

单词 peace


Brit. /piːs/, U.S. /pis/
Forms: early Middle English pies, Middle English pais, Middle English paise, Middle English pasch, Middle English payse, Middle English peaix, Middle English peasse, Middle English peaxce, Middle English péés, Middle English peese, Middle English peis, Middle English peix, Middle English peos, Middle English pess, Middle English peyce, Middle English peys, Middle English þees (transmission error), Middle English–1500s pays, Middle English–1500s peax, Middle English–1500s pece, Middle English–1500s pees, Middle English–1500s pes, Middle English–1500s pese, Middle English–1500s pesse, Middle English–1600s peas, Middle English–1600s pease, Middle English–1600s peece, Middle English– peace, 1500s peaxe, 1600s piece, 1800s– pays (Irish English (northern)); Scottish pre-1700 pache, pre-1700 paiche, pre-1700 pais, pre-1700 paise, pre-1700 paix, pre-1700 pasch, pre-1700 pasche, pre-1700 payce, pre-1700 peac, pre-1700 peasche, pre-1700 peax, pre-1700 peaxe, pre-1700 pece, pre-1700 peche, pre-1700 peece, pre-1700 pees, pre-1700 peex, pre-1700 peice, pre-1700 peich, pre-1700 peis, pre-1700 peiss, pre-1700 peix, pre-1700 pes, pre-1700 pese, pre-1700 pess, pre-1700 pesse, pre-1700 pex, pre-1700 pexe, pre-1700 peys, pre-1700 pice, pre-1700 1700s– peace, pre-1700 1800s paice, pre-1700 1800s pease, pre-1700 1900s– pace (now Shetland), pre-1700 1900s– peas, 1800s peese, 1800s– paece (Shetland). N.E.D. (1904) also records a form Middle English payes.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymons: French pes, pais.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman pes, peas, pees, pais, etc., and Old French pais, pes, pez, Old French, Middle French, French paix tranquillity in relations between two or more individuals (second half of the 10th cent.), state of tranquillity which comes about as a result of fulfilling religious duties (c1050), peaceful relations between fellow citizens (c1100), condition of a nation or state which is not at war (c1100), freedom from anxiety or inner conflict (12th cent.), truce (c1200), peace treaty (1317) < classical Latin pac- , pāx peace, order, security, amity, concord, tranquillity, calm, stillness, pact or settlement, peace personified, goddess of peace, in post-classical Latin also the kiss of peace (3rd cent.), enforcement of public order (6th cent.), protection guaranteed by the monarch to certain people (9th cent.), osculatory (from 12th cent. in British sources) < a stem pāc- , parallel form of pāg- , stem of pāgina (also pag- , stem of pangere : see further s.v. pact n.). Compare Old Occitan paz (c1070; Occitan patz ), Catalan pau (1251; earlier as paz (c1150) and pad (c1200)), Spanish paz (1207), Portuguese paz (1145), Italian pace (13th cent.). Compare pax n.1In Middle English the vowel shows monophthongization of ai to open ē (as reflected also in the Anglo-Norman forms). Middle English final -s shows an unvoiced final consonant, subsequently represented by -ce . In sense 4b, following post-classical Latin pax and Hellenistic Greek εἰρήνη , ‘peace’ often represents Hebrew šālōm , properly denoting ‘safety, welfare, prosperity’. With the king's peace (see sense 9) compare Old English cyninges grið ; compare also:c1290 Britton (1865) I. i. i. §4. 4 En dreit des Justices..de terminer apeaus et autres trespas fetz encountre nostre pes.1327 King Edward III De Assumptione Rogiminis in A. Clarke & F. Holbrooke Rymer & Sanderson's Fœdera (1821) II. i. 183 Ne quis..dictam pacem nostram infringere, seu violere, præsumat. With to keep the peace (see Phrases 5a) compare:1326–7 in Statutes of Realm (1810) I. 257 Pur la pees meultz garder..le Roi veot qen chescun Countee que bones gentz..soient assignez a la garde de la pees.
I. General uses.
a. Freedom from civil unrest or disorder; public order and security. to make peace: to enforce public order (now archaic).In quot. ?a11601 with reference to the forest laws.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > make peace [verb (intransitive)]
to make grithc1000
to make peace?a1160
to inform the peace?a1400
to bury the hatchet1535
to beat swords into ploughshares1924
society > authority > subjection > obedience > [noun] > conformity to principles of social order > orderly condition of state or society
God's peacec1300
good rulec1300
the king's peace1428
social order1703
?a1160 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1140 Pais he makede men & dær.
?a1160 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1140 Alle diden him manred, & suoren þe pais to halden, & hit ward sone suythe god pais.
c1300 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Otho) 1261 Al Brutaine ȝeo wiste..in griþe and paise [c1275 Calig. friðe].
c1400 (?c1280) Old Test. Hist. in F. J. Furnivall Adam Davy's 5 Dreams (1878) 98 (MED) Good pais þere was in hil londe þer while he kyng was.
1474 in J. B. Sheppard Let. Bks. Monastery Christ Church Canterbury (1889) 275 (MED) Tranquillite and assured peax within forth is the oonly moyen by the which any reame or comynalte..hath growen to abundance and richesse.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) lxvi. 228 I haue..maynteyned the countre in peace & rest and good iustyce.
a1586 R. Maitland Complaint aganis Lang. Law-suites in W. A. Craigie Maitland Folio MS (1919) I. clxxiv. 431 Thair sall daylie incress In to this land guid pece & polacie.
1643 W. Prynne Soveraigne Power Parl. i. 21 Perswaded, while that King-bane breathed, peace could never be maintained in the Realme.
1670 Earl of Clarendon Ess. in Tracts (1727) 209 Peace is that harmony in the state, that health is in the body.
1740 D. Hume Treat. Human Nature III. ii. 150 Now this is exactly the case with regard to our civil duties, or obedience to the magistrate; without which no government cou'd subsist, nor any peace or order be maintain'd in large societies.
1794 tr. J.-P. Brissot de Warville To his Constituents Pref. 24 Roland and the Brissotins..endeavouring to preserve peace.
1835 E. Bulwer-Lytton Rienzi I. i. iii. 43 He belongs to a horrible gang of miscreants, sworn against all order and peace.
1875 W. Stubbs Constit. Hist. III. xviii. 243 In the task of defence against foreign foes and in the maintenance of internal peace.
1955 G. Gorer Exploring Eng. Char. App.1 308 From its foundation, the emphasis of the British Police force has been on the preservation of peace, on the prevention of crime and violence, rather than the apprehension of criminals and rioters.
1992 J. L. Esposito Islamic Threat ii. 39 Religious communities were required to pay a poll or head tax, in exchange for which they were entitled to peace and security.
b. With the: the public order of a state as provided for by law. Now esp. in institutional and personal titles, as officer of the peace, precept of the peace; commission, conservator, justice, sergeant, sessions of the peace, etc. (see under first elements).Also (now archaic) with possessive: local public order maintained under the authority or jurisdiction specified (as the king's (also queen's) peace, etc.; similarly God's peace). See also British peace n. at British adj. and n. Compounds 2, English peace n. at English adj. and n. Compounds 1c. to be sworn of the peace: to be made a magistrate or justice of the peace (now rare).
society > law > rule of law > [noun]
society > authority > subjection > obedience > [noun] > conformity to principles of social order > orderly condition of state or society
God's peacec1300
good rulec1300
the king's peace1428
social order1703
society > authority > subjection > obedience > [noun] > conformity to principles of social order > orderly condition of state or society > of any territorial lord
the king's (also queen's) peacec1300
c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) 440 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 119 (MED) Him þouȝt þat swuch lawe scholde þe pais of þe londe a-spille.
1387–8 Petition London Mercers in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 34 In the same yere the forsaid Nichol..ayein the pees made dyuerse enarmynges.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) 6803 Swych ryche men þat are aȝens Goddys pes.
1426 in H. Nicolas Proc. & Ordinances Privy Council (1834) III. 220 Item, þat þe justices of pees be every yeer chaunged..and semblably þe clercs of þe pees.
1467 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 388 (MED) That no man go armed..in distorbynge of the kynges pease and people.
1499 in N. Riding Rec. (1894) New Ser. I. 180 Ther was a precept of the peax made.
1538 King Henry VIII Let. to Wyatt 4 May (R.) The world percase fantazing us to be an interturber of the peace, rather than an indifferent mediator.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 633 Continuall watch was kept by the Maior and senate of London,..for the preseruacion of the peace, and continuance of good order.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Rrr2/2 Suyte of the Kings peace..is the persiewing of a man for breach of the K. peace.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Merry Wives of Windsor (1623) ii. iii. 49 I am sworn of the peace . View more context for this quotation
1667 in W. Cramond Ann. Cullen (1888) 51 £20 to be peyt to the toune for..disturbing the peace theroff.
1755 R. Burn Justice of Peace II. 429 Surety for the peace is the acknowledging a recognizance, or bond, to the king,..for the keeping the peace.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. Introd. iv. 117 Offences were said to be done against his peace in whose court they were tried: in a court-leet, contra pacem domini.
1816 W. Scott Antiquary II. vii. 187 Better than he deserves, for disturbing us with his vixen brawls, and breaking God's peace and the king's.
1848 J. J. S. Wharton Law Lexicon 554/1 Public prosecutor, the Queen, in whose name criminals are prosecuted, because all offences are said to be against the Queen's peace, her Crown, and dignity.
1883 J. R. Green Conq. Eng. v. 212 The public peace, or observance of the customary right by man towards man, has become the king's peace, the observance of which is due to the will of the lord.
1900 J. G. Scott & J. P. Hardiman Gazetteer Upper Burma I. i. ix. 547 This personage orders a couple to be married, and married they are, just as a man might be sworn of the peace.
1900 Daily News 16 July 6/3 In Durham,..it was correct to speak, not of the king's peace, but of the bishop's peace.
1927 F. M. Thrasher Gang i. 3 Delinquencies among its members all the way from truancy to serious crimes, disturbances of the peace [etc.].
1987 N. Ward Dawson's Govt. Canada (ed. 6) xiii. 256 They accepted precedents as trustworthy guides in maintaining the king's peace in his realm.
2003 Asheville (N. Carolina) Citizen-Times (Nexis) 18 May 13 a Conscientious officers who exercise mature self-control and sound judgment as they go about their duties as public servants and officers of the peace.
2. Freedom from quarrels or dissension between individuals (or, esp. in early use, between an individual and God); a state of friendliness; amity, concord.Sometimes used in a generalized sense, with elements of senses 3 and 4. See also Phrases 2 and Phrases 3.
the mind > emotion > pleasure > freedom from trouble, care, or sorrow > [noun]
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 141 (MED) Sunnedei makede ure drihten pes..bi-tweone gode and monne.
a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 59 (MED) Siec ðat tu haue pais aȝeanes gode.
c1225 (?c1200) St. Juliana (Bodl.) 732 & custe ham coss os [read of] peis.
a1325 (c1280) Southern Passion (Pepys 2344) (1927) 990 (MED) Ich bytwene ywis Pees among ȝow ȝiue, þe pees þat myn is.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Eph. iv. 3 Bisy for to kepe vnite of spirit in the bond of pees [L. vinculo pacis].
?a1425 Chron. Papacy 29 in Jrnl. Eng. & Germanic Philol. (1942) 41 176 (MED) Pope Innocente ordeyned..þe cusse of pesse to be ȝeuun in þe masse.
c1475 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Caius) 10256 (MED) Lyve in pease and not in stryfe, Dysheryt no man.
a1500 (a1450) Generides (Trin. Cambr.) 3416 The pese shall sone be twix vs twoo.
1534 T. Cromwell in R. B. Merriman Life & Lett. T. Cromwell (1902) I. 396 All malice and evill will being..expulsed.., good amyte peax & quyetnes may take place.
1645 J. Milton On Time in Poems 20 When every thing that is sincerely good..With Truth, and Peace, and Love shall ever shine.
a1648 Ld. Herbert Life Henry VIII (1649) 549 But that this question..might well be omitted for Peace sake.
1794 S. T. Coleridge Domest. Peace in Compl. Poet. Wks. (1912) I. 71 Tell me, on what holy ground May Domestic Peace be found, Halcyon daughter of the skies.
1833 C. Williams Fall River ii. 32 A contention which has embittered many former friends against each other, created many heart-burnings, assailed the peace of families,..and in some places almost depopulated churches.
1845 C. Brontë Let. in E. C. Gaskell Life C. Brontë (1857) xiii As long as he remains at home, I scarce dare hope for peace in the house.
1864 C. Dickens Our Mutual Friend (1865) I. i. iii. 14 We should have no peace in our place, if that got touched upon.
1915 V. Woolf Voy. Out xxiv There seemed to be peace between them. It might be love, but it was not the love of man for woman.
2002 R. Padel Voodoo Shop 1 A philanderer Who says what he doesn't mean.., who couldn't give a toss for domestic peace.
a. Freedom from anxiety, disturbance (emotional, mental, or spiritual), or inner conflict; calm, tranquillity.
the mind > emotion > calmness > [noun]
a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 95 He bitt ðat pais bie aiðer on licame and on saule, and þat pies hali mihte sibsumnesse bie rixende on ȝeu baðe.
c1225 (?c1200) Hali Meiðhad (Bodl.) (1940) 601 (MED) Gleadschipe i þe hali gast & pes i þi breoste of onde & of wreadðe.
c1300 St. Francis (Laud) 472 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 67 (MED) With þis word he gan deiȝe and is soule al in pes To þe Ioye of heouene wende.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Philipp. iv. 7 The pees of God, that passith al witt, kepe ȝoure hertis.
c1450 ( J. Walton tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Linc. Cathedral 103) 20 (MED) Worldly wynd wiþ meschief and distresse Haþ hym byraft al out of merthe and pesse.
?1504 W. Atkinson tr. Thomas à Kempis Ful Treat. Imytacyon Cryste (Pynson) iii. xxxiii. 102 Lete not þi pes be in þe mouþes of men.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Celebr. Holye Communion f. xciiiv Graunt..to thy faithfull people pardon and peace.
?a1603 E. Grymeston Miscelanea (1604) iii. sig. B4 While I had rest in my substance, and peace in my riches.
1671 J. Milton Samson Agonistes 1334 Off. Regard thy self... Sam. My self? my conscience and internal peace.
1710 M. Chudleigh Ess. Several Subj. 59 [He] dies as he liv'd, consistent with himself, full of Serenity and Peace.
1769 W. Draper in ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) I. vi. 46 I could, by malicious interrogation, disturb the peace of the most virtuous man in the kingdom.
a1817 J. Austen Lady Susan xiv, in Wks. (1954) VI. 263 I entreat you..to quiet your mind, & no longer harbour a suspicion which cannot be more injurious to your own peace than to our Understandings.
1851 F. W. Robertson Serm. 3rd Ser. xi. 138 Peace..is the opposite of passion, and of labour, toil and effort. Peace is that state in which there are no desires madly demanding an impossible gratification.
1902 W. James Varieties Relig. Experience iii All the solemnity that makes religious peace so different from merely animal joys.
1948 Z. N. Hurston Seraph on Suwanee xiv. 136 The weak but handsome face was..inhabited at last by a peace and a calm.
1994 Kindred Spirit Autumn 4/2 His impressive weightlifting feats have been performed to show the power of inner peace latent within us all.
b. With of and the name of the organ, faculty, etc., in which such peace is considered to reside; now esp. in peace of mind.
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 92 (MED) Zueche guodes yefþ god to man ine þise wordle huanne he yefþ pays of herte.
?a1425 tr. Catherine of Siena Orcherd of Syon (Harl.) (1966) 198 (MED) A meke soule..schulde deeme hersilf vnworþi for to haue sich reste and pees of soule.
a1450 (a1396) W. Hilton Eight Chapters on Perfection 16 Whanne a man..slepiþ in pees of conscience and restiþ with-oute strogelynge of veyn þouȝtis.
