseil, Middle English preuy counsell, Middle English preuy cownsel, Middle English prevy counseile, Middle English prevy cownseyl, Middle English prevye conselle, Middle English priue conseile, Middle English priue cunsale, Middle English priuey councell, Middle English priuey counseil, Middle English priuy conseyl, Middle English prive conseil, Middle English prive counseile, Middle English privei consail, Middle English pryuee conseil, Middle English pryve counseill, Middle English pryve counsell, Middle English pryvy counceille, Middle English–1500s preuey counsell, 1500s preuy counseyll, 1500s priuey counsaill, 1500s priuie connsell (probably transmission error), 1500s priuie counsell, 1500s privye councell, 1500s privye counsayll, 1500s–1600s privie councell, 1600s priuy councell, 1600s privie councill, 1600s privie counsell, 1600s privy councell, 1600s– privy council; Scottish pre-1700 previe counsale, pre-1700 previe counsall, pre-1700 previe counsell, pre-1700 prevy counsall, pre-1700 prewy counsale, pre-1700 priue counsale, pre-1700 priuie counsell, pre-1700 prive counsel, pre-1700 privey counsale, pre-1700 privie councell, pre-1700 privie councill, pre-1700 privie counsaill, pre-1700 privie counsall, pre-1700 1700s– privy council. In sense 3 frequently with capital initials.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: privy adj., counsel n.
Etymology: < privy adj. + counsel n. Compare Anglo-Norman and Old French privé conseil secret thought (c1174), Anglo-Norman privé conseil Privy Council (1348 or earlier), Middle French, French †privé conseil royal council (1276 in Old French), French conseil privé royal council (1549 in Middle French), classical Latin consilium privatum private purpose, private deliberation, in post-classical Latin also Privy Council (1324, 1555 in British sources).With the spelling history compare discussion at counsel n., council n.
I. In senses of counsel n. I.
1. Private affairs; confidential advice. Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > perception or cognition > faculty of ideation > topic, subject-matter > affair, business, concern > [noun] > particular to someone
privy councilc1300
c1300 Life & Martyrdom Thomas Becket (Harl. 2277) (1845) l. 290 (MED) The King bilevede in Engelond..And to al his privei consail [c1300 Laud priueitez] Seint Thomas he nom.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. 1738 (MED) He his prive conseil nam Of suche men as he most troste.
a1450 in Archiv f. das Studium der Neueren Sprachen (1931) 159 88 (MED) Tel not þi preuy counsell To hym þat may it noght avayle.
II. In senses of council n. II.
a. A body of advisers appointed by a monarch, head of state, or other leader; the council of a king or ruler in ancient times. Also figurative.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > deliberative, legislative, or administrative assembly > council of state > [noun]
Great Councilc1275
privy councilc1390
Council of State1611
legislative council1651
c1390 G. Chaucer Man of Law's Tale 204 This sowdan for his pryuee conseil [v.rr. priuy conseyl, priuey counseil] sente And..hath to hem declared his entente.
a1450 (c1410) H. Lovelich Merlin (1904) I. l. 4713 Thanne answerid his [sc. King Uter's] prevy cownseyl ageyn: ‘what wil ȝe þat we do?’
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 172 (MED) I [sc. Herod] haue maters to mell with my preuey counsell.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) lxxxviii. 278 Thus duke Raoull retournyd to the cyte of Vyen..and sent for his preuey counsell.
1650 in E. Nicholas Papers (1886) I. 184 These foure are noble men and all of his [Russian] Maties Privy Councell.
a1658 R. Lovelace Lucasta Posthume Poems (1659) 65 'Twixt thee and an Intelligence no ods, Thou art of privy Council to the Gods.
1777 W. Robertson Hist. Amer. I. iii. 216 Ferdinand empowered a committee of his privy-council..to hear the deputies sent from Hispaniola.
1808 Edinb. Rev. July 389 By these, and by other means, the College of Savi, or Privy Council, as it may be termed, had acquired so much power.
1845 S. Austin tr. L. von Ranke Hist. Reformation in Germany III. 243 The affair had often been discussed in his [sc. the emperor's] privy-council.
