

单词 peremptory challenge

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peremptory challenge
a. ‘An Exception taken, against either persons or things’ (Blount); spec. an objection made to one or more of the jurymen in a trial, as in principal challenge, peremptory challenge, challenge to the array, challenge to the polls, challenge to the favour. Also, an exception taken to a vote, etc.
the mind > language > statement > objection > [noun] > an objection
1292 Britton i. ii. §11 Et si defendoms a touz Corouners qe nul remue jurour par chaleng de nule partie.]
1530 1 Act 22 Hen. VIII c. 14 §8 No person arrained for any pety treason, murder, or felony be..admitted to any peremytorie chalenge aboue the nombre of xx.
1660 Exact Accompt Trial Regicides 32 If you will not agree in your Challenges, we must be forced to Try you severally.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 359 As the jurors appear..they shall be sworn, unless challenged by either party. Challenges are of two sorts; challenges to the array and challenges to the polls..Challenges to the array are at once an exception to the whole panel, in which the jury are arrayed.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 361 Challenges to the polls, in capita, are exceptions to particular jurors.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 363 Challenges to the favour, are where the party hath no principal challenge; but objects only some probable circumstances of suspicion, as acquaintance, and the like.
1853 T. I. Wharton Digest Cases Pennsylvania II. 115 Interest in a juror is a principal cause of challenge.
extracted from challengen.
peremptory challenge
peremptory challenge n. an objection to a potential juror made by counsel without obligation to give a reason.In English law the right to peremptory challenges was abolished by the Criminal Justice Act 1988.extracted from peremptoryadj.adv.n.
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