1583 B. Melbancke Philotimus (new ed.) sig. Bb4v Let Pluto send thee peace of mind, and stay thy moodie manacings, and as in yeares and welth thou wantst of me, so yeeld thy nauale forces.
1623 J. Webster Dutchesse of Malfy iv. ii. sig. K4 What would I doe, were this to do againe? I would not change my peace of conscience For all the wealth of Europe.
1737 A. Pope Epist. of Horace ii. ii. 6 He stuck to Poverty with Peace of Mind.
1792 M. Wollstonecraft Vindic. Rights Woman ii A rough inelegant husband may shock her taste without destroying her peace of mind.
1854 E. C. Gaskell North & South II. xxv ‘If it succeeded—’ ‘I should be a rich man, and my peace of conscience would be gone!’
1898 F. Montgomery Tony i. 21 She could not read her novel with any peace of mind; and she found her attention wandering from it.
1913 D. H. Lawrence Sons & Lovers iv. 68 The warmth, the security and peace of soul, the utter comfort from the touch of the other.
2002 E. McLaughlin & N. Kraus Nanny Diaries x. 266 It gives me peace of mind knowing I'm able to be virtually right there with my son.
a. Freedom from external disturbance, interference, or perturbation, esp. as a condition of an individual. Frequently in in peace. Also (more emphatically) peace and quiet (also peace and quietness).
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > [noun]
sweetness and light1927
the world > action or operation > inaction > quietness or tranquillity > [noun] > as condition in which an individual is
c1230 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Corpus Cambr.) (1962) 89 Ierusalem..bitacneþ ancre hus. for þrinne ne þearf ha seon bute peis [?c1225 Cleo. grið] ane.
c1300 St. Dunstan (Laud) 70 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 21 Seint Dunston cam hom a-ȝen:..And hadde his Abbeye al in pays.
a1350 ( in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 21 Þenne myhte vch mon Boþ riden & gon In pes wiþ-oute vyhte.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Luke xi. 21 Whanne a strong armed man kepith his hows, alle thingis that he weldith ben in pees.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1869) II. 181 (MED) Whan þe lymes beeþ wel arayed, [etc.]`.þan haþ þe man good þees [read pees] and quiete and is in good heele and reste.
?a1425 (?a1350) T. Castleford Chron. Lear 659 in G. Haselbach & G. Hartmann Festschrift (1957) 231 (MED) So Leir recouert hys dignite And regnyd in pese yieres thre.
1480 W. Caxton Chron. Eng. clxxiii. 156 The poure comons were in pees and in rest.
1532 T. More Confut. Tyndales Answere Pref. sig. Dd iii.v To breke the peace and quiete of his cuntre.
1576 A. Fleming tr. C. Matius in Panoplie Epist. 115 The residue of my lyfe will I lead in Rhodes, where I may possesse peace and quietnes.
1581 W. Lambarde Eirenarcha i. ii. 6 Sometymes..the worde Peace is taken for Protection, or defence: as where M. Bracton calleth the Writtes of Protection, Breuia de pace.
1669 J. Fletcher Island Princess iv. v That I should give this vantage to mine enemie, The enemie to my peace; forsake my faith?
1730 Earl of Oxford in Swift's Lett. (1768) IV. 25 Enjoying the fruit of his victory, peace and quietness.
a1771 T. Gray Child in Wks. (1884) I. 127 Let him sleep in peace.
a1817 J. Austen Persuasion (1818) IV. ix. 193 The baronet..is not unlikely to marry again; he is quite fool enough. If he does, however, they will leave me in peace . View more context for this quotation
1859 J. W. Carlyle Lett. III. 6 I shall breakfast here in peace, and quietness.
1864 Ld. Tennyson Enoch Arden in Enoch Arden, etc. 9 And pass his days in peace among his own.
1865 W. F. Hook Lives Archbps. III. 301 It often happens that a man, turbulent in his youth, will make great sacrifices to procure peace and quiet in his old age.
1907 A. Bierce in Cosmopolitan Dec. 188/2 In the middle of the night something—some malign power bent upon the wrecking of my peace forever—caused me to open my eyes and sit up.
1933 H. G. Wells Shape of Things to Come ii. 153 The man who wanted to be left alone in peace..was pressed to pay his tribute to the gang.
1993 Teleworker Nov. 27/2 He thrives on peace and quiet and finds work hellish when his live-in girlfriend takes a day off.
b. In various expressions of well-wishing or salutation, as peace be with you, etc. (Originally in and derived from biblical use.)
a1325 (c1280) Southern Passion (Pepys 2344) (1927) 2090 Ihesus stod and sede,‘Pays beo myd ȝou; ich hit am.’
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Luke x. 5 In to what euere hous ȝe schulen entre, first seye ȝe, ‘Pees to this hous.’
a1400 (c1300) Northern Homily: Mary Magdalene (Coll. Phys.) in Middle Eng. Dict. at Pes ‘Ga,’ he said, ‘womman, in pes.’
a1456 (a1402) J. Trevisa tr. Gospel of Nicodemus (BL Add.) f. 114 (MED) Peos be to yowe of oure lorde Ihesus cryst.
c1480 (a1400) St. Peter 250 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 14 Pece be till ȝow, myn breþer dere.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Bel & Dragon G Peace be multiplied with you.
1557 Earl of Surrey et al. Songes & Sonettes sig. Y.i Peace to thy bones, and glory immortall Be to thy name, and to her excellence.
1611 Bible (King James) 1 Chron. xii. 18 Peace, peace, be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 2 (1623) iii. iii. 26 Peace to his soule, if Gods good pleasure be. View more context for this quotation
1678 J. Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress (ed. 2) 144 Peace be with you, dearly beloved, and, peace be to your helpers.
1746 T. Smollett Reproof 200 Peace to that gentle soul that could deny His invocated voice to fill the cry.
1791 A. Radcliffe Romance of Forest I. vii. 264 Farewell! and peace attend you.
1816 W. Scott Antiquary ii. viii. 226 Ah! rare Ben Jonson! long peace to thy ashes!
1850 Ld. Tennyson Princess (ed. 3) iv. 77 Peace be with her! She is dead.
1864 A. Trollope Can you forgive Her? I. vii. 52Peace be to his manes!’ she said at last, as she carefully folded up a huge black crape mantilla.
1915 N. Munro in B. D. Osborne & R. Armstrong Erchie & Jimmy Swan (1993) i. xlvii. 208 Whit would my mither—peace be wi' her!—think o' me gaun twice to a picture-hoose, and sendin' oot your washin' to a la'ndry!
1993 Jackson Hole (Wyoming) Daily 25 Mar. 36/1Peace be upon you,’ said Abouhalima's father before slamming the door.
5. Absence of noise, movement, or activity; stillness, quiet.Earliest in †to have one's peace: to be silent (obsolete). See also Phrases 1.
the world > action or operation > inaction > quietness or tranquillity > [noun]
a1275 St. Margaret (Trin. Cambr.) l. 213 in A. S. M. Clark Seint Maregrete & Body & Soul (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan) (1972) 75 Haue þi pais [c1330 Auch. be stille], þou foule þing.
a1300 in N. Davis Non-Cycle Plays & Fragm. (1970) 115 (MED) Þet [read Ȝet] tes lordes pays ich grede; Nu sittet stille, bi mine rede!
c1330 (?a1300) Kyng Alisaunder (Auch.) (1952) 20 (MED) He hiȝt hem eiȝte and gret noblais; Þai schuld it hele and ben in pais.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. xix. 149 The iewes preyed hem pees [c1400 C text of pees].
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 181 The Grauely see..is neuer still ne in pes.
a1450 (?a1300) Richard Coer de Lyon (Caius) (1810) 1341 Beth in pes, lystenes my tale!
?1518 Cocke Lorelles Bote sig. C.ii They banysshed prayer peas and sadnes And toke with them myrthe sporte and gladnes.
1620 J. Melton Astrologaster 68 In the peace of mid~night.
1680 J. Dryden tr. Ovid in J. Dryden et al. tr. Epist. 218 Stay but a little, till the Tempest cease; And the loud winds are lull'd into a peace.
1750 W. Shenstone Rural Elegance 5 Oh! peace to yonder clam'rous horn!
1846 J. Ruskin Mod. Painters II. 47 Not like the dead and cold peace of undisturbed stones and solitary mountains.
1892 R. L. Stevenson & L. Osbourne Wrecker viii. 131 Precipitous shores, spired mountain-tops, the deep shade of hanging forests, the unresting surf upon the reef, and the unending peace of the lagoon.
1911 J. Muir My First Summer in Sierra 137 Sauntered up the meadow about sundown, out of sight of camp and sheep and all human mark, into the deep peace of the solemn old woods.
1988 Independent 9 Sept. 3 The early morning sound of Tornado F3 fighters is about to disturb the rural peace of north Yorkshire.
a. Freedom from, absence of, or cessation of war or hostilities; the condition or state of a nation or community in which it is not at war with another; peacetime.
society > armed hostility > peace > [noun]
c1300 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Otho) 3460 Neuere onleode ne sohte his riche, ac þis lond was in paise.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 1322 (MED) Þe prinse..nis to preisi noȝt Þat in time of worre as a lomb is boþe mek and milde And in time of pes as leon boþe cruel and wilde.
a1400 (?a1350) Seege Troye (Egerton) (1927) 363 (MED) Better is pes for ay and oo Þan monslauȝter in werre and woo.
1484 W. Caxton tr. Subtyl Historyes & Fables Esope ii. viii After grete werre cometh good pees.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 80 At that tyme wes pes and rest Betwyx Scotland and Ingland bath.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Ecclus. xlvii. 16 Because of his peace he was beloued.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry i. f. 6v Being hardened with labour in peace, they might the better be able to abyde the trauayle of warres.
1619 F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher King & No King i. sig. B1v Trust mee Tigranes, shee can doe as much In peace, as I in Warre; sheele conquer too.
1655 H. L'Estrange Reign King Charles 78 The unbilleting of Souldiers and nulling of Martiall Law in times of peace.
1726 J. Swift Gulliver I. ii. vi. 116 He was amazed to hear me talk of a mercenary standing Army in the midst of Peace, and among a Free People.
a1771 T. Gray Ess. I in W. Mason Mem. Life & Writings (1775) 195 Fix, and improve the polish'd arts of peace.
1804 Duke of Wellington Dispatches (1837) III. 584 Peace is the fairest fruit of victory.
1874 J. R. Green Short Hist. Eng. People ix. §10. 713 In vain..Walpole battled..against the cry for war... He stood alone in his desire for peace.
1919 Outing Mar. 313/1 The survivors were brought to such extremity by smallpox and starvation that they had to sue for peace on any terms.
1940 J. F. Kennedy Why Eng. Slept vii. 171 He felt that if some compromises were made so that the dictators would not be forced to go to war to save their popularity at home, Europe might have peace.
1987 USA Today 21 Oct. 6/7 Neutrality is essential if we are to..play a constructive role in achieving peace.
b. As a count noun: an agreement, ratification, or treaty of peace between two nations, communities, etc., who were previously at war. Frequently with of and the name of the place at which the treaty was ratified. Also: an interval or period of peace (now rare).Formerly also: †(an agreement effecting) a truce or temporary cessation of hostilities (obsolete).
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > peace treaty > [noun]
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 11458 Þer was þe erl of ferers ibrouȝt in hard cas,Vor he hadde after þe pais robberie iwroȝt.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. 1103 (MED) Thei feignen forto make a pes, And under that..Thei schopen the destruccioun Bothe of the kyng and of the toun.
c1425 (c1400) Laud Troy-bk. 17536 He..bad hem mak Be-twene hem of Greece..A fynal pes.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) iii. l. 333 With thair consent Wallace this pes has tayn,..till x moneth war gayn.
a1500 ( J. Yonge tr. Secreta Secret. (Rawl.) (1898) 164 (MED) The febilnes of the enemy nys not a pees, but a truse for the tyme.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. cccxliiijv Thambassadours of England and Fraunce..at the last conclude a peace.
1592 T. Kyd Spanish Trag. i. sig. A4v But tell me now, hast thou confirmd a peace?
1653 H. Cogan tr. F. M. Pinto Voy. & Adventures xiii. 42 He would not..break the peace, which his ancestors had made with the Christians of Malaca.
1678 A. Marvell Acct. Growth Popery (new ed.) 12 The Infractors and Aggressors of the Peace of Aix la Chapelle.
1713 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella 10 Mar. (1948) II. 636 They are not sure the Peace will be signed next Week.
1755 N. Magens Ess. Insurances I. 468 The Peace of Breslau of 1742, and that of Dresden 1745, confirmative of the precedent one.
1802 T. Jefferson Let. 18 Apr. in Writings (1984) 1106 In that case France will have held possession of New Orleans during the interval of a peace, long or short, at the end of which it will be wrested from her.
1852 J. M. Ludlow Master Engineers 132 A truce is often the foreshadow of a peace.
1877 T. H. Dyer Mod. Europe xl The advisers of the Peace of Utrecht.
1922 Encycl. Brit. XXX. 509/1 Under the Peace of Versailles a new form of colonial possession came into being.
1970 Oxf. Classical Dict. (ed. 2) 644/2 After the peace of 387 the Spartans obliged the Mantineans to dismantle their walls and live in villages.
1991 Newsweek 25 Nov. 33/3 He meant to wage war until the United States became weary enough to sue for a peace that would leave Japan all it had seized in Asia.
c. The personification of peace (sense 6a); the goddess of peace.
c1390 Castle of Love (Vernon) (1967) 304 (MED) Þe furste douȝter hette Merci..Pees hette þe feorþe.
a1500 ( J. Lydgate Q. Margaret's Entry into London 36 in Mod. Lang. Rev. (1912) 7 227 (MED) Justice and Pees, these Sustres schal prouide Twixt Reawmes tweyn stedfast loue to sette.
1600 B. Jonson Every Man out of his Humor Epil. sig. Riv Let..The Throat of Warre be stopt.., And Turtle-footed Peace daunce fairie Rings About her Court. View more context for this quotation
a1674 J. Milton To Cromwell in Lett. State (1694) p. xlv Yet much remains To Conquer still; Peace hath her Victories No less than those of War.
1741 W. Shenstone Judgm. Hercules 402 Peace rears her olive for industrious brows.
1816 D. P. Campbell Poems (new ed.) 113 Then peace her olive shall display, And patriot blood no more shall flow.
1853 Harper's Mag. Feb. 318/2 He wished to have the statue of Peace surmount the lofty summit of the pillar.
a1914 M. J. Cawein Cup of Comus (1915) 66 There above the conflict, orbed in rays, Is drawn the face Of Peace.
2000 Daily Tel. 9 Nov. 12/3 Adrian Jones's sculpture of Peace descending on the Quadriga of War, erected in 1912.
d. peace with honour n. peace maintained or secured without loss of national pride; also in extended use.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > peace treaty > [noun] > types of
peace with honour1626
Carthaginian peace1940
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) iii. ii. 50 That it [sc. your policy] shall hold Companionship in Peace With Honour, as in Warre. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) v. vi. 79 We haue made peace With no lesse Honor to the Antiates Then shame to th'Romaines. View more context for this quotation]
1626 T. Middleton Trivmphs Health & Prosperity sig. B2v It is a yeare that crownes the life of man, Brings him to Peace with Honor.
1650 A. Weldon Court & Char. King James 185 [James I] had rather spend 100,000 li. on Embassies to keep or procure peace with dishonor, then 10,000 l. on an army that would have forced peace with honour.
1855 Times 17 May 10/5 The motto of this country will be—as I am convinced it ought to be—‘Peace with honour, or war with victory.’
