

单词 phenyl


Brit. /ˈfiːnʌɪl/, /ˈfɛnʌɪl/, /ˈfiːn(ɪ)l/, /ˈfɛn(ɪ)l/, U.S. /ˈfɛn(ə)l/, /ˈfin(ə)l/
Forms: 1800s phenyle, 1800s– phenyl.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation; modelled on a French lexical item. Etymons: phene n., -yl suffix.
Etymology: < phene n. + -yl suffix, after French phényle (A. Laurent 1841, in Ann. de Chim. et de Physique 3 195); compare earlier chlorophényle (A. Laurent 1837, in Ann. de Chim. et de Physique 66 315).
The hydrocarbon radical present in phenol and other derivatives of benzene; the group or radical —C6H5, derived from benzene by the loss of one hydrogen atom. Cf. benzyl n. at benzo- comb. form 1.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > organic radicals > [noun] > monovalent radicals
1849 Q. Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 1 247 The presence..of carbolic acid in the tar has been confirmed by Laurent, who has analysed and described it under the name of hydrated oxide of phenyle (phenole, C12H5O, HO).
1850 C. G. B. Daubeny Introd. Atomic Theory (ed. 2) viii. 238 A compound radical called phenyle, a name given by Laurent to the supposed base of the volatile liquid, obtained by compressing oil gas, which was first examined by Faraday, and denominated by him benzole.
1857 W. A. Miller Elements Chem. III. 563 Compounds..have been formed, which appear to contain oxide of phenyl in combination with acids.
1880 E. Cleminshaw tr. C. A. Wurtz Atomic Theory 220 Phenyl..wants but one atom of hydrogen to become benzene.
1922 J. J. Sudborough Bernthsen's Text-bk. Org. Chem. (new ed.) xxi. 390 Aniline..may be regarded..as ammonia in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by phenyl.
1992 New Scientist 12 Dec. 16/1 R is a hydrocarbon group, such as phenyl or methyl.


a. General attributive and appositive, esp. in phenyl group, phenyl radical.
1850 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 140 127 We may hope moreover to form the imidogen- and nitrile-terms of these radicals, in the phenyl-series for instance.
1866 W. Odling Lect. Animal Chem. 123 This relationship of salicic and phenyl compounds.
1869 Proc. Royal Soc. 18 126 In the one case substitution occurs in the phenyl group, in the other in the lateral group.
1922 J. J. Sudborough Bernthsen's Text-bk. Org. Chem. (new ed.) xxvi. 484 The compound first formed..is thus transformed into mono-sodium salicylate by the exchange of the ·CO·ONa group with the ortho-hydrogen atom of the phenyl radical.
1947 Nucleonics Dec. 51/1 The classical approach of Knoop, in which entire molecules (fatty acids) were labeled with phenyl groups.
1991 J. M. G. Cowie Polymers (BNC) (ed. 2) 297 Examination of the polymer structures suggests that the relaxation in the glass could involve libration of the phenyl ring.
1991 D. T. Sawyer Oxygen Chem. vii. 179 The trace amounts of trapped phenyl radical..are consistent with the reaction sequence.
b. Forming the systematic, semi-systematic, or trivial names of organic compounds containing one or more phenyl groups, as phenyl carbonate, phenyl cyanide, phenyl phosphate.Recorded earliest in phenyl alcohol n., phenylamine n. at Compounds 2.Also with locant.In systematic substitution nomenclature phenyl is now normally written as one word with the item to which it is prefixed. Two-word names are used chiefly in functional class nomenclature, where the second (or final) word is a class term, as of an acid or acid derivative, oxygen or carbonyl compound, halide or pseudohalide, etc. In later systematic use, therefore, there is usually a semantic difference between the two forms, as between phenyl acetate (the phenyl ester of acetic acid) and phenylacetate (a salt or ester of phenylacetic acid), although this rule of chemical nomenclature is not always applied consistently.
1869 G. Fownes Man. Elem. Chem. 650 Phenyl hydrogen carbonate, or acid phenyl carbonate..is identical with salicyclic acid.
1869 G. Fownes Man. Elem. Chem. 683 Sulphobenzoic acid..is produced by the action of sulphuric oxide on benzoic acid; also..by that of fuming sulphuric acid on benzonitrile or phenyl cyanide.