1864 D. G. Mitchell Seven Stories 241 Three days thereafter the Doge and his privy council received a verbal message that a chair in the chamber of Inquisition was vacant.
1879 J. R. Planché Success 15 The Thespian Sentinel, Privy Council of Fashion, as suit-ably represented as the Wardrobe will admit upon so press-ing an occasion.
1935 T. Takeuchi War & Diplomacy in Japanese Empire i. ii. 10 When the emperor is a minor..a regency is instituted, with the advice of the Imperial Family Council and with that of the Privy Council, to exercise the prerogatives of the throne in the name of the emperor.
1969 Oakland (Calif.) Sunday Tribune 20 July 3/1 The Spanish public was also unaware that Don Juan dissolved his privy council and political secretariat, two consultative bodies including Spain's leading monarchists.
1996 D. Van Praagh Thailand's Struggle for Democracy x. 262 The king had asked Sanya Dharmasakti, chairman of his privy council,..and Prem as a member of the council to provide advice to Suchinda and Chamlong.
2003 Japan Policy & Politics (Nexis) 11 Aug. Prince Mikasa, 87, the youngest brother of Emperor Hirohito..submitted a document criticizing the draft bill to the now-defunct Privy Council of the imperial household.
b. More generally: any private or exclusive consultative or advisory body; a private consultation or assembly for consultation.
the mind > attention and judgement > judgement or decision > advice > [noun] > adviser or counsellor > group of
privy council?c1430
the three wise men1867
?c1430 (c1383) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 5 (MED) Þei maken prelatis and lordis, bi here fals flateryng and lesyngis in confessions and preuei conseils, to lette prestis to preche goddis lawe.
c1475 Gregory's Chron. in J. Gairdner Hist. Coll. Citizen London (1876) 96 (MED) The Thursday aftyr helde the lordys a Prevye Conselle.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin 251 Dodynell..tolde to his prevy counseile that he wolde go to court.
?1515 Hyckescorner (de Worde) sig. A.vv In to lordes fauours I can get me soone And be of theyr preuy counseyll.
1606 Wily Beguilde 52 But tis like, that Sophos will make you of his priuy councell, before you come againe.
1773 O. Goldsmith She stoops to Conquer ii. 26 Then I beg they'll admit me as one of their privy council.
1816 W. Scott Antiquary I. v. 95 The magistrate kept [this] a profound secret..from his substitute, his clerk, his wife, and his two daughters, who formed his privy council on all questions of official duty.
1849 C. Brontë Shirley I. vii. 158 Miss Helstone's duties of hostess performed..she betook herself to the kitchen, to hold a brief privy council with Fanny and Eliza about the tea.
1984 Washington Post (Nexis) 23 Dec. g1 In Manhattan's new moneyarchy—ruled by Wall Street paper potentates, many of whom governed the intramural privy council while scratching each other's backs downtown.
2005 Sunday Mail (Malay) (Nexis) 14 Aug. [Their] credentials have been validated by the IPRM Council and endorsed by a special eight-member privy council.
3. spec.
a. In the United Kingdom: a body of advisers appointed by the sovereign, including people who hold or have held high political, legal, or ecclesiastical office.The original function of advising the crown on matters of state and administration is now discharged by the cabinet and government departments; practical matters in relation to the making of orders (see order n. 22b) are handled by counsellors holding current ministerial office. The Privy Council has responsibility for royal charters and for certain professional bodies, and acts, through its Judicial Committee, as a court, primarily for final appeals from certain non-United Kingdom jurisdictions and for certain disciplinary and ecclesiastical matters. Appointments to the Privy Council are made by the sovereign on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, and are now primarily honorific; membership is automatic for cabinet ministers and archbishops.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > deliberative, legislative, or administrative assembly > council of state > [noun] > English or British
privy council1450
Secret Council1546
1450 Rolls of Parl. V. 178/1 The seid Duke..beyng oon of your grete and pryve Counseill.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 603 And forouth hys consaile preue The lord the Bruce thar callyt he [= Edward I].]