1878 Times 17 July 5/5 Lord Beaconsfield said,..Lord Salisbury and myself have brought you back peace (applause), but a peace, I hope, with honour (applause) which may satisfy our Sovereign (applause), and tend to the welfare of the country.
1909 H. A. Vachell Paladin 112 Peace with honour..has become slightly shop-worn.
1990 A. A. Burn Penguin Hist. Greece (BNC) 127 It [sc. an eclipse] may have suggested to two kings, already finding the war unprofitable, an occasion for peace with honour.
e. peace at any price n. peace (to be) negotiated regardless of the terms demanded. peace-at-any-pricer n. rare a person who advocates a policy of seeking peace at any price.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacific character or disposition > [noun] > pacifism in particular instance
peace at any price1774
1645 G. Digby Let. 27 Aug. in Cal. State Papers: Domest. (1891) DX. 87 Demonstrations that they will purchase their own, and..the kingdom's quiet, at any price to the King, to the Church, and to the faithfulest of his party.]
1774 D. Graham Impartial Hist. Rebellion (ed. 3) xvi. 175 Her [sc. France's] trade was stopt by sea and land, Bold Britain did the seas command: She sued for peace at any price.
1844 Britannia 14 Sept. 585/2 Now, if Louis Philippe contemplated peace at any price, why this warlike array?
1855 Times 7 June 6/5 This is not the first offence of the kind of which these peace-at-any-price men have been guilty.
1896 Westm. Gaz. 10 Jan. 2/2 Men who are neither faddists in general nor peace-at-any-pricers in particular.
1938 Foreign Service Feb. 9/2 This country suffers from a lot of half-baked theorists, impractical idealists, and peace-at-any-price advocates on the loose.
1995 N.Y. Times Bk. Rev. 26 Feb. 7/2 Bosnian refusal to capitulate infuriated the command of the United Nations Protection Force, which wanted peace at any price.
7. With of or a possessive. A state or relation of concord and amity with a person in authority, as a monarch, lord, etc.; the good will, indulgence, or approval of such a person. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > [noun] > amity or good terms
a good (or right) understanding1649
a1350 ( in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 15 Bysshopes ant barouns come to þe kinges pes, ase men þat weren fals, fykel, ant les.
c1350 Psalter (BL Add. 17376) in K. D. Bülbring Earliest Compl. Eng. Prose Psalter (1891) xl. 10 (MED) For þis man was of myn pes [L. homo pacis meae], in whom ich hoped.
a1450 Generides (Pierpont Morgan) (1865) 3219 (MED) I beseche you g[ra]unt nov youre pees Vnto oure felow [sc. Generides].
a1500 Eng. Conquest Ireland (Rawl.) (1896) 87 (MED) Aftyr al the trauail that the kynge hadde..come the Sonnes to the faderis Pees and madyn asseth, falsly.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. clxxx. 215 The prouost of the marchantes of Parys hadde gette hym his peace of the duke.
1570 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xxiii. 28 Thow knawis thy self gif he was diligent To get thy peax, and slaik the of that weir.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 iv. iii. 64 He came but to be Duke of Lancaster, To sue his liuery, and beg his peace With teares of innocencie, and tearmes of zeale. View more context for this quotation
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost x. 913 [She] at his feet Fell humble, and imbracing them, besaught His peace, and thus proceeded in her plaint. View more context for this quotation
8. A person who embodies or fosters peace, harmony, concord, etc.In later use chiefly used of Christ, frequently with allusion to Ephesians 2:14.; cf. also Prince of Peace at prince n. 4b.
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > [noun] > peaceable person > one who maintains peace
c1380 G. Chaucer Second Nun's Tale 44 With inne the cloistre blisful of thy sydis Took mannes shap the eternal loue and pees That of the tryne compas lord and gyde is.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Eph. ii. 14 He is oure pees, that made both oon.
a1425 (c1385) G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde (1987) iii. 1309 Welcome, my knyght, my pees, my suffisance!
a1450 (c1412) T. Hoccleve De Regimine Principum (Harl. 4866) (1897) 5386 Crist þus seid hir vnto, ‘I am pees verray’.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 168 Our princes [i.e. princess] of honour,..Our peax, our play, our plane felicite.
1560 Bible (Geneva) Micah v. 5 And he shalbe our peace.
1662 K. Evans & S. Chevers Short Relation Cruel Sufferings 74 Our God, who is our life, our peace, our stay and strength.
1851 J. Hamilton Royal Preacher (1852) xx. 333 Our safety is all in the Saviour whom we trust. He is our peace.
1980 Order for Holy Communion, Rite A in Alternative Service Bk. 128 The president says either of the following..words... Christ is our peace. He has reconciled us to God in one body by the cross.
9. Chiefly British. the king's peace (also the queen's peace and variants): the protection guaranteed by the monarch to certain people, as those employed on royal business, travelling on the highway, etc. See also sense 1b and pax ecclesiae n. Now historical.
society > authority > subjection > obedience > [noun] > conformity to principles of social order > orderly condition of state or society
God's peacec1300
good rulec1300
the king's peace1428
social order1703
1428 in J. Raine Vol. Eng. Misc. N. Counties Eng. (1890) 3 He suld bere ye kynges pease to John Holgate mersshall.
1612 J. Davies Discouerie Causes Ireland 111 The Irish which were not in the Kings peace, are called Enemies.
1769 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. IV. xiv. 198 To kill an alien, a Jew, or an outlaw, who are all under the king's peace or protection, is as much murder as to kill the most regular born English~man.
1890 F. Pollock Oxf. Lect. 88 By the end of the thirteenth century..the king's peace had fully grown from an occasional privilege into a common right.
1899 Dict. National Biogr. at Warenne, John de The steward of Scotland..counselled delay and offered to bring back the insurgents to the king's peace.
1975 Renaissance Q. 28 45 Extending the definition of the King's Peace so that many offenses..traditionally regarded as torts..were made into felonies (offenses in which the king was concerned).
10. Christian Church. Chiefly with the. Originally: the kiss of peace; = pax n.1 2. In later use also: an action symbolizing or taking the place of the kiss of peace, as a light embrace, a handshake, or a bow.
society > faith > worship > parts of service > kiss of peace > [noun]
1518 in Medieval Eng. Theatre (1995) 17 59 And an Antemp of Iohn and of our Lady withe the pees at aftre Euynsong.
1565 J. Jewel Replie Hardinges Answeare iii. 153 The Peace geuen to the Bishop, was not a little Table of Siluer, or somewhat els, as hath beene vsed in the Churche of Rome: but a very Cosse in deede.
1706 tr. L. E. Du Pin New Eccl. Hist. 16th Cent. II. iv. xx. 333 There were no Censings, nor any Peace given at the Mass.
1837 K. H. Digby Mores Catholici VIII. viii. xiii. 469 Angelo Catto announced to him on giving the peace at mass.
1935 D. H. Hislop Our Heritage in Public Worship xi. 243 Here, either before or after the Peace, in many rites is placed the Creed.
1976 Church Times 8 Oct. 9/2 Staid churchwardens embraced others in the congregation during the giving of the Peace with a warmth and friendliness that they would have found difficult to express in a parish church.
2003 Presbyterian Rec. (Nexis) June 39 Presbyterians, for whom a friendly nod is as demonstrative an exchange of the peace as they want or need, have been vindicated.
II. Technical uses.
11. More fully Peace rose. With capital initial. A vigorous variety of hybrid tea rose bearing large yellow flowers shaded with pink; the flower of this plant.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > rose and allied flowers > rose > types of rose flower or bush
summer rosea1456
French rose1538
damask rose?a1547
musk rose1559
winter rose1577
Austrian brier1590
rose of Provence1597
velvet rose1597
Provence rose1614
maiden's blush1648
monthly rose tree1664
York and Lancaster rose1688
cinnamon rose1699
muscat rose1707
cabbage rose1727
old-fashioned rose1773
moss rose1777
swamp rose1785
Cherokee rose1804
Macartney rose1811
shepherd's rose1818
prairie rose1822
Banksian rose1827
maiden rose1827
seven sisters rose1830
Dundee rambler1834
Banksia rose1835
Chickasaw rose1835
climbing rose1836
green rose1837
hybrid China1837
Jaune Desprez1837
pillar rose1837
wax rose1837
hybrid perpetual1848
Persian Yellow1848
pole rose1848
tea rose1850
quarter sessions rose1851
Gloire de Dijon1854
Maréchal Niel1864
La France1868
Ramanas rose1876
Japanese rose1883
old rose1885
American Beauty1887
hybrid tea1890
Japan rose1895
Zéphirine Drouhin1901
Penzance briar1902
Dorothy Perkins1903
species rose1930
sweetheart rose1936
shrub rose1948
1944 R. Pyle Let. in A. Ridge For Love of Rose (1965) xii. 210 We are persuaded that this greatest new rose of our time should be named for the world's greatest desire: Peace.
1945 Los Angeles Times 30 Apr. i. 11/1 Today's main event [at the Pacific Rose Society show] was the official christening of the newly developed Peace rose.
1965 L. Meynell Double Fault ii. v. 174 A heaped profusion of Peace roses looked superb in a large silver bowl.
1978 B. Arnold Singer at Wedding Prol. 6 One rose from the bush of Peace in the centre of the small lawn had gone over, and its creamy, tinted petals had tumbled down in profusion on the dry earth.
2003 Chicago Tribune (Nexis) 19 Oct. (Sunday Mag.) 22 It is the product of a Samling seedling (a pink blend) crossed with the Peace rose (yellow with a pink edge).


In several of the main senses.
P1. to hold (also †have, keep) one's peace: to remain quiet or silent; to keep silence; to refrain from comment or criticism.
the mind > language > speech > taciturnity or reticence > be silent/refrain from speaking [verb (intransitive)]
to hold one's tonguec897
to keep one's tonguec897
to be (hold oneself) stilla1000
to say littleOE
to hold one's mouthc1175
to shut (also close) one's mouthc1175
to keep (one's) silence?c1225
to hold (also have, keep) one's peacea1275
to say neither buff nor baff1481
to keep (also play) mum1532
to charm the tonguec1540
to have (also set, keep) a hatch before the door1546
to play (at) mumbudgeta1564
not to say buff to a wolf's shadow1590
to keep a still tongue in one's head1729
to sing small1738
to sew up1785
let that fly stick in (or to) the wall1814
to say (also know) neither buff nor stye1824
to choke back1844
to keep one's trap shut1899
to choke up1907
to belt up1949
to keep (or stay) shtum1958
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > voice or vocal sound > loss or lack of voice > lose the voice [verb (intransitive)] > not utter
to shut (also close) one's mouthc1175
to hold (also have, keep) one's peacea1275
to put a sock in ita1529
to say not muff1652
to hold one's whisht1786
to shut (one's) pan1799
to shut up1840
to hold one's whistc1874
to shut (one's) head, face1876
to wrap up1943
a1275 St. Margaret (Trin. Cambr.) l. 213 in A. S. M. Clark Seint Maregrete & Body & Soul (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan) (1972) 75 Haue þi pais [c1330 Auch. be stille], þou foule þing.
a1350 in G. L. Brook Harley Lyrics (1968) 43 (MED) Holdeþ nou or pees.
a1382 Prefatory Epist. St. Jerome in Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1959) vi. 4 I holde my pees of gramaryens & rethorykez, philosophers, geometrers, [etc.].
1483 ( tr. G. Deguileville Pilgrimage of Soul (Caxton) (1859) ii. lxv. 59 I..held my pees, and wold no more seye.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) vii. 157 He had grete luste to speke, for yf he had keped his peas [etc.].
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Matrimonie f. xiii*v Let him now speake, or els hereafter foreuer hold his peace.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xxix. 542 At this text R. Eliezer was blankt and held his peace.
1620 tr. G. Boccaccio Decameron I. v. viii. f. 201 So soone as Madam Lauretta held her peace, Madam Philomena (by the Queenes command) began, and saide.
1672 Duke of Buckingham Rehearsal iii. 27 Nay, pr'ythee hold thy peace.
1717 M. Prior Alma iii. 186 Richard, keep thy head, And hold thy peace.
1796 Grose's Classical Dict. Vulgar Tongue (ed. 3) Stow you, be silent, or hold your peace.
1818 Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 33 346 If we hold our tongues upon this subject, let us, for decency's sake, keep our peace as to the dependence of Canning.
1890 W. C. Russell Ocean Trag. III. xxvi. 16 I held my peace on this new..craze.
1928 D. H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lover xv. 265 But since I can't, an' nobody can, I'd better hold my peace, an' try an' live my own life.
1970 P. Berton National Dream vii. i. 264 The Tory chieftain had kept his peace while the Liberal press continued to announce his imminent retirement.
2003 Africa News (Nexis) 15 Oct. The union ought to hold its peace about the payment period now. For it signed the pact.
P2. to make peace phr.
a. See sense 1a.
b. to make one's peace: to effect a reconciliation for oneself (esp. with another person). Formerly also †to make (another person's) peace.In quot. a1425: †to admit a person to friendly relations with oneself (obsolete).
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > bringing about concord or peace > become at peace with each other [verb (intransitive)] > be reconciled to or come to agreement with another
to make peacea1350
to come to1709
to split the difference1713
to mend (or look after) one's fences1959
a1350 in G. L. Brook Harley Lyrics (1968) 69 Iesu Crist, þou be mi bote, so boun icham to make my péés.
c1350 (a1333) William of Shoreham Poems (1902) 39 (MED) Þos mote Make þy pes wyþ alle þre Sorwe, schryfte, and edbote.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) 2552 This bargeyn eende may never take, But if that she [sc. his beloved] thi pees will make.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 3779 Dame Calistride..comes with hire ladis; Mas hire pes with oure prince.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) xxi. 62 By his meanes my peace was made with the kynge.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) iii. iv. 262 I will make your peace with him, if I can. View more context for this quotation
1642 T. Fuller Holy State ii. xix. 120 Those who have made their peace with God.
1690 J. Locke Ess. Humane Understanding ii. xxvii. 159 Many whilst they break the Law, entertain Thoughts of future reconciliation, and making their Peace for such Breaches.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones III. viii. xiv. 289 My false Friend..was likewise considered as a Prisoner, tho' he was better treated, as being to make his Peace at my Expence. View more context for this quotation
1788 T. Jefferson Writings (1859) II. 552 Symptoms which render it suspicious that the two empires may make their peace with the Turks.
1847 A. Brontë Agnes Grey xii. 187 Don't depend upon me for making your peace with Mr Murray, for I never see him—to speak to.
1885 R. F. Burton tr. Arabian Nights' Entertainm. IV. cclxxxv. 129 Now when her husband had made his peace with the young lady, he lay with her that night.
1916 E. R. Burroughs Beasts of Tarzan x. 162 Speak quick before I kill you! Make your peace with God!
1990 S. Johnson Flying Lessons xxxiv. 255 She died before they could make their peace. He went to his grave a broken man.
c. To conclude a treaty at the conclusion of a war; to effect a reconciliation between people or parties; to be or become reconciled. Also: to enter into friendly relations with a person or party.
society > authority > subjection > obedience > obey or be obedient [verb (intransitive)] > enforce orderly condition
to make peacea1393
to keep the peacea1400
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > bringing about concord or peace > become at peace with each other [verb (intransitive)]
to make peace1535
to fall in1546
to piece up1653
to kiss and be friends1657
to kiss and make up1657
to make it up1669
to make it up1722
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > peace treaty > conclude peace treaty [verb (intransitive)]
to make peace1535
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) Prol. 256 (MED) I not how that thei scholde amende The woful world..To make pes betwen the kynges.
?a1430 T. Hoccleve Mother of God l. 78 in Minor Poems (1970) i. 54 By thee, lady, y-makid is the pees Betwixt Angels and men.
a1475 Sidrak & Bokkus (Lansd.) (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Washington) (1965) 5805 And lightlier is it forto wynne Forȝeuenesse of God for synne, Þan of God and of men boþe; If þei with þee here ben wroþe, Þe latter may he pees make.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Josh. x. A They of Gibeon had made peace with Israel.