1872 H. Watts Dict. Chem. VI. 918 Phenyl phosphates.
1924 J. B. Cohen Pract. Org. Chem. (ed. 3) 255 Repeat the same reaction with phenol, taking 1 gram of each substance, and separate the solid phenyl benzoate.
1955 B. C. L. Kemp Elem. Org. Chem. (new ed.) xxiv. 305 Benzonitrile or phenyl cyanide, is best prepared from aniline by means of diazotization followed by the Sandmeyer Reaction.
1977 J. March Adv. Org. Chem. (ed. 2) x. 428 α-Phenyl thioaldehydes and thioketones can be gem-dialkylated by the following procedure.
1999 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96 11125/2 Phenyl phosphate, a phosphotyrosine mimic, competed weakly at millimolar concentrations.
phenylacetamide n. = acetanilide n.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > organic compounds > [noun] > aniline > derivatives > anilides
1863 Proc. Royal Soc. 1862–3 12 640 This substance..may be more readily prepared by a similar treatment of other less difficultly obtainable phenylamides, such as phenylacetamide.
1955 B. C. L. Kemp Elem. Org. Chem. (new ed.) x. 157 Formation of phenylacetamide (acetanilide) on addition of acetyl chloride to aniline—vigorous reaction.
1998 Jrnl. Molecular Biol. 284 463 Studies have shown that the enzyme [sc. penicillin acylase] is specific for hydrolysis of phenylacetamide derivatives.
phenylacetate n. (a) a salt or ester of phenylacetic acid; (b) (usually in form phenyl acetate) the phenyl ester of acetic acid, a colourless, fragrant liquid, CH3COOC6H5, used as a solvent.
1873 F. W. Clarke Constants of Nature I. 168 (table) Methyl phenylacetate.
1915 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1 141 Glycine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid exerted hydrolytic actions on..phenyl acetate, ethyl butyrate, [etc.].
1965 J. R. Dyer Applic. Absorption Spectroscopy Org. Compounds iii. 43 The position of absorption of normal aliphatic esters (methyl phenylacetate.., 5.73 μ, 1745 cm−1).
1991 D. T. Sawyer Oxygen Chem. vii. 172 This conclusion is supported by the products that are observed in the gas-phase reaction of O2· with phenyl acetate and phenyl benzoate.
phenylacetic adj. [quot. 1870 refers to a paper apparently read in 1869 to German learned society by a Dr Zinke, but this has not been traced] phenylacetic acid, a white, crystalline acid with a sweet odour, C6H5CH2COOH, used in chemical synthesis and perfume manufacture.
1870 Nature 20 Jan. 322/1 He [sc. Zinke] has obtained phenyl-acetic acid from Monochloroacetic acid.
1885 E. Klein Micro-org. 73 Antiseptics, such as carbolic acid..strong solutions of phenyl-propionic acid and phenyl-acetic acid.
1975 F. Kennett Hist. Perfume ix. 184 Phenylacetic acid..is used to add a trace of civet, or honey, to a perfume.
phenylacetylene n. an oily liquid, C6H5C≡CH, made into polymers esp. in the form of thin films.
1870 Nature 19 May 55/2 We also find here the discovery of the first acetylene of the aromatic series, by Glaser in acetenylbenzol or phenylacetylene.
1940 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 62 48/1 Several attempts to add acetic acid to phenylacetylene under various conditions failed to give this product.
1993 Sci. News 10 Apr. 239/2 To synthesize the new molecule, the team used a carbon-based building block called phenylacetylene.
phenyl alcohol n. Obsolete = phenol n. 1.
1850 A. W. Hofmann in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 140 98 I had hoped that this conversion might be effected by the action of phenyl-alcohol on aniline.
1871 Manufacturer & Builder June 137/3 Phenyl alcohol is a creosote, made from coal-tar, as the ordinary creosote is made from wood-tar.
phenylamide n. a derivative of aniline, an anilide; (formerly also) †aniline (obsolete).
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > organic compounds > [noun] > aniline > derivatives > anilides
1851 W. Gregory in Monthly Jrnl. Med. Sci. June 576 Phenylamide (Aniline) = N,HHPh.
1863 H. Watts Dict. Chem. I. 295 Anilides, syn[onym] of Phenylamides.
1868 M. Reimann On Aniline & its Derivatives 13 This mode of producing aniline led the discoverer to consider it an amide of the organic radical phenyl..and to call it phenylamide.