1547–8 Orare of Communion 3 And other of our priuey Counsaill.
a1555 J. Bradford in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) III. App. xlv. 130 I was Chambarlayn to one of the Privye Counsayll.
1623 W. Shakespeare & J. Fletcher Henry VIII iv. i. 114 The King ha's made him [sc. Thomas Cromwell] Master o' th' Iewell House, And one already of the Priuy Councell . View more context for this quotation
1667 Duchess of Newcastle Life Duke of Newcastle i. 7 King Charles the First..made him withal a Member of the Lords of his Majesties most honourable Privy Council.
1710 Act 9 Anne c. 16 If any Person..shall unlawfully attempt to kill, or shall unlawfully assault..one of the most Honourable Privy Council.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. v. 229 The principal council belonging to the king is his privy council.
1827 H. Hallam Constit. Hist. Eng. II. xv. 536 During the reign of William [III], this distinction of the cabinet from the privy council..became more fully established.
1863 H. Cox Inst. Eng. Govt. iii. v. 647 The highest administrative department under the Crown is the Privy Council.
1914 Lives Eng. Martyrs v. 65 The Privy Council..asked that the now stock questions as to the Bull of St. Pius V should be put to them.
1965 Times 7 July 20/7 Their decision was suspended pending the appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
1997 Daily Tel. 30 Dec. 17/6 Megaw..was appointed CBE in 1956, knighted in 1961 and sworn of the Privy Council in 1969.
b. Elsewhere, esp. in some (former) British colonies and dominions: a body similar in constitution and function to the British Privy Council, serving to advise and assist the governor or other authority (maintained in Canada as a body of advisers appointed by the Governor General).In Scotland the term was used of a body of senior officers of state, nominally subject to Parliament, which exercised judicial and legislative power (also known as the Secret Council: see secret adj. 4a); it was abolished in 1708. The Irish Privy Council, a body formed to assist the Lord Lieutenant in his executive powers, was abolished in 1922.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > deliberative, legislative, or administrative assembly > council of state > [noun] > colonial
privy council1546
1546 in R. K. Hannay Acts Lords of Council Public Affairs (1932) 553 And lordis of privey counsale.
1627 in S. A. Gillon Sel. Justiciary Cases (1953) I. 75 To the lordis of his maiesteis maist honorable previe counsall.
1695 in J. D. Marwick Rec. Convent. Royal Burghs Scotl. (1880) IV. 205 What is proper to be done for geting libertie and licience from the lords of his Majesties privie councill for importatione of Irish maill, bear, and peise to this kingdome.
1709 G. Berkeley (title) An essay towards a new theory of vision to the right honourable Sir John Percivale, Bart., one of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council in the kingdom of Ireland.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. 102 In that shape they [sc. bills] are offered to the consideration of the lord lieutenant and privy council [of Ireland].
1838 W. Bell Dict. Law Scotl. 785 The Privy Council of Scotland was so termed, in contradistinction to the Parliament... [It] consisted of persons chosen by the King to advise with in matters of government and police.
1889 Whitaker's Almanack 436/2 Dominion of Canada..The Executive Government and authority is vested in the Queen, and exercised in her name by the Governor-General, aided by a Privy Council.
1927 W. M. Gloag & R. C. Henderson Introd. Law Scotl. 12 In the seventeenth century the Scots Privy Council exercised a supreme jurisdiction in all questions relating to the public peace.
1962 A. Valentine Ld. George Germain ii. 11 He returned to Dublin in early October 1737 and was sworn a member of the Irish Privy Council on 10 Nov. 1737.
1987 N. Ward Dawson's Govt. Canada (ed. 6) x. 198 The Privy Council would therefore, if active, be a large and politically cumbersome body..with members continually at cross-purposes with one another.
1998 Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) 23 Sept. a2/1 [He] was among six persons sworn in by Governor-General Sir Howard Cooke at Kings House yesterday to serve as members of the Jamaican Privy Council.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).

> as lemmas

Privy Council
Privy Council n. see privy adj., n., and adv.extracted from counciln.
as lemmas




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