1564 A. Golding tr. Justinus Hist. Trogus Pompeius xliii. f. 164 At her syght he was so astraught, that..he made peace with ye Massiliens.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene ii. iii. sig. O8 So happy peace they made and faire accord.
1611 Bible (King James) Isa. xxvii. 5 He shall make peace with me. View more context for this quotation
1651 T. Hobbes Leviathan iii. xl. 253 The Supreme Power of making War and Peace, was in the Priest.
1654 O. Cromwell Speech 4 Sept. in Writings & Speeches (1945) (modernized text) III. 442 It is a maxim not to be despised, though peace be made, yet it is interest that keeps peace.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Æneis xi, in tr. Virgil Wks. 551 Make peace, ye Latians, and avoid with Care Th' impending Dangers of a fatal War.
1754 B. Franklin Writings (1987) 380 That the President General with the Advice of the Grand Council, hold or Direct all Indian Treaties..And make Peace or Declare War with the Indian Nations.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. vii. 257 The king has also the sole prerogative of making war and peace.
1818 M. W. Shelley Frankenstein II. ix. 145 If any being felt emotions of benevolence towards me, I should return them an hundred and an hundred fold; for that one creature's sake, I would make peace with the whole kind!
1885 R. F. Burton tr. Arabian Nights' Entertainm. I. x. 95 The ladies laughed consumedly at the squabble; and, making peace between the Kalandars and the Porter, seated the new guests before meat and they ate.
1920 W. S. Churchill Let. 24 Mar. in World Crisis (1929) IV. xvii. 378 I should be prepared to make peace with Soviet Russia on the best terms available to appease the general situation.
1989 G. Early Tuxedo Junction iv. xiv. 237 The father's way of making peace with being a black man in a world of white sensibilities.
1991 M. Tully No Full Stops in India (1992) i. 18 It is quite possible that Chandre would have..returned to his village to make peace with his mother had he not met [etc.].
2003 Nation (N.Y.) 5 May 12/2 What the refuseniks have done..does not contribute to telling us how the Israelis and Palestinians can make peace.
d. To enforce silence. Obsolete.
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 154 (MED) Þei seyn to certeyn Officeres..‘Maketh pees.’
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 293 Anone as the kynge saw hym, there was made peas and rome.
P3. at peace: in a state of concord or friendliness; not at war or at variance (with a country, a person, oneself, etc.); in a state of quietness or serenity. at a person's peace: in a state of friendliness with a person (cf. Phrases 8) (obsolete).
the world > action or operation > inaction > quietness or tranquillity > in a state of quietness and tranquillity [phrase]
at peacea1400
at rest1847
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > at peace or not at variance [phrase]
at onea1300
at (also in) unityc1391
at peacea1400
society > society and the community > dissent > absence of dissension or peace > at peace or not at variance [phrase] > with someone
at peacea1400
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) 4074 (MED) Fro þis tyme forþ..Wiþ ioseph were þei neuer at pees [a1400 Vesp. saght].
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 88 (MED) Þei obliged þam to gyue Fourti þousand pound at his pes to lyue.
a1450 Castle Perseverance (1969) l. 3538 Lete us stonde at on acord, At pes wythowtyn ende.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) iii. l. 279 Thai chargyt him to mak Wallace at pes.
1560 T. Becon Common-pl. Holy Script. in Wks. iii. 68 To set at peace by hym through the bloude of hys crosse both thinges in heauen and thinges in earth.
1568 Bible (Bishops') Job xxii. 21 Reconcile thee vnto God, and be at peace.
a1629 W. Hinde Faithfull Remonstr. (1641) lii. 173 Being so at peace with God, we have peace with our selves.
1661 R. Baillie Lett. & Jrnls. (1842) III. 448 For our private matters in the Colledge, this twelvemoneth we have been at peace.
1722 D. Defoe Jrnl. Plague Year 21 The Inns-of-Court were all shut up... Every Body was at peace; there was no Occasion for Lawyers.
1749 J. Cleland Mem. Woman of Pleasure II. 46 In short, this dev'lish thing, with its impetuous girds and itching fires, led me such a life, that I could neither, night or day, be at peace with it or myself.
1853 A. J. Morris Business i. 7 Those who are never at peace but when they are at war.
1860 J. W. Warter Sea-board & Down II. 115 He is at peace with this world and the next!
1910 Encycl. Brit. I. 465/1 The fitting out, arming or equipping..of any vessel, which it has reasonable ground to believe is intended to cruise or to carry on war against a power with which it is at peace.
1933 J. Bridie Sleeping Clergyman i. iii Sit at peace and enjoy the sunshine.
1994 N.Y. Times 20 Feb. i. 36/3 Now Washington and Moscow are at peace, and the supercollider is just one of the scientific enterprises likely to fall victim to the end of the cold war.
2001 Independent 15 May ii. 2 Quiet people..drifting off to friends' homes to ‘chill out’ or just strolling through the dawn at peace with themselves and the world.
P4. In collocation with plenty.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xviii. 93 (MED) Ther sholde be plente and pees perpetuel for euere.
?1435 ( J. Lydgate Minor Poems (1934) ii. 633 To regne in pees, plente, and plesaunce.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 113 (MED) With peasse and plente..Good luf and charyte Blendyd amanges vs.
a1542 T. Wyatt Coll. Poems (1969) xciv. 77 Ffollowe the right suche one shall alwaye fynde Hym self in peace and plentie to habounde.
1596 E. Spenser Prothalamion vi. sig. A4v Let endlesse Peace your steadfast hearts accord, And blessed Plentie wait vpon you[r] bord.
a1618 J. Sylvester Cup Consol. 22 Smiling Hope..False-promiseth long Peace and plenty too.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Æneis viii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 447 With his mild Empire, Peace and Plenty came: And hence the Golden Times deriv'd their name.
1713 A. Pope Windsor-Forest 2 And Peace and Plenty tell, a Stuart reigns.
1781 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall (1787) III. xxx. 171 This scene of peace and plenty was suddenly changed into a desert.
1823 Ld. Byron Age of Bronze xv. 32 How rich is Britain! not indeed in mines, Or peace, or plenty, corn, or oil, or wines.
1860 J. Abbott Amer. Hist. I. vi. 181 After this the old wolf, every day when she came home with food for her young ones, gave the boy some of it too, and he continued living with this wild family for some time in peace and plenty.
1915 C. P. Gilman Herland in Forerunner Aug. 209/2 They were living in peace and power and plenty; we were their guests, their prisoners, absolutely dependent.
1949 W. S. Maugham Writer's Notebk. 306 The world has always been a place of turmoil. There have been short periods of peace and plenty, but they are exceptional.
1994 Time 24 Oct. 33 (heading) While the poor are bewitched by dreams of peace and plenty, the rich are preparing for an apocalypse.
a. to keep the peace (also to keep peace): to maintain public order; to prevent or refrain from public commotion or disorder; (gen.) to prevent or refrain from argument, strife, disruptive behaviour, or displays of hostile feeling, etc.
society > authority > subjection > obedience > obey or be obedient [verb (intransitive)] > enforce orderly condition
to make peacea1393
to keep the peacea1400
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 9689 (MED) Wher of serueþ any assise..But for to kepe pees [a1400 Vesp. to yeme þe pes] in londe?
1422 Rolls of Parl. IV. 176/1 Execution of lawe and kepyng of Pees stant miche in Justice of Pees.
1444 Rolls of Parl. V. 123/2 The Baillifs..shall well and truly kepe the pees within the seid Toun.
a1475 Sidrak & Bokkus (Lansd.) (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Washington) (1965) 7567 (MED) The þridde ben lordes þat þe pees kepe, For a man in pees may siker slepe.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 162 Caused him to be newely sworne to kepe the peace of the lande.
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear vii. 45 Keepe peace vpon your liues, hee dies that strikes againe. View more context for this quotation
1663 S. Butler Hudibras: First Pt. i. i. 54 To keep the peace 'twixt Dog and Bear.
1735 B. Franklin Poor Richard's Almanack 1195 I had resolved to keep the Peace on my own part, and affront none of them.
1765 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. I. xiii. 411 To provide a determinate quantity of such arms as were then in use, in order to keep the peace.
1816 J. Austen Emma I. xi. 205 Emma..had half a mind to take it up; but she struggled, and let it pass. She would keep the peace if possible. View more context for this quotation
1866 ‘G. Eliot’ Felix Holt I. ii. 77 It's a little awkward; but a clergyman must keep peace in a family.
1951 Evening Post (Wellington, N.Z.) 13 Jan. 12 The licensee's job of keeping the peace was a hard one.
2003 Carmarthen Jrnl. (Nexis) 29 Oct. 5 Davies was bound over to keep the peace for six months to the sum of £100.
b. to bind (also †hold) to the peace: to oblige (a person) to give a legal undertaking not to commit a breach of the peace. Also with over (cf. to bind over at bind v. 17b). Now chiefly Irish English.
c1475 (?c1425) Avowing of King Arthur (1984) l. 336 Þus hase he wonun Kay on werre..And mekill of othir gere Is holden to þe pees.
a1516 H. Medwall Godely Interlude Fulgens ii. sig. e.viv Kepe well your patience Lyke as I haue bound you both to the peace.
1601 B. Jonson Every Man in his Humor iv. i. sig. I2v I haue a warrant of the peace serued on me euen now... Beare witnesse I was bound to the peace.
1618 M. Dalton Countrey Justice 139 If the partie shall mislike to be..bound to the peace.
1681 T. Otway Souldiers Fortune iii. i. 34 I'll have him bound to the peace instantly.
1717 C. Bullock Woman is Riddle ii. 25 I wou'd have you bind him over to the Peace, put him in the Crown Office, Swear an Assault against him.
1777 K. O'Hara April-day ii. 19 You owe to the police That bloodless, I resheath my sword; For I'm bound over to the peace.
1802 W. Gifford tr. Juvenal Satires (1817) iii. 134 I'm beaten first, then dragg'd in rage away; Bound to the peace, or punish'd for the fray!
1992 Irish Times (Nexis) 25 Nov. 4 [He] was given a six month suspended sentence and was bound to the peace for two years.
2003 Irish Independent (Nexis) 11 Oct. Judge Angela Ni Chonduin said she would bind him to the peace for one year if he pays €200 to the victim.
c. to break the peace: to commit an offence against public order. Now chiefly historical.breach of the peace: see breach n. 3b.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. cccxli. 217/2 Whiche of them yt euer should breake this peace..shoulde rynne in the sentence of the pope.
?1570 Homelie against Disobedience & Wylfull Rebellion i. sig. Biv Subiectes..who..take armor wickedly..to breake the publike peace.
1575 in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxf. (1880) 361 The peace might be broken.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 1 (1623) i. iv. 57 Fye Lords, that you being supreme Magistrates, Thus contumeliously should breake the Peace . View more context for this quotation
a1680 S. Butler Genuine Remains (1759) I. 217 To maintain their own Hypotheses, Broke one another's Blockheads, and the Peace.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones III. vii. ix. 63 He would exceed his Authority by committing the Girl to Bridewell, as there had been no Attempt to break the Peace . View more context for this quotation
1793 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. (ed. 12) 343 He may apprehend, and commit to prison, all persons who break the peace.
1831 Lincoln Herald 13 May That intolerable Italian has done more to break the peace of this country than all the radicals and riotists in the last quarter of a century.
1886 Dict. National Biogr. at Burgh, William de It was decreed that each baron should punish his own servants if they broke the peace.
1940 S. H. Holbrook Ethan Allen ii. 30 Hauled into local court before Justice Hutchinson, Ethan was charged with breaking the peace and with blasphemy.
1991 T. Horwitz Baghdad without Map iii. 30 The custom of kharab wa-turab—the right to ‘lay waste’ to an enemy who breaks the peace without paying blood money.
d. to swear (also †pray) the peace against (a person): to swear that one is in bodily fear from (a person), so that he or she may be bound over to keep the peace. Also †to swear the peace. Now historical.
1634 in Minutes Norwich Court Mayoralty 1632–5 (1967) 144 Robert Smyth prayeth the peace against Charles Glaven.
1643 W. Prynne Soveraigne Power Parl. iii. 21 They may sweare the peace against them.
1680 T. Shadwell Woman-captain iii. 35 Oh Lord have have mercy upon me! what shall I do? I'll swear the Peace against him, if I live and breath.
1740 D. Bellamy Rival Priests i, in Misc. II. 10 My old Friend, your Uncle, is a Corregidore.—I'll complain to him, and swear the Peace against the Rascal.
1773 K. O'Hara Golden Pippin i. 6 Ven. (in fear, screaming) I'll swear the peace:—keep at arms-length, Virago!
1822 Sat. Evening Post (Philadelphia) 19 Jan. 2/4 The fickle bridegroom changed his mind, and refused to marry..and the next morning swore the peace against those guests who had attempted to thump him into matrimony.
1880 Harper's Mag. Dec. 93/2 I've a good mind to send for Squire Battle and swear the peace against ye.
1939 R. H. Barker Mr Cibber of Drury Lane x. 188 Mrs Cibber..swore the peace against Theophilus and had him bound over on good behavior.
1969 J. R. Brackett Negro in Maryland ii. 24 The Council..decided to order the magistrate not to countenance the servant, for it was not customary to allow servants to swear the peace against their masters.
P6. no peace for the wicked and variants: no rest or tranquillity (esp. for the speaker); incessant anxiety, responsibility, or work.Originally in or with allusion to the biblical use (Isaiah 48:22, 57:21; cf. also no rest for the wicked at rest n.1 Phrases 11a). Now frequently humorous or ironic rather than with any real suggestion of wickedness (cf. for my sins at sin n. 1a).
the world > action or operation > continuing > continually (in action) [phrase] > without rest
no peace for the wickeda1425
a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) (1850) Isa. xlviii. 22 Pees is not to wickid [a1382 E.V. vnpitous] men, seith the Lord.
a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) (1850) Isa. lvii. 21 The Lord God seide, Pees is not to wickid [a1382 E.V. vnpytouse] men.
1587 Bible (Geneva) Isa. xlviii. 22 There is no peace, sayeth the Lorde, vnto the wicked.
1612 J. Davies Muses Sacrifice f. 166 (title of poem) That there is no peace to the Wicked.
1635 J. Reynolds Triumphs Gods Revenge (new ed.) iv. xvi. 303 As there is no peace to the wicked, so they shall finde no peace or tranquility here on Earth.
1674 W. Penn Wks. 107 I told thee before, that this Doctrine of thine Speaks Peace to the Wicked, whilst wicked. But there is no Peace to the Wicked, saith my God.
1732 Gentleman's Mag. July 864/1 There is no Peace for the Wicked; and whilst I can either write or speak, there shall be none for you.
1847 Southern & Western Lit. Messenger & Rev. July 410/2 Peace they seek, but there is no peace for the wicked.
1869 Harper's Mag. Dec. 76/1 Her life henceforward must be one long battle... ‘No peace for the wicked,’ said she mockingly to herself oftentimes.
1944 A. Thirkell Headmistress iv. 86 ‘It's for Dr. Perry.’.. ‘No peace for the wicked,’ said Dr. Perry.
1992 N. Barber Other Side of Paradise (BNC) ‘Let's start work,’ Dr Reid sighed. ‘There's nae peace for the wicked.’
P7. Proverb. if you want peace, prepare for war and variants [after post-classical Latin qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum (Vegetius De Rei Militari 3 prol.; compare Parabellum n.)] .
a1547 E. Hall Chron.: Edw. IV (1548) 209 He forgot the olde adage, sayinge, in tyme of peace provyde for warre.