1937 Chem. Rev. 20 440 Kraus and Bien..state that it is impossible to prepare disodium phenylamide, C6H5NNa2, by treating monosodium anilide with sodium amide in liquid ammonia.
1993 Plant Dis. 77 1242/1 The phenylamides, metalaxyl, ofurace, and oxadixyl, significantly inhibited growth of Picryptogea.
phenylamine n. a compound with an amino group bonded directly to a benzene ring; spec. aniline.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > organic compounds > [noun] > aniline
1850 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 140 112 (table) Phenylamine.
1880 Jrnl. Soc. Arts 16 Apr. 442/1 The earliest violets obtained by artificial means were those produced by the action of pure aniline, or phenylamine, on roseine.
1936 S. A. Waksman Humus ii. 17 Other substances, however, like phenylamines, naphthylamines, and alkaloids, exert a decided toxic effect upon plant growth.
1995 School Sci. Rev. June 65/2 Examination of the resonance forms explains the greater reactivity of phenylamine towards electrophiles than benzene.
phenylarsonic adj. phenylarsonic acid, a toxic, colourless, crystalline acid, C6H5AsO(OH)2, derivatives of which are used as trypanocides; a derivative of this.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > organic acids > [noun] > phenolic acids, named
benzoic acid1791
oil of spiraea1842
toluic acid1857
itatartaric acid1872
phenylarsonic acid1905
tar acid1909
pteroic acid1946
1905 Amer. Chem. Jrnl. 33 104 The reduction takes place with equal ease in the aromatic series, monophenyl arsine..being obtained from phenyl arsonic acid.
1937 Thorpe's Dict. Appl. Chem. (ed. 4) I. 488/1 The introduction of an amino group into the para-position in phenylarsonic acid decreases its toxicity and increases its trypanocidal activity.
1959 Times 7 Dec. (Agric. Suppl.) p. vii/1 So far as arsenicals are concerned, two phenylarsonic acids have received attention [as growth stimulants for poultry].
1991 Biochemistry 30 3739 The complex with hapten has been modeled by docking the small-molecule crystal structure of phenylarsonic acid into the structure of the native Fab.
phenyl blue n. a dark blue dye which is a phenylimide derivative of a quinone.
1894 Lancet 29 Sept. 734/2 The stains easily reducible by Löffler's bacilli are phenyl blue, iodine green, malachite green, and one or two others.
1946 Jrnl. Aesthetics & Art Crit. 4 211 (table) Phenyl Blue.
1999 Re: Back to the Bladder in alt.fan.cecil-adams (Usenet newsgroup) 26 Oct. If you're asking about phenyl blue, or phenophthalene [sic], a fun chemical with which any first year chemistry student is familiar, then the answer is ASAP.
phenyl brown n. Obsolete = phenicin n.
the world > life > biology > substance > pigment > [noun] > plant pigments > brown
phenyl brown1875
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > organic compounds > [noun] > other organic compounds > others
phenyl brown1875
the world > matter > colour > named colours > brown or brownness > colouring matter > [noun] > stains
Venetian brownc1791
phenyl brown1875
Bismarck brown1885
1875 H. Watts Dict. Chem.: 2nd Suppl. 945 The explosive character of the phenyl-brown is..due to the dinitrophenol.
1891 R. Routledge Discov. & Inventions 19th Cent. (ed. 8) 658 Colours derived from Phenol. Browns. Picrate of ammonia. Isopurpurate of potash. Phenyl brown, phenicienne.
phenyl ether n. (a) an ether in which one of the groups attached to the oxygen atom is phenyl; (formerly) an ester in which a phenyl group replaces the acid hydrogen atom; (b) diphenyl ether, (C6H5)2O, a liquid used in organic synthesis.
1890 J. Cagney tr. R. von Jaksch Clin. Diagnosis vii. 286 The exhibition of salol (phenyl-æther of salicylic acid [Ger. Salicylphenoläther]).
1922 J. J. Sudborough Bernthsen's Text-bk. Org. Chem. (new ed.) xxiv. 437 Phenyl ether, diphenyl oxide, (C6H5)2O, is formed when phenol is heated with ZnCl2 or AlCl3.