1675 in A. Grey Debates House of Commons (1763) III. 414 'Tis a rule in time of peace, to prepare for war.
1787 tr. J. P. C. de Florian Adventures of Numa Pompilius II. 224 In the first place, thou hast need of peace: prepare then for war.
1850 Littell's Living Age 14 Dec. 526/2 It proves rather that if you want peace you must prepare for war, than any sublimer maxim.
1885 C. Lowe Prince Bismarck II. x. 99 Lord Beaconsfield had acted on the maxim that ‘if you want peace, you must prepare for war’.
1934 H. C. Bailey Shadow on Wall xvii. 175 If you want peace, prepare for war. Very appropriate. I do. I am.
1990 Washington Times 28 Aug. g2/1 As always, the success of diplomacy rests on the latent availability of force. If you seek peace, prepare for war.
P8. with a person's peace (also with the peace of a person) [after classical Latin pāce (see pace prep.)] : without offence to a person; begging pardon of a person; = pace prep. Obsolete.
1631 B. Jonson Divell is Asse ii. ii, in Wks. II. 117 I speake it with my Masters peace.
1669 J. Flamsteed Let. 24 Nov. in Corr. (1995) I. 14 With the peace of that industrious astronomer,..I dare affirm that a part of the sun will..be likewise conspicuous.
1730 H. Fielding Temple Beau i. iii. 5 Sir Av. How now, Son! What puts you into this Passion?.. Y. Ped. Sir, with your Peace, I am not in a Passion.
P9. peace be upon him (and variants): used as an expression of reverence for prophets, religious leaders, and other significant figures in Islam and (in earlier use also) Judaism; or (occasionally) of dead relatives or friends: ‘may he be granted peace’. Frequently used parenthetically, esp. following a name or title.
1646 J. Gregory Notes & Observ. To Rdr. sig. ¶ Melchisedeck sonne of Heraclim, which was the sonne of Phaleg, which was the sonne of Eber, which was the sonne of Arphaxat &c. till you come to..the sonne of Adam, Peace be upon him.
1699 H. Hesketh Great Men's Advantages & Obligations Relig. 22 Their Monuments are beheld with Reverence, and passers by Salute them, with a Peace be upon him, as the Jews did, and all Eastern Nations do to this day.
1780 J. White tr. Timur Specimen Civil & Mil. Inst. 13 By the influence of the Holy Religion of Mahummud (God's peace be upon him,) and with the assistance of the powerful descendants and illustrious followers of that Prophet.
1854 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Apr. 489/1 Nefta..was built—or, rather the foundation of it was laid—by Saidna Noah (our Lord Noah): peace be upon him! Here he discovered the first dry spot.
1892 I. Zangwill Children of Ghetto I. 177 If you had come round when he was sitting Shivah for Benjamin—peace be upon him!—you would have known.
1939 A. A. Beg Poet of East i. 120 Unless one studied him at close quarters, it was difficult to appreciate his admiration and love for Islam and the holy Prophet (Peace be upon him!).
2000 Z. Smith White Teeth (2001) vi. 138 There is an hadith of the Prophet Muhammad—peace be upon Him!
P10. Church History. the Peace of the Church: (also with lower-case initials) the declaration by Constantine and Licinius in the Edict of Milan ( a.d. 313) that members of non-Roman religions, especially Christians, were no longer to be persecuted; (also) the condition of Christianity in the Roman Empire after this declaration.
1705 T. Hearne Ductor Historicus (ed. 2) I. ii. vi. 214 The State of Christianity under its Persecution is shewn, and the Peace of the Church under Constantine declared.
1776 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall I. xvi. 575 The space of ten years, which elapsed between the first edicts of Diocletian, and the final peace of the church.
1851 Times 7 Oct. 4/3 From the cruel persecutions of Diocletian and Galerius arose the peace of the church under Constantine.
1893 R. Lanciani Pagan & Christian Rome iv. 196 I pass over the fate of the emperors of the second and third centuries, and resume my description with those who came to power after the peace of the church.
1947 W. Lowrie Art in Early Church ii. 20 We are obliged to assume that during a century of more before the Peace of the Church a tradition had been formed for the adornment of churches.
1996 Archaeol. Rep. for 1995–6 (Soc. for Promotion Hellenic Stud.) No. 42. 68/2 The neat symmetry of the original scheme..was spoiled by the addition of rotundas for the Syracusan aristocracy after the Peace of the Church.


C1. General attributive (chiefly in sense 6).
peace accord n.
1920 Lima (Ohio) Daily News & Times-Democrat 13 Aug. (headline) U.S. and France in peace accord.
1969 N.Y. Times 14 May 3/1 Menahem Begin..said..that Israel recently rejected a United States proposal that she agree to a contractual peace accord that would mutually obligate the parties involved in the Middle East dispute.
1996 European 30 May 11/1 The incident is a glaring illustration of the failure of Milosevic to honour the pledge he made at the Dayton peace accord to hand over alleged war criminals.
peace activist n.
1944 Washington Post 22 June 1/6 The struggle between peace activists and the pro-German clique in Finland was nearing a climax.
1992 Peace Mag. Nov. 4/2 The biggest news of the decade for peace activists has hardly been publicized at all.
peace advocate n.
1807–8 J. B. Burges Exodiad i. ii. 91 Why then do these peace-advocates essay To check our vengeance, when the word of power Bids us advance?
1991 Village Voice (N.Y.) 5 Feb. 8/1 Peace advocates are capable of expressing themselves in more than just slogans, chants, and soundbites.
peace agreement n.
1858 E. D. Neill Hist. Minnesota 336 The peace agreement between the Ojibways and the Dahkotahs.
1905 Westm. Gaz. 9 June 2/1 It was thought on Kuropatkin's defeat that the war was over, and that Russia must needs seek a peace-agreement.
1994 Denver Post 16 Jan. a6/2 The meeting likely will be..a watershed that most agreed will help pave the way for a future peace agreement.
peace aim n.
1909 Times 15 Sept. 7/2 As to the peace aims of the scouts, I would suggest that those who have any doubts as to the truth of this should study ‘Scouting for Boys’.
1992 Economist 22 Aug. 12/1 Realistic peace aims have to start with an understanding of the kind of war this is.
peace area n.
1905 Times 26 Apr. 3/2 The necessity of continuing the [Anglo-Japanese] alliance as a potent instrument for preserving the peace area.
1957 Economist 28 Sept. 1000/1 Replace alliances by security pacts—create ‘peace areas’ (ranging from southern Asia to the Baltic).
2003 Jakarta Post (Nexis) 26 Jan. The eight peace centers will cover all 19 regencies and mayoralties before the whole of Aceh is eventually declared as a peace area.
peace army n.
1849 Times 13 Jan. 5/1 The arrangement..does not seem so necessary in the peace army of England as in that of any other European Power.
1897 Westm. Gaz. 28 July 3/3 Should not our brave and patient peace army [sc. the police force] be considered?
1977 Amer. Hist. Rev. 82 303 The diocesan peace-army was not as such, and Peter's more urgent needs undoubtedly lay elsewhere.
peace bloc n.
1925 Times 30 Apr. 12/3 It is better at once to assume the leadership of a European Peace bloc than dance on a tight-rope between the Reds and Blues.
1939 W. S. Churchill Into Battle (1941) 94 The first [step]..is the full inclusion of Soviet Russia in our defensive peace bloc.
1985 Chicago Tribune (Nexis) 6 Dec. 26 Rev. Jesse Jackson and his peace bloc allies have not been selected by the American electorate to lead us on a ‘walk in the woods’ with Mikhail Gorbachev.
peace campaigner n.
1930 D. Allen Fight for Peace iv. 56 Let no conservative peace campaigner fail to note that safety valve, ‘offensive war’.
1953 Encounter Nov. 25/2 The wish-dream world of the Stockholm peace campaigner.
1995 C. Bateman Divorcing Jack v. 49 His status as victim and peace campaigner quickly catapulted him into the limelight.
peace conference n.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > peace treaty > [noun] > peace talks or conference
peace talk1789
peace conference1852
1852 Times 28 Feb. 5/6 [Signed] Edmund Fry, Secretary of the Peace Conference.
1899 Hazell's Ann. 1900 462/1 A Peace Conference was held at the Hague in May, June, and July '99.
2002 N.Y. Times 12 May iv. 1/1 Since announcing..the peace conference, the Bush administration has gone out of its way to say that it will be only a meeting of ministers.
peace congress n.
1848 Times 21 Sept. 3/1 (advt.) The Standard of Freedom of Saturday next..will contain a copious Report of the Great Peace Congress at Brussels.
1993 Dict. National Biogr.: Missing Persons 653/1 In 1717 he was appointed..joint mediator at the Austro-Turkish peace congress at Passarowitz.
peace convention n.
1838 Ohio Repository 24 May 3/2 A Peace Convention, composed of delegates from the various Peace Societies of the U. States, met at New York on the 2d inst.
2000 Hindu (Nexis) 17 July The Forum of Chief Ministers of the North-Eastern States has decided to organise a regional peace convention in Guwahati in the last week of August.
peace crank n.
1915 W. H. Page Let. 6 June in B. J. Hendrick Life & Lett. W. H. Page (1922) II. xiv. 10 We're in danger of being feminized and fadridden—grape juice..; pensions; Christian Science; peace-cranks; [etc.].
1973 F. Davis Atlantic Syst. vii. 204 Mahan's clear, unemotional voice rose above the chorus of the ‘peace cranks’ (Taft's words) as he bade the United States realize that [etc.].
peace cry n.
1836 D. O'Connell Let. 18 Sept. in Times 26 Sept. 1/3 Prosperity and justice from England, or from herself—such must be the ‘peace cry’ of Ireland.
1884 E. A. Abbott Flatland (ed. 2) ii. xvi. 67 As soon as the sound of the Peace-cry of my departing Wife had died away, I began to approach the Stranger.
1931 E. Sisson One Hundred Red Days xii. 184 Their leaders were being dealt such a blow of punitive peace terms by Germany that the peace cry of Sunday was followed by war clamor of Monday.
peace demonstration n.
1849 Times 23 July 5/1 The peace demonstration ended in a proposal that we should go on doing pretty much what we have already been doing for thirty years or more.
1987 V. Mollenkott Godding vi. 95 Those who have spent time in jail for civil-rights or peace demonstrations, or for giving sanctuary to refugees.
peace fighter n.
1952 Times 4 Nov. 4/4 Peking radio last night said it [sc. the delegation from Moscow] was given a rousing reception by the Chinese cultural leaders and ‘peace-fighters’.
2003 Daily Times (Salisbury, Maryland) (Nexis) 10 Feb. Arun Gandhi, grandson of the legendary peace fighter and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi.
peace feeler n.
1856 Spectator 5 Jan. 1/1 To put forward a plausible peace ‘feeler’ at present, could do no great harm to the projects of Napoleon the Third.
1918 Vanity Fair Sept. 52/1 This opening remark of mine should not be construed as a pro-German peace feeler.
1984 G. H. Clarfield & W. M. Wiecek Nucl. Amer. iii. 63 In official circles,..Japanese peace feelers counted for little.
peace formula n.
1909 Evening Telegram (Elyria, Ohio) 14 Feb. 11/4 The Morning Post..has been a severe critic of the Wilson peace formula and of the attitude the president has taken at the peace conference.
1996 Church Times 19 July 2/1 The Archbishop was keeping a low profile as he tried to put together a new peace formula.
peace front n.
1919 Times 17 June 13/2 The necessity of a united peace front is just as great as was the necessity for a united war front.
1988 M. Scriven Paul Nizan Communist Novelist (BNC) 46 Only a united peace front could halt the aggressive, war-mongering development of fascist nation states.
peace haven n.
1893 H. M. Doughty Our Wherry in Wendish Lands 18 Sweet peace-haven! The fret and clatter of the world could not disturb..even the lightest of our dreams.
1952 N. Demuth Musical Trends 20th Cent. vii. 92 In the peace-haven of Mills he produced in all tranquillity four works of classical proportions but not of classical design.
2003 J. R. Ridley & J. Channing Safety at Work (ed. 6) iii. 563 The two major methods of personnel protection are the provision of a quiet room or peace haven, and the wearing of ear-muffs.
peace hero n.
1855 Times 19 Mar. 8/6 It has long been my opinion that whenever England shall engage in war, her cavalry system, too long the toy of peace heroes, would inevitably break down.
1997 D. P. Fry & K. Bjökqvist Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution xx. 239 Why is the hero, the accepted hero, always a military hero? Why not a peace hero?
peace initiative n.
1902 Chicago Tribune 31 Jan. 3 The Brussels correspondent of the Standard declares that the peace initiative on the part of Holland was decided upon at the personal instigation of Queen Wilhelmina.
1955 E. B. Haas in Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 49 58 Apparently afraid that the ‘peace initiative’ was passing into Western hands, Vyshinsky now amended his own resolution by demanding an immediate ceasefire as a condition for further negotiations.
2000 Guardian (Electronic ed.) 21 Apr. Both sides are gearing up for heavy fighting during the coming months, while they manoeuvre for political leverage in competing peace initiatives.
peace mediator n.
1884 W. Beatty-Kingston tr. J. H. Moritz Busch Our Chancellor II. ii. 130 I [sc. Bismarck] don't picture to myself a peace-mediator playing the part of an arbitrator.
1992 Keesing's Contemp. Archives (BNC) Mar. The ISI had developed sharp differences with UN peace mediators in Afghanistan.
peace meeting n.
1846 Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, Pa.) 27 Apr. 3/3 A large Peace meeting was held in London immediately previous to the sailing of the Unicorn.
1939 C. Day Lewis Child of Misfortune iii. i. 260 Sitting on the platform at peace meetings.
1985 G. Paley Later Same Day 186 All those peace meetings you go to.
peace-mentality n.
1919 J. L. Garvin Econ. Found. Peace 37 The efforts of the Western democracies were for a long time hindered by the peace-mentality of most statesmen and by traditional conceptions of war in the minds of most soldiers.
1962 R. Macleod & D. Kelly Time Unguarded (1963) viii. 128 Although we were at war, a peace mentality seemed to pervade all departments.
peace mission n.
1841 Times 27 Feb. 4/6 He was then secretary to a so-called peace-mission in North America.
1904 E. D. Adams Influence Grenville Pitt's Foreign Policy 78 They are of value in elucidating Pitt's secret diplomacy in the case of Nootka Sound, and in the steps leading to Malmesbury's peace mission of 1796.
1992 Today (BNC) The Archbishop of Canterbury began a peace mission within the Church of England yesterday to prevent civil war over the ordination of women priests.
peace-mistress n. Obsolete
1590 R. Harvey Plaine Percevall 6 Our most roiall Peace-Mistres holds the sterne.
peace move n.
1899 Newark (Ohio) Daily News 18 May 1/2 (headline) Aspect of affairs is now favorable, cabled Otis from Manilla today. To be another peace move.
1915 Times 12 Aug. 6/3 What the [New York] Tribune fears is that Washington may be inveigled into giving countenance to this peace move engineered by Germany.
1991 Canberra Times 31 Jan. 7/7 Australia's High Commissioner to PNG..met Sir Michael on Friday to discuss the latest peace moves on Bougainville, wracked by a bloody two-year secessionist uprising.
peace movement n.
1839 U.S. Mag. & Democratic Rev. Mar. 289 The Peace movement has encountered less opposition in this country and abroad, than perhaps any other cause of moral reform.
1927 Amer. Mercury Feb. 142/2 The editorial goes on to demonstrate that all the peace movements originate in that suburb of Gehenna, Moscow.
1997 N.Y. Times Bk. Rev. 2 Mar. 14/2 His training in the peace movement, and his sophisticated understanding of philosophies of nonviolence and social witness, made him an influential and valued adviser.
peace negotiation n.
1847 Times 16 Aug. 8/2 He is now charged..with defeating the peace negotiation, in not forwarding, promptly, the overtures of Mr. Buchanan.