1939 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 61 109/2 Phenyl ether was not metalated by triphenylmethylsodium.
1960 F. G. Mann & B. C. Saunders Pract. Org. Chem. (ed. 4) ii. 186 Phenetole (ethyl phenyl ether) is the main product.
1986 Arch. Microbiol. 144 55 [A] bacterium is described which cleaves the phenylether bonds of methoxylated aromatic substrates to give the corresponding hydroxy aromatic derivatives and mixed volatile fatty acids.
phenylethylamine n. an aminoethyl derivative of benzene, spec.(in full 2-phenylethylamine) a liquid, C6H5CH2CHNH2, which occurs naturally in the brain as a neuromodulator.
1875 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 28 1025 Phenylethylamine, C6H5·C2H4·NH2, is formed by the action of nascent hydrogen on benzyl cyanide.
1922 J. J. Sudborough Bernthsen's Text-bk. Org. Chem. (new ed.) liv. 811 The following synthetical methods have been adopted:... Phenylethylamine from benzylcyanide is benzoylated and then nitrated.
1964 N. Weiner in G. Pincus et al. Hormones IV. viii. 435 It had been assumed that phenylethylamines..exerted their sympathomimetic actions by a direct mechanism identical to that of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
1995 Minnesota Monthly Feb. 81/2 Scientists..thought they'd discovered the secret to chocolate's appeal: that the combination of caffeine and a chemical called phenylethylamine (thought to induce ‘feelings of falling in love’) had a serious embrace on some people's constitutions.
phenylglycol n. a low-melting solid or oily liquid, C6H5CH(OH)CH2OH, also called styrene glycol.
1862 A. W. Hofmann in Proc. Royal Soc. 11 524 The action of nitrous acid upon aniline furnishing phenyl-alcohol,..there is some hope of meeting, in the analogous decomposition of phenylene-diamine with the diatomic phenylene-alcohol (phenyl-glycol).
1926 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 48 1070 Phenylglycine is tasteless and phenylglycol is bitter.
1990 Exper. Pathol. 39 195 Measurement of the concentration of the produced phenylglycol (1-phenyl-1,2-ethandiol)..is described.
phenylhydrazine n. a colourless liquid, C6H5NHNH2, used as a reagent and in organic synthesis.
1883 Science 20 July 85/1 The action of phenylhydrazine upon ketones seems to be analogous to that of hydroxylamine.
1949 R. Livingston in J. Franck & W. E. Loomis Photosynthesis in Plants vii. 183 If oxygen is present the photosensitized auto-oxidation of phenylhydrazine occurs in preference to the oxidation by methyl red.
1991 D. T. Sawyer Oxygen Chem. vii. 179 The reaction of O2· with methylhydrazine is analogous to that for phenylhydrazine with methane the major product.
phenylhydrazone n. [after German Phenylhydrazon (O. Rudolph 1888, in Ann. der Chem. u. Pharm. 248 99)] any of a class of compounds formed by condensation of an aldehyde or ketone with phenylhydrazine, which are typically crystalline solids and are used to characterize the parent aldehyde or ketone.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > aldehydes or alkanals > [noun] > aldehyde derivatives
1888 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 54 934 Mannose..is obtained by dissolving the above phenylhydrazone in four parts of hydrochloric acid..cooled with ice and salt.
1966 McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. (rev. ed.) VII. 62/2 When the starting material is the phenylhydrazone of acetone, the product is 2-methylindole.
1981 J. W. Buttle et al. Chem. (ed. 4) xxiii. 519 Phenylhydrazine forms phenylhydrazones by condensation, but these are not the ultimate products.
phenylimide n. (also N-phenylimide) an imide containing the divalent group C6H5N/\\ or a substituted form of it.
1866 H. Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 419 Phenylimides or Anils, tertiary monamides..which..may be regarded as aniline in which 2 atoms of H[ydrogen] are replaced by a diatomic radicle: e.g. C6H5·(C4H4O2)″·N, phenyl-succinimide.
1908 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. 30 1890 Aniline is practically without action on the [phthal-m-nitrophenylamidic] acid after 35 minutes, at 65°, in presence of benzene, but at 100°..about 31 per cent. of the phenylimide is produced.
1991 Pesticide Biochem. & Physiol. 40 135/1 These facts suggest that the mode of PPO [protoporphyrinogen oxidase] inhibition by N-phenylimide may be different from that of diphenylether herbicides.
2003 Amer. Jrnl. Industr. Med. 44 627 Exposure to nitro-derivatives and phenylimides among fungicides, hydrocarbon derivatives and insecticide oils among insecticides, and the herbicide amides.
phenylpropiolic adj. phenylpropiolic acid, a colourless, crystalline acid, C6H5C≡CCOOH, related to phenylacetylene.
1872 H. Watts Dict. Chem. VI. 962 Phenyl-propiolic Acid. C9H6O2..related to phenyl-propionic acid in the same manner as stearolic to stearic acid... It crystallises from water or from carbon bisulphide in long white silky needles melting at 136°–137°.
1938 Chem. Rev. 23 220 Similar reactions are those between phenyl azide and acetylene, and between hydrazoic acid and phenylpropiolic acid.
1999 Jrnl. Org. Chem. 64 6896/1 Aqueous bromination of phenylpropiolic acid afforded 11–18% of 1-bromophenyl acetylene among other products.
phenylsulphuric adj. now rare = phenolsulphuric adj. at phenol n. Compounds 3.
1868 H. Watts Dict. Chem. V. 627 Phenylsulphuric acid may be obtained by evaporation in a vacuum over oil of vitriol, in slender needle-shaped crystals.
1933 S. W. Cole Pract. Physiol. Chem. (ed. 9) xiii. 295 (caption) Phenylsulphuric acid.
phenylthiocarbamide n. a white, crystalline solid, NH2CSNHC6H5, which has a bitter taste to people possessing a certain dominant gene and is tasteless to those lacking it.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > substances from animals or humans > urea > [noun] > derivatives > phenylthiourea
1879 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 36 804 Mono- and di-phenylthiocarbamide..are soluble in caustic soda or potash.]
1889 Science 29 Mar. 234/1 The highly refracting liquid phenyl thiocarbamide appears to be specially suitable for experiments on this subject [sc. mapping electrical lines of force].
1932 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 18 121 The heredity differences between people in their taste perceptions of phenyl thio carbamide are not so simple as the preceding paragraph might lead one to suppose.
1995 Guardian 27 Apr. (OnLine section) 12/2 Bartoshuk's experiments..involve testing people for taste blindness to PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) and its chemical relative PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil).
phenylthiourea n. = phenylthiocarbamide n.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > substances from animals or humans > urea > [noun] > derivatives > phenylthiourea
1896 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 69 857 If dilute hydrochloric acid be now added to the clear solution, a white solid at once separates, which..forms white prisms..consisting of phenylthiourea.
1959 Listener 3 Dec. 968/2 People who can taste phenylthiourea seem to be slightly more liable to get one form of thyroid disease and slightly less liable to get another.
2000 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97 2618/2 Treatment of E[leutherodactylus] martinicensis with the goitrogen phenylthiourea (PTU) inhibited tail resorption.
phenylurea n. a crystalline solid, C6H5NHCONH, many of whose derivatives are used as pesticides and herbicides.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > substances from animals or humans > urea > [noun] > derivatives
violuric acid1866
1857 W. A. Miller Elements Chem. III. 616 Phenyl-urea (carbanilamide).
1941 Q. Rev. Biol. 16 183/2 Narcotics such as..phenylurea, propionitrile, and valeronitrile inhibit reversibly the respiration of erythrocytes.
1999 New Scientist 23 Jan. 21/1 Isoproturon, the most widely used phenylurea herbicide, used by wheat and barley farmers to control blackgrass, may also pose a hazard to fish.


phenylous adj. Obsolete phenylous acid = phenol n. 1.
the world > matter > chemistry > organic chemistry > hydrocarbons > [noun] > benzene derivatives > phenols
carbolic acid1835
phenic acid1852
phenylous acid1852
phenylic acid1853
1852 Chem. Gaz. 10 136 St. Evre suspected a connexion between his acid and phenic acid (phenole, phenylous acid), C12H6O2.
1873 Amer. Cycl. III. 768/1 Carbolic acid (synonymes, carbon oil acid..phenylous acid..), a chemical substance now largely employed in medicine and the arts.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2005; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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