1855 J. L. Motley Rise Dutch Republic I. i. iii. 205 Pending the peace negotiations, Philip had been called upon to mourn for his wife and father.
1996 Japan Times 29 Apr. 5/5 Israel also secured written rules of engagement that it hopes will bring a period of quiet lasting long enough to complete peace negotiations with Syria.
peace offer n.
1872 H. S. Knapp Hist. Maumee Valley Index 6 Legislative hostilities between Ohio and Michigan—efforts at compromise—Governor Mason, of Michigan, rejects the peace offers.
1991 Economist (BNC) 16 If the Arabs bring to the table a peace offer that ordinary Israelis feel they can safely accept.
peace overture n.
1852 Southern Q. Rev. Jan. 127 He said..that he expected ‘soon to be joined by American Commissioners’ to receive peace overtures from Mexico.
1970 Pacific Affairs 43 63 Japan's ‘path to calamity’..was strewn with what the Japanese considered to be fair and honorable peace overtures toward China.
peace paean n.
1892 C. Scollard Songs of Sunrise Lands 98 Before the birth-song of the Galilean Thrilled through the spheres afar, Long ere the echo of that sweet peace pæan Was borne from star to star.
1943 P. Sargent War & Educ. 96 A week after Lord Cecil's peace paean, Japan invaded Manchuria.
peace party n.
1813 Daily National Intelligencer (Washington) 8 Nov. One of the most curious geniuses among the whole of the Eastern peace-party..is William Jones, Esq. the Governor of Rhode Island.
1863 J. H. Carleton Let. 23 June in Condition of Indian Tribes (U.S. Congr. Joint Special Comm.) (1867) 116 Tell them they can have until the twentieth day of July of this year to come in—they and all those who belong to what they call the peace party.
1916 M. B. Lowndes Let. 8 Dec. (1971) 78 Violet Markham thinks L.G. will last out a good while but that all ‘the Old Gang’ as people are beginning to call them, will gradually crystallise into a Peace Party.
1968 Peace News 21 June 7/4 (advt.) London WC i. 7.30 p.m. 29 Great James Street. Summer Peace Party and Barbecue.
peace petition n.
1864 J. P. Benjamin Let. 19 Dec. in Official Rec. Union & Confederate Navies War of Rebellion (U.S. Naval War Rec. Office) (1922) 2nd Ser. III. 1252 I note your statement of an expenditure of £300 for Mr. McHenry's books, and £150 to aid the parties who signed the peace petition.
1920 M. Reynolds Learned Lady in Eng. ii. 203 In 1643..the women of London, with white silk ribbons in their hats, went in great numbers to the House bearing a peace petition.
1973 E. Jong Fear of Flying (1974) ii. 23 Their mildly leftist political views, their signing of peace petitions..were just camouflage.
peace plan n.
1855 Times 17 Dec. 7/6 It is not known to me whether the peace plan of the western diplomatists has met with the approval of the Nestor of British diplomatists.
1968 Listener 3 Oct. 429/1 The process has apparently forced the Israelis to clarify their position with a ‘peace plan’.
1996 Sunday Tel. 4 Feb. 22/5 The passing of the midnight deadline for the withdrawal of warring parties from areas designated by the Bosnian peace plan.
peace principle n.
1814 J. Steele Hist. Eccl. Proc. Relative to Third Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia 29 (heading) Reflections on the Unchristian Practice of War—Peace Principles applicable to National Government.
2003 Oregonian (Portland, Oregon) (Nexis) 15 May 3 Ackerman's Student Peace Advocates, an elective course that makes peace principles part of the school's curriculum and daily routine.
peace propaganda n.
1892 Times 27 Dec. 3/2 There has been opened at Berne a central office, where union and method are secured for the furtherance of the peace propaganda.
1929 D. H. Lawrence Pansies 85 Loud peace propaganda makes war seem imminent.
1998 C. Kelly in C. Kelly & D. Shepherd Russ. Cultural Stud. xi. 224 Items of peace propaganda mainly produced for export (such as the ubiquitous poster reproduction of Picasso Dove of Peace on relatively high-quality shiny paper).
peace protest n.
1848 F. A. Kemble Let. Feb. in Rec. Later Life (1882) III. 383 All of them..likened their corn-law league, and peace protests, to the first measures of the first leaders of the French Revolution.
1932 B. F. Trueblood Devel. Peace Idea i. 21 The Friends as a body continued their peace protest.
2004 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 15 Feb. 46 He joins peace protests and marches so frequently he's had to buy a new pair of trainers.
peace protester n.
1965 Sheboygan (Wisconsin) Press 16 Sept. 13/6 (headline) Peace protester jailed.
2004 Gloucester Citizen (Nexis) 26 Feb. 6 A peace protester..was yesterday convicted..of aggravated trespass during anti Gulf war demos.
peace rally n.
1919 Times 31 Oct. 9/4 Princess Mary..will be present at the Peace Rally of the Girl Guides at the Albert Hall next Tuesday.
1951 ‘A. Garve’ Murder in Moscow iii. 43 I attended a great ‘peace’ rally at the Bolshoi Theatre.
1995 C. Bateman Divorcing Jack xxii. 192 ‘Traffic's startin' to jam up’. ‘More bomb scares?’ ‘Nah, sure today's Brinn's big peace rally. They're sealin' off round the City Hall’.
peace settlement n.
1859 A. J. H. Duganne War in Europe 4 Before noticing the basis of Peace Settlement made by the Congress of Vienna, I shall glance at the position of various nations affected by the treaties of 1815.
1862 A. D. Mann Let. 13 June in Official Rec. Union & Confederate Navies War of Rebellion (U.S. Naval War Rec. Office) (1922) 2nd Ser. III. 442 He most assuredly never entertained the notion of any peace settlement.
1991 South Aug. 15/3 During this year's attempts by the US to broker a peace settlement in the region, many remembered that back in the 1950s, the US government attempted to organise a number of deals between Israel and its Arab neighbours.
peace society n.
1816 N. Worcester Friend of Peace I. vii. 30 (heading) First annual Report of the Massachusetts Peace Society.
1887 H. R. Haggard She viii. 103 I thought of what the amiable Head of my College at Cambridge (who is a member of the Peace Society) and my brother Fellows would say if by clairvoyance they could see me, of all men, playing such a bloody game.
2002 Manila Bull. (Nexis) 24 Nov. Frederic Passy (France), founder of the first French peace society.
peace tax n.
1816 Times 4 Mar. 2/5 In no shape..will we tolerate as a peace tax that which, in the minister's own words, ‘is strictly a war tax’.
1858 J. B. Norton Topics for Indian Statesmen 236 They have seen an income-tax take the successive forms of a peace-tax, a war-tax, and then a peace-tax again.
1990 Union Leader (Manchester, New Hampsh.) (Nexis) 25 Oct. He had also advocated a controversial Peace Tax favored by the ultra-left in American politics.
peace terms n.
1858 Times 24 May 9/2 A special despatch..states that that the Mormon Peace Commissioners have no authority to make peace terms with Brigham Young.
1992 P. G. Allen Sacred Hoop (new ed.) 85 The conflict between..traditional Indians and those Indians who ‘came in’, that is, accepted the whites' peace terms and left their traditional life.
peace treaty n.
1850 Examiner 7 Sept. 573/3 No peace-treaty between France and England ever went so far to unite them as the voyage of the Goliah did last month.
1929 W. S. Churchill World Crisis IV. viii. 158 An article of the Peace Treaty obliged the Germans to stigmatize all their greatest men and potentates as War Criminals.
1992 Economist 18 Jan. 65/1 The two countries, which have observed a de facto peace since the 1967 war, agreed that their aim was a peace treaty and full diplomatic relations.
b. Objective.
peace-bearer n.
c1650 Rolls of Parl. II. 435/2 His ship called the Portpays or Peace Bearer.
1837 B. D. Walsh tr. Aristophanes Acharnians i. v, in Comedies 28 Nor had this peace-bearer then Skipped away.
1978 ELH 45 579 But Lucan the Butler's hopeful and touching reception of the third peace-bearer..and Arthur's response to her message—..are both dashed by Gawain's intractable ‘Sertis, nay’.
peace-breach n. Obsolete
society > authority > lack of subjection > unruliness > disorder or riot > [noun] > action of breaching the peace
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. i. 350 For Robbery, peace-breach and Foristell.
1894 O. Elton in tr. Saxo Grammaticus Nine Bks. Danish Hist. (1905) I. Introd. 34 Where Dane robbed Dane, the thief to pay double and peace-breach.
peace-bringer n.
1625 K. Long tr. J. Barclay Argenis i. xx. 62 This day was not to be honoured as a peace-bringer.
1888 E. Emerton Introd. Stud. Middle Ages xiv. 217 The people cried out with one voice, ‘Long life and victory to Charles Augustus, the mighty Emperor, the Peace-bringer, crowned by God!’
1992 Jrnl. Southern Afr. Stud. 18 703 They saw themselves..as peace-bringers, and thus as profoundly moral beings.
peace-concluder n. Obsolete
1643 J. Angier Lancashires Valley of Achor 5 Had not God..moved them to be the Peace-keepers, which were not the peace-concluders.
peace-looker n. Obsolete
1878 R. L. Stevenson Inland Voy. 131 A mother is left desolate, and the peace-maker and peace-looker, of a whole society is laid in the ground.
peace-lover n.
1609 S. Daniel Civile Wares (rev. ed.) i. lxxiv. 20 Peace-louer wealth, hating a troublous State.
1876 Ld. Tennyson Harold i. ii. 28 Peace-lover is our Harold.
1998 Irish Times (Nexis) 5 June 14 This should not be taken to mean that nationalists are the peace-lovers and unionists the warmongers.
peace-prater n.
1811 R. Southey in Q. Rev. 6 275 The husbanding politicians and peace-praters.
1865 Old Guard May 235/1 The peace-prater's cry is ‘the Union as it was.’
2000 Islam & Christianity Really Same Religion? Pt. 2 in alt.religion.islam (Usenet newsgroup) 1 Sept. Even most of the peace-praters will still jump up and join a slaughter as long as they are assured the sponsorship of their church or state.
peace-preserver n.
1715 R. Wodrow Corr. (1843) II. 57 If peace-makers be blessed, peace-preservers will not want their own share.
1874 A. H. Chappell Misc. Georgia 60 He had been occupying officially between Georgia and the Indians what may almost be called a heavenly, mediatorial relation, faithfully devoting himself as peace-maker, peace-preserver, and peace-restorer.
1986 Christian Sci. Monitor (Nexis) 20 May 39 His [sc. Paul's] instructions were accompanied by two buoyant peace-preservers: joy and gratitude.
peace-seeker n.
1671 J. Baltharpe Straights Voy. 16 We scorne with them to be Peace seekers.
1850 Littell's Living Age 23 Nov. 378/1 The Stadtholderate stated that they could not make ‘any sort of proposition’; and they gave the three peace-seekers ‘no mission’.
1926 Amer. Speech 1 198/1 The Brownists of Shakespeare's time were the immediate forerunners of the Quakers, peace-seekers like them, and treated to much the same opprobrium.
1999 Jerusalem Post (Nexis) 7 Jan. 4 He claimed the Palestinians are peace-seekers and do not want violence.
peace-breathing adj.
a1699 J. Beaumont Psyche (1702) vi. clxvi. 79 A goodly Army of peace-breathing Graces Were rang'd by these in Love's serene array.
1826 A. A. Watts Bachelor's Dilemma vii Pensive and peace-breathing beauty.
peace-bringing adj.
1677 R. Gilpin Dæmonol. Sacra iii. xxv. 210 The comfortable and peace-bringing Promises of the Gospel.
1992 Transition No. 56. 102/2 Christensen focuses on the especial importance of the peace-bringing tree of life.
peace-commanding adj.
1807 J. Barlow Columbiad x. 359 Enlighten'd interest, moral sense at length Combine their aids to elevate her strength, Lead o'er the world her peace-commanding sway.
peace-conferring adj.
1909 W. James Pluralistic Universe iii. 128 It [sc. the absolute] might, with all its defects, be, on account of its peace-conferring power and its formal grandeur, more rational than anything else in the field.
peace-giving adj.
a1822 P. B. Shelley Death in T. J. Hogg Life Shelley (1858) I. 197 The grave, Where Innocence sleeps 'neath the peace-giving sod.
1879 E. Arnold Light of Asia v. 129 Who is this that brings the sacrifice So graceful and peace-giving as he goes?
1980 Christian Sci. Monitor (Nexis) 19 Dec. 21 I had an example of the peace-giving nature of love in my own family.
peace-inspiring adj.
a1778 A. Steele Misc. Pieces (1780) 46 Kind hope, the mourner's faithful friend, Thy peace-inspiring lore O let my drooping heart attend.
1828 B. Disraeli Voy. Capt. Popanilla x. 119 The calm and peace-inspiring crosier.
1991 Atlanta Jrnl. & Constit. (Nexis) 31 May d3 ‘No speeches, no talks,’ says Prakhara Carter..‘just peace-inspiring music.’
peace-loving adj.
1604 W. Herbert Prophesie of Cadwallader l. 993 My pen applaudes that sentence iust of thine, Romes holy Prince, peace louing Antonine.
1793 K. O'Keefe Sprigs of Laurel i. i. 1 What was a poor honest peace-loving husband to do?
1998 W. Shatner et al. Spectre vi. 66 Even the peace-loving Cardassian people can learn from human perfidy.
peace-preaching adj.
1853 Times 16 July 5/5 One of the most democratic, economical, and peace-preaching communities of the united kingdom.
1994 Ticket Aug. 22/1 Three years ago, AD were a novelty, a Southern, rural, peace-preaching rap outfit in a marketplace dominated by rip-roaring gangsta poses.
peace-procuring adj.
1643 W. Prynne Soveraigne Power Parl. i. Pref. sig. Aijb State-securing, Peace-procuring verities.
a1729 E. Taylor Metrical Hist. Christianity (1962) 98 The gist of Healing did inrich him and He also had a Peace procuring hand.
1977 Jrnl. Sport Hist. 4 90 A romantic, idealistic spirit espousing a naive faith in the peace procuring powers of friendly competition among the youth of the world.
peace-promoting adj.
1846 Southern Q. Rev. Oct. 440 Every great discovery has a life-saving and peace-promoting influence.
2001 Deseret News (Salt Lake City) (Nexis) 7 Dec. c2 [He] has distinguished himself more out of office than within with various peace-promoting and humanitarian projects.
peace-restoring adj.
1780 W. Cowper Table Talk 79 To touch the sword with conscientious awe,..To sheathe it, in the peace-restoring close, With joy.
1849 C. Brontë Shirley II. vi. 150 His phlegm..made his vicinage pleasant, it was so peace-restoring.
2003 Herald Sun (Melbourne) (Nexis) 15 Aug. 11 Nick Warner..has moved to oversee Australia's peace-restoring mission in the Solomon Islands.
d. Locative, instrumental, etc.
peace-abiding adj.
1858 M. C. Cabell Sketches & Recoll. Lynchburg 17 [He] was dismissed from his peace-abiding congregation because a strong sense of duty to his suffering and struggling country impelled him to hear arms in her defence.
1916 W. B. Munro Princ. & Methods Munic. Admin. vii. 291 No such occasions may present themselves to an officer who patrols a peace-abiding suburb.
1997 Vancouver Sun (Nexis) 27 Oct. a13 This is a distinct issue..from the reluctance of peace-abiding refugee claimants without status to leave.
peace-blessed adj. Obsolete
c1620 in E. Farr Sel. Poetry Reign James I (1848) 315 Your wisdome, bountie, and peace-bless'd raygne.
1714 A. Hill Dedication Beech-tree 4 Accept, what Heav'n, propitious for Your Sake, Smiles on this Peace-bless'd Land, and bids her take.
peace-calm adj.
1939 R. Campbell Flowering Rifle i. 15 And loosing these in turn to drink and graze The peace-calm waters and the flowery ways.
peace-complacent adj.
1928 S. Sassoon Heart's Journey (new ed.) 31 Paid, with a pile of peace-complacent stone.
peace-enamoured adj. Obsolete
1800 T. Campbell Pleasures of Hope ii. 11 Triumph not, ye peace-enamour'd few!
peace-inspired adj.
1877 P. J. Bailey Festus (ed. 10) xl. 637 Thus, peace-inspired, we war.
1995 Jerusalem Post (Nexis) 5 May 12 Next month's Ministry of Tourism-sponsored fashion show in Caesarea, in which big-name designers..will present peace-inspired creations.
peace-lulled adj.
1871 B. Taylor tr. J. W. von Goethe Faust II. i. v. 83 Peace-lulled seas.
1985 Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 79 265/2 This crisis results from the strain on peace-lulled materialistic societies because of escalating military materiel and personnel costs..and the welfare state.
peace-minded adj.
1877 P. J. Bailey Festus (ed. 10) xviii. 264 The Spirit's celestial ship, Manned by their holy and apostolic crew Peace minded, who with love all worlds, all souls, subdue.
1933 Times 28 Oct. 8/4 The way to peace..is only to be attained by educating children to be peace-minded rather than war-minded.
1995 Guardian 5 Dec. i. 9/7 Mr Weisel will invite peace-minded cybernauts to type in questions to Mr Mandela in Pretoria, Mr Peres in Jerusalem and Mr Carter in Atlanta.
peace belt n. North American (now historical) a belt of wampum used by North American Indians as a sign of peace.
1758 in New Jersey Archives (1898) XX. 297 Peace was solemnly ratified by a large peace belt.
1897 Jrnl. Anthropol. Inst. 26 237 Chief Mandorong could only tell me that it was a peace-belt, representing an important treaty or alliance of ancient times.
1926 C. Mair Masterwks. Canad. Authors XIV. 207 The colour of the..peace belt [was white].
1989 A. S. Goodstein From Frontier to City ii. 26 In 1792 he served as Governor Blount's emissary to the friendly Chickasaw and to the more hostile Choctaw, who tore up the peace belt he offered.
peace bond n. North American a bond required by a court from an individual deemed to pose a threat to the safety or property of others, intended to deter that person from disturbing the peace; cf. restraining order n. at restraining adj. Compounds.
1859 Jrnl. House of Assembly Newfoundland App. 561/4 Cause..Threatened assault..Judgment..Gave Peace Bond.
1930 Athens (Ohio) Messenger 22 Jan. 2/6 Ten men..were placed under peace bonds today to preserve order in the ‘Bloody’ Twin Creek District.
2001 S. Paretsky Total Recall (2002) xxvi. 261 I did tell Radbuka he would have to leave, that Max was swearing out a peace bond, which meant he could be arrested for hanging around the premises.
peacebuilder n. a person or organization which advocates, encourages, or brings about peace; (in later use) spec. one which seeks to implement measures intended to create or sustain peace in a region affected by war or other conflict, typically through support for economic, political, and social development.In quot. 1914 showing universal peace in attributive use modifying builders rather than this compound.
1914 F. Moscheles Let. in War & Peace Jan. 93/2 We cordially welcome the new Universal Peace Builders—may there be many of them!]
1916 Labor Call (Melbourne) 13 July 8/1 Peace..is stamping ahead in Europe... The peace builders are the King of Spain, President Wilson, the Pope, and Henry Ford is in the midst of all these.
1946 U.N. Conf. Internat. Organization 1945: Sel. Documents (U.S. Dept. of State Publ. 2490, Conf. Ser. 83) 338 It is for us to prevent this monstrous possibility [sc. a third world war]... We the peacemakers, we the peacebuilders, dare not disappoint the hopes and prayers of a whole suffering world, centred on us here.
1995 Economist 16 Dec. 50/1 Troops..will provide the military muscle to oversee the peace [in Bosnia]. Since the soldiers are likely to be around in strength for only about a year..the peace-builders have to deploy quickly too.
2013 C. Zürcher et al. Costly Democracy ii. 20 Peacebuilders seek to build fully developed, democratic, and economically viable states on the ruins of war.
peacebuilding n. the action of advocating, encouraging, or bringing about peace; (in later use) spec. the implementation of measures intended to create or sustain peace in a region affected by war or other conflict, typically through support for economic, political, and social development.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > [noun] > peace-keeping
peacekeeping operation1961
society > authority > rule or government > politics > international politics or relations > [noun] > promotion of friendly relations
1909 Advocate of Peace Aug.–Sept. 182/2 ‘Competitive shipbuilding’, not competitive peace building, is the prime cause for the enormous war-tax burdens placed upon the people.
1964 Amarillo (Texas) Daily News 17 Nov. 2/3 The U.N. work of peace-building through activities that promote economic and social progress, is no less important and pressing than diplomatic, political, and constabulary activities.
1998 C. Kemar Building Peace in Haiti i. 30 Peacebuilding, whether pre-conflict or postconflict, might not look very different from economic or political development.
2005 N.Z. Herald (Nexis) 27 May To be successful, peacebuilding has to be a long-term commitment. Peacebuilding is about creating sustainable social, developmental and governmental structures.
peace corps n. (a) a body of troops, etc., engaged in maintaining peace (now rare); (b) (usually with capital initials), a U.S. governmental organization (created by the Peace Corps Act of 1961) which sends people to work as volunteers in developing countries; also in extended use.
society > society and the community > social attitudes > philanthropy > [noun] > voluntary services
peace corps1868
Voluntary Service Overseas1960
meals on wheels1961
1868 M. H. Smith Sunshine & Shadow in N.Y. 559 The citizens knew that the troops would do their duty, and that silent park of artillery was an efficient peace corps.
1904 Times 24 Sept. 4/3 The ancient ‘Peace Corps’ which was established by the Chinese and which protected the inhabitants against the raids of armed banditti.
1960 H. Humphrey in Congress. Rec. 15 June 12634/3 Mr. President, I introduce..a bill to establish a Peace Corps of American young men to assist the peoples of the under~developed areas of the world to learn the basic skills necessary to combat poverty, disease, illiteracy and hunger.
1967 Economist 2 Sept. 785/2 Japan's version of the peace corps is getting into its stride.
1992 Washington Post (Nexis) 25 Nov. a11 A committee of emergency care physicians announced it will form a ‘peace corps’ to rebuild the houses of the Turkish-Germans left homeless in Moelln.
peace-crier n. (a) an officer who commands silence (obsolete); (b) a person who advocates the making of peace.
a1425 Medulla Gram. (Stonyhurst) f. 60 Silenciarius, a pes cryare.
1840 Times 27 Nov. 3/4 If war had broken out, and the peace-criers and all began to shake, what a plight would England have been in!
1940 W. Frank Chart for Rough Water i. 20 (heading) Our peace-criers do protest too much!
peace day n. (a) a day on which peace is achieved (following a war, etc.); (b) (usually with capital initials) a day on which a particular peace treaty or armistice is commemorated, or on which efforts to secure world peace are celebrated.
1859 Times 25 Oct. 10/3 The thousand and one speeches of which the great monarch [sc. Napoleon III] has delivered himself on the same subject since the fatal peace-day of Villafranca.
1902 Westm. Gaz. 3 June 11/1 A fall in Kaffirs is the fact which fell to be recorded in the closing hours of Peace-Day.
1946 R. Capell Simiomata iii. 210 It is peace come before peace-day, reconstruction begun before the armistice.
1979 Summary World Broadcasts Pt. 4: Middle East & Afr. (B.B.C.) (Nexis) 3 Sept. ME/6209/C/1 In a written statement issued on the occasion of 1st September, Peace Day, Ozgur expressed his full support for the struggle being waged in Cyprus and in the world for peace.
peace dividend n. originally and chiefly U.S. a financial benefit from reduced defence spending; a sum of public money which may become available for other purposes when spending on defence is reduced.
1968 Fortune June 86/1 In Washington the magic phrase is ‘the Peace Dividend’... The fact is that peace dividends will neither materialize so quickly nor amount to so much as many people think.
1975 Forbes 15 Oct. 31 Remember the Vietnam ‘peace dividend’? There was no dividend. Even before the war ended, new government spending gobbled it up.
1995 Economist 14 Jan. 46/1 When the Soviet Union began to collapse in 1990, many people predicted a huge and long-awaited ‘peace dividend’.
peace economy n. an economy characteristic of peacetime, in which defence expenditure is relatively low and only a small part of the labour force is engaged in arms production, etc.
society > trade and finance > management of money > management of national resources > [noun] > political economy > types of economic system
free market1642
peasant economy1883
money economy1888
price system1889
external economy1890
peace economy1905
war economy1919
planned economy1924
market economy1929
circular economy1932
managed economy1932
mixed economy1936
market socialism1939
plural economy1939
market capitalism1949
external diseconomy1952
siege economy1962
knowledge economy1967
linear economy1968
wage economy1971
grey economy1977
enterprise culture1979
new economy1981
share economy1983
gig economy2009
1905 A. V. Dicey Lect. Relation Law & Public Opinion in Eng. xii. 407 One example of this change in political opinion is to be found in the altered attitude of the public towards peace economy.
1910 W. James Mem. & Stud. (1911) xi. 283 The military party..says..that mankind cannot afford to adopt a peace-economy.
2003 State Jrnl.-Reg. (Springfield, Illinois) (Nexis) 5 Aug. 15 The project focuses on converting the war economy to a peace economy.
peace establishment n. the armed forces and military supplies maintained by a country in peacetime.
society > armed hostility > military power > [noun] > military resources > in peacetime
peace establishment1766
1766 in Rep. MSS Mrs. Stopford-Sackville 111 in Parl. Papers 1904 (Cd. 1892) XLVII. i I see no end of the load imposed upon us, as our peace establishment is so far beyond the ordinary supplies.
1803 Edinb. Rev. 2 6 A peace-establishment of 500,000 men.
1963 C. J. Bartlett Great Brit. & Sea Power i. 14 Lord Liverpool pointed out to the Speaker of the House of Commons..that he expected the peace establishment of the armed forces in the future to cost some fifteen millions annually.
peace game n. [after war-game n. at war n.1 Compounds 4] an exercise in the maintenance of international peace.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > [noun] > peace-keeping > exercise in
peace game1922
1922 Times 30 May 16/4 He had tried to explain..how..Germany was merely using America as a pawn in her premature peace game.
1968 Guardian 2 Dec. 9/8 I..believe..that..practical pacifism [is] a reasonable goal. I am currently engaged in talking to computers about this in an elaborate peace game.
2003 Chicago Tribune (Nexis) 26 Oct. 1 Palestinian and Israeli politicians had been secretly conducting peace games.
peace-gaming n.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > [noun] > peace-keeping > exercise in
peace game1922
1968 Economist 23 Nov. 72/2 More attention should be paid to using these techniques for what he calls ‘peace gaming’.
1991 Sunday Times (Nexis) 3 Feb. The wild card in all this peace-gaming is the Arab-Israeli question.
peace garden n. originally U.S. a public garden created to commemorate the end of a war or to promote the ideal of peace (cf. peace park n.).
1918 Newark (Ohio) Advocate 11 Nov. 18/1 He is working out plans now for one of the biggest peace gardens that will be planted in Ohio this coming spring.
1997 M. Millar in S. Champion Disco Biscuits 82 A Brixton studio where the recording equipment was nicely complimented by a peace garden, and statues of Buddha.
peace-guild n. European History a guild established for the maintenance of peace; = frith-guild n. at frith n.1 Compounds.
society > society and the community > social relations > an association, society, or organization > types of association, society, or organization > [noun] > guild of medieval origin > specific guild
1859 Hume's Hist. Eng. (new ed.) i. iv. 76 In London were several frith-gilds (peace-gilds) of different ranks; and in the time of Athelstane we find them forming an association for the purpose of mutual indemnity against robbery.
1913 Encycl. Relig. & Ethics VI. 215/1 The frith gild, or peace gild, so called, refers to an occasional feature of town life in Northern Europe from the 6th century.
1996 Speculum 71 348 The aims of neighboring Celtic kings with respect to their manipulation of ‘peace-guilds’ and ‘the rights of lordship’.
peace lily n. a tropical plant of the genus Spathiphyllum (family Araceae), several varieties of which are cultivated for their white spathes; also called peace plant.
1957 Times 21 Oct. 13/5 The ‘Peace Lily’.., with its dark green glossy leaves and white flowers shaped like miniature arum lilies, is an unusual plant.
1977 Times Herald Rec. (Middletown, N.Y.) 9 Jan. 119/3 Spathiphyllum is also known as ‘peace lily’. In only moderate light a mature spathiphyllum will send up a pure white inflorescence shaped like a cupped palm, giving the impression of the white flag of truce.
2001 Guardian 3 Nov. (Weekend Suppl.) 102/2 A plant that doesn't mind shade, such as a peace lily (Spathiphyllum), a painted drop-tongue..or an aspidistra.
peace line n. a line of demarcation drawn to avert conflict.
the world > space > relative position > condition of being external > edge, border, or margin > boundary > [noun] > land-boundary > boundary to avert conflict
peace line1957
1957 Midwest Jrnl. Polit. Sci. 1 64 In June 1952 Korean Foreign Minister Pyun referred to the ‘Peace Line’. Thereafter, Koreans spoke of the Peace Line, while Japanese preferred the ‘Rhee Line’.
1969 Times 10 Sept. 1/1 (heading) Army ‘peace line’ to replace barricades across Belfast.
2001 Chicago Tribune 9 Sept. i. 3/4 A giant metal fence, one of the many so-called ‘peace lines’ in Belfast, keeps the two communities apart.
peace offensive n. an active movement or campaign directed towards the achievement of peace.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > [noun] > process or operation
peace offensive1917
peace process1965
1917 Times 30 Jan. 7/1 The unkind references to President Wilson in the above message..seem to indicate that the next great peace offensive may be made through Madrid.
1952 Ann. Reg. 1951 321 China..publicly supported the various manifestations of the Soviet ‘peace offensive’.
1992 A. W. Eckert Sorrow in our Heart vi. 406 The upshot was that the British were not talking up a peace offensive rather than aiding their red allies in a war.
peace park n. originally U.S. a public park created to commemorate the end of a war or to promote the ideal of peace (cf. earlier peace garden n.).
1924 Chron.-Telegram (Elyria, Ohio) 13 Sept. 8/2 Proposals have been made..to establish an ‘international peace park’ on the border of Turkey and Armenia.
2002 Nature Conservancy Summer 55/2 Some encompass ‘peace parks’ that were created when the region's civil wars and revolutions ended a decade ago.
peace-parted adj. poetic Obsolete (of a soul) that has departed in peace.
1604 W. Shakespeare Hamlet v. i. 233 To sing a Requiem and such rest..As to peace-parted soules. View more context for this quotation
1867 Catholic World Nov. 172 Even the nameless, unmarked grave receives Some pledge from mortal love Unto peace-parted soul, we trust, with God above.
Peace People n. (with plural agreement) a peace movement established in Northern Ireland in 1976 to campaign for a peaceful resolution of the conflict there.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacific character or disposition > [noun] > pacifist organization
Peace People1976
1976 Times 23 Aug. 2/4 A simple ‘Declaration of the Peace People’ was recited by the crowd, calling for [etc.].
1977 Time 22 Aug. 6/2 A year ago last week, Catholics Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan founded the so-called Peace People's Movement, which has attracted mass support from both Catholics and Protestants.
1996 C. Bateman Of Wee Sweetie Mice & Men xxi. 162 Worthy thoughts they are too, Bobby. We'll get you into the Peace People at this rate.
peace pipe n. a tobacco pipe traditionally smoked as a token of peace amongst North American Indians (cf. pipe of peace n. at pipe n.1 27b and calumet n.); also figurative.
society > armed hostility > peace > [noun] > pipe of
pipe of peace1698
peace pipe1779
1779 G. R. Clark Campaign in Illinois (1869) 45 I told them I would defer smokeing the Peace Pipe until I heard that they had called in all their Warriors.
1876 G. Bancroft Hist. U.S. (rev. ed.) II. xxxiii. 330 Four old men advance..bearing the peace-pipe, brilliant with many colored plumes.
1918 W. B. Munro Crusaders of New France ix. 168 There were the usual pledges of friendship; the peace-pipe went its round, and the song of the calumet was sung.
1998 N.Y. Mag. 20 Apr. 10/2 Rudy Giuliani has no taste for the peace pipe. Last week's dinner invitation from David Dinkins isn't the only overture the mayor has nixed recently.
peace plant n. (a) the olive (obsolete); (b) = peace lily n.
1606 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. (new ed.) ii. iii. 99 The Peace-Plant Olive.
1987 Chicago Tribune (Nexis) 13 Feb. 51 Q—I have a broadleaf plant that occasionally has a big white flower that my florist said is a ‘Peace’ plant. None of my friends ever heard of a ‘Peace’ plant. Is there indeed such a plant? A—Your plant is Spathiphyllum, whose flowers resemble the calla lily.
2002 Rochester (N.Y.) Democrat & Chron. (Nexis) 29 June 3 c You may want to try a peace plant between 30 and 36 inches high. A plant taller than the couch..would disrupt your view.
peace pledge n. (a) English History = frank-pledge n. 1 (obsolete); (b) an undertaking to abstain from fighting or to promote peace.
society > occupation and work > working > labour relations > [noun] > forms of conciliation or resolution
peace pledge1857
the mind > language > speech > agreement > promise > [noun] > pledge or assurance > particular type of
del credere1682
peace pledge1857
1857 J. Toulmin Smith Parish (new ed.) 123 All were annually thus personally bound in ‘peacepledge’.
1932 Times 13 June 12/2 (heading) New peace pledge.
1935 H. R. L. Sheppard We say No p. x To give Pacifist opinion a chance to crystallize, I launched my Peace Pledge.
1976 Daily Mirror 12 Nov. 2 Jack Jones yesterday declared: ‘There will be no dock strike.’ The Transport Union leader's peace pledge came amid dockland fury at [etc.].
peace prize n. an award presented in recognition of a contribution to the promotion of peace (chiefly with reference to the Nobel Prize).
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > [noun] > peace award
peace prize1901
1901 Times 2 Nov. 8/5 He [sc. Dr. Bernhardt Getz] was president of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
1902 Idler Nov. 244/2 The commission appointed to decide the peace prize.
1974 Encycl. Brit. Micropædia IV. 875/2 [Dag Hammarskjöld] was posthumously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1961.
1998 Independent 30 Nov. i. 13/8 Mohammed Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, last week named winner of the Sydney Peace Prize.
peace process n. a series of initiatives, talks, etc., designed to bring about a negotiated settlement between warring or disputing parties.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > [noun] > process or operation
peace offensive1917
peace process1965
1965 A. N. Holcombe in Internat. Organization 19 5 The institutional framework of the peace process, regarded as a way of dealing with international disputes.
1983 Times 12 Feb. 1/1 A lull in the peace process is expected over the weekend after the Acas conciliation team was stood down.
2000 Guardian (Electronic ed.) 3 Nov. A meeting which could define the future of the entire Northern Ireland peace process.
peace sign n. a sign or gesture betokening peace; (in later use frequently) spec. a gesture made by holding up the hand with palm out-turned and the first two fingers extended in a V shape (= V-sign n. 2a).
society > armed hostility > peace > [noun] > sign of
peace sign1868
1868 Harper's Mag. Feb. 302/2 One of Custer's scouts..rode out and made first ‘peace’, then ‘circle’ sign. The peace sign is made by riding toward the party with whom it is desired to communicate, making the horse take a zig-zag course.
1913 G. Stratton-Porter Laddie xii. 346 As they passed, every man of them made the peace sign and piled in a heap, venison, fish, and game.
1968 Los Angeles Times 21 Jan. 18/1 Belson was in the doorway, a thumbs-up gesture for the music and a peace sign to all.
2001 D. Mitchell Number 9 Dream 220 His dreadlocks were ginger, his sunglasses wraparound and his halo wonky... Seeing Mrs Comb, he made the peace sign. ‘Good day, ma'am.’
peace studies n. (frequently with singular agreement) the academic study of the causes of conflict and other matters relating to the establishment or maintenance of peace.
society > education > learning > study > subject or object of study > [noun] > specific subjects
modern languages1605
Celtic studies1781
religious studies1824
Eng. Lit.1834
business administration1852
Eng. Lang.1857
business studies1880
peace studies1903
religious education1914
Asian studies1941
religious instruction1960
religious knowledge1961
black studies1968
media studies1968
gender studies1973
1903 Advocate of Peace Apr. 66/2 The International Institute of Peace Studies was opened at Monaco..in the presence of the principal members of the Monaco Academy.
1938 Coshocton (Ohio) Tribune 8 Apr. 2/3 Mrs. Roosevelt favors college courses on the causes of war, but does not favor ‘compulsory peace studies’.
1952 Hist. Church of Brethren in Indiana vi. 287 Miss Muir came to Manchester College in 1948 to head the department of Peace Studies, where she has awakened an interest in the problem of peace, and inspired a desire for service in many young minds.
1986 Christian Sci. Monitor (Nexis) 31 Jan. b8 Peace studies has..offered innovative approaches to the problems of monitoring and verifying compliance with arms control agreements.
peace symbol n. a symbol regarded as emblematic of peace; esp. the symbol (consisting of a circle bisected by a vertical diameter with an inverted V in the lower half) adopted by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and other movements.
1947 Times 4 Jan. 3/4 A triangular banner bearing the swastika, which, according to Hindu belief, is a peace symbol.
1968 R. J. Lifton Death in Life vii. 270 It was perhaps predictable that Hiroshima, after experiencing the world's first atomic bomb, would call upon the peace symbol as its rallying point for commemoration and rehabilitation.
1990 K. Vonnegut Hocus Pocus xx. 156 He was slight, and had long hair, and wore a peace symbol around his neck.
peace talk n. (a) conversation or discussion about peace or the ending of hostilities; an instance of this; (in plural) discussions or negotiations aimed at achieving peace in particular circumstances.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > peace treaty > [noun] > peace talks or conference
peace talk1789
peace conference1852
1789 J. Steele Let. 8 June in Papers (1924) I. 51 I only mean to hold a peace talk.
1852 J. Reynolds Pioneer Hist. Illinois 165 All the ‘peace talks’ ever presented to the red men, could not have kept them in peace, under these circumstances.
1918 W. Owen Let. 10 Oct. (1967) 583 Tonight I must stand before them [sc. my company] & promulgate this General Order: ‘Peace talk in any form is to cease in Fourth Army. All ranks are warned against the disturbing influence of dangerous peace talk.’
1994 Pacific Daily News (Agana, Guam) 18 Feb. 18/1 Zapatista guerrillas on Wednesday freed a former governor.., a move that could hasten peace talks.
peace talker n. a person who negotiates or advocates peace; a person who takes part in peace talks.
1892 Times 22 Jan. 15/2 The missionaries employed ‘peace-talkers’, who, for a consideration, tried to mollify the beggars and get them to abstain from molesting the mission.
1968 Punch 15 May 693/1 This is no surprise to the Korean peace talkers.
1989 Economist (Nexis) 14 Oct. Only the PLO, said Mr Arafat this week, had the right to choose the Palestinians' peace talkers.
peace-talking adj. and n. (a) adj. that talks of peace; (b) n. conversation about peace.
1849 J. A. Roebuck Let. 9 May (1897) xx. 223 He is under the control of Bright, who..chooses to be really warlike in favour of peace. Cobden is overborne by the pugnacious peace-talking Friend.
1917 D. H. Lawrence Look! We have come Through! 126 Everything was tainted with myself..nations, armies, war, peace-talking.
1990 Los Angeles Times (Nexis) 30 June b4/1 Tutu, the jovial, peace-talking Anglican archbishop who preceded political leader Mandela's visit by almost two months.
2002 Gold Coast Bull. (Austral.) (Nexis) 17 Sept. 19 America should try more peace talking and get Iraq to show them where they have weapons.
peace-trained adj. (of a soldier, etc.) trained during peacetime.
a1640 P. Massinger Beleeue as you List (1976) iii. iii. 136 You keepe in pay..some peace traynd troopes.
1894 N. Amer. Rev. Dec. 731 There should be this reasonable number of peace-trained gunners.
1955 C. M. Green et al. Ordnance Dept. ix. 252 The peace-trained, battle-hardened core of the Wehrmacht languished in Allied prisoner-of-war enclosures.
peace walk n. (a) a walk in support of peace; (b) rare (now historical) a slow dance introduced soon after the end of the First World War (1914–18).
1915 N.Y. Times 8 July 6/5 (headline) Kansas City Women in Peace Walk.
1919 Times 16 May 9/1 The Peace Walk, which is danced to a slow waltz time.
1920 A. M. Cree Handbk. Ball-room Dancing 28 All other innovations of this season—the Spanish One-Step, Peace Walk, Tangle, etc., etc., are already dead.
1964 Times 24 Feb. 6/1 [He] was gaoled with other members of a Quebec-to-Cuba peace walk.
1998 Chicago Tribune (Nexis) 7 June (Metro) 2 Cook County Circuit Judge David Delgado braved a rainy Saturday to address his neighbors at the third annual Logan Square Peace Walk.
peace warrant n. a warrant for arrest issued by a justice of the peace.
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [noun] > warrant > types of warrant
letter (also commission, gift) of searchery1566
bench warrant1680
death warrant1692
search warrant1700
lettre de cachet1715
capital commitment1742
peace warrant1772
arrest warrant1824
1772 Edinb. Advertiser 30 June 3/1 His Excellency the governor..severly reprimanded the tyrant Montague, sent the man ashore, and desired he would take out a peace warrant against him.
1852 W. Cranch U.S. Circuit Court Reports, District of Columbia 1 39 On an affidavit stating that Joseph Bowling, a constable, had dismissed a peace warrant, and had received for his services $1.62, the court suspended him from office.
1943 F. Marvin & M. Lowenthal This was N.Y. xvi. 220 Alderman Wylley made the mistake of charging too much for a peace warrant and was fined £50 by the court of which he was a member.
2002 Halifax (Nova Scotia) Daily News (Nexis) 20 Sept. 16 Police have..gone after a peace warrant, hoping the courts will put some restrictions on his movements and whereabouts.
peace work n. [in quot. 1861, punningly after piecework n.] (a) efforts to promote, preserve, or restore peace; (b) the duties of an armed force during peacetime; (also) the usual peacetime labour of a workforce (opposed to war work).
1861 Punch 4 May 183 Well, Pam, of course I shall keep you on—but you must stick to peace work!
1901 Times 4 Oct. 10/6 There are born fighters and commanders who are intensely bored by peace work.
1910 T. Roosevelt in Amer. Jrnl. Internat. Law 4 702 The supreme difficulty in connection with developing the peace work of The Hague arises from the lack of any executive power.
1945 H. G. Hayes Spending, Saving & Employm. 91 The period that will begin some three, four, or five years after reconversion to peace work has been accomplished.
1994 Peace Mag. May 4/2 Ten years ago peace work consisted mainly of trying to prevent the acquisition or deployment of new weapon systems.
peace worker n. (a) a member of a workforce during peacetime (rare); (b) a person who works towards the promotion, preservation, or restoration of peace; spec. a pacifist campaigner or a member of a peacekeeping organization.
1886 Polit. Sci. Q. 1 352 The ranks of peace workers will have been depleted by enlistments in the army.
1899 New Eng. Mag. Aug. 666/1 A considerable number of the leading peace workers from different countries were present.
1941 P. Sargent Getting US into War 516 Representative Jeannette Rankin, veteran peace worker.
2001 Birmingham Post (Nexis) 23 July 14 A shipment of drugs arrives for a hospital and it becomes a subject for barter between the military and the UN peace workers who have brought it.
peace-wright n. rare a person who arranges a peace.
society > armed hostility > peace > pacification > [noun] > peacemaker
honest broker1878
1718 N. Amhurst Convocation in Protestant Popery iv. 55 Here modern Peace-Wrights swell his fustian Strains.
1855 J. L. Motley Rise Dutch Republic III. vi. iii. 455 The peace-wrights of Cologne.


ˈpeace-like adj.
1605 J. Sylvester tr. Ode on Astræa in tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Deuine Weekes & Wks. 613 O thou my Peace-like warre, and war-like Peace, So much the wounds that thou hast giuen me, please; That 'tis my best ease, neuer to haue ease.
1835 Southern Literary Messenger Mar. 388/1 We have the alternative of ‘a war-like peace, or a peace-like war’, and he wisely prefers the former.
1994 Jrnl. Amer. Hist. 81 265/2 The view that women are more ‘naturally’ peace-like and inherently maternal.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2005; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Forms: Middle English peas, Middle English pease, Middle English peasse, Middle English pece, Middle English pees, Middle English pes, Middle English pese.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: peace n.
Etymology: < peace n.
Peaceful, quiet, silent; confidential, unmentioned.
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > inaudibility > [adjective] > silent
quiet (also mum, mute, still, etc.) as a mouse (in a cheese)1584
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Trin. Cambr. B.15.17) (1975) B. xix. 154 (MED) The Iewes preide hem be pees.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 222 (MED) Þe Iustis chargid all to be pease.
c1485 (?a1400) Child Bristow 11 in C. Horstmann Altengl. Legenden (1881) 2nd Ser. 315 Y pray yow in þis place, Of your talkynge þat ye be pes.
a1500 (a1450) Generides (Trin. Cambr.) 320 Ye must kepe this mater husht and pece.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2005; most recently modified version published online December 2020).


Brit. /piːs/, U.S. /pis/
Forms: Middle English peass, Middle English peasse, Middle English pees, Middle English– peace.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: peace n.
Etymology: < peace n. The earliest examples are in the imperative, and may have begun as interjectional uses of the noun; compare slightly earlier peace int. Compare pease v. (and see discussion at that entry).The material at sense 1 could alternatively be explained as showing a variant of pease v.
1. intransitive. To be or become still or silent; to refrain from or cease speaking; to keep quiet. Obsolete.In imperative use not easily distinguished from peace int.
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > inaudibility > be silent [verb (intransitive)]
the mind > language > speech > taciturnity or reticence > be silent/refrain from speaking [verb (intransitive)]
to hold one's tonguec897
to keep one's tonguec897
to be (hold oneself) stilla1000
to say littleOE
to hold one's mouthc1175
to shut (also close) one's mouthc1175
to keep (one's) silence?c1225
to hold (also have, keep) one's peacea1275
to say neither buff nor baff1481
to keep (also play) mum1532
to charm the tonguec1540
to have (also set, keep) a hatch before the door1546
to play (at) mumbudgeta1564
not to say buff to a wolf's shadow1590
to keep a still tongue in one's head1729
to sing small1738
to sew up1785
let that fly stick in (or to) the wall1814
to say (also know) neither buff nor stye1824
to choke back1844
to keep one's trap shut1899
to choke up1907
to belt up1949
to keep (or stay) shtum1958
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > voice or vocal sound > loss or lack of voice > lose the voice [verb (intransitive)] > not utter
to shut (also close) one's mouthc1175
to hold (also have, keep) one's peacea1275
to put a sock in ita1529
to say not muff1652
to hold one's whisht1786
to shut (one's) pan1799
to shut up1840
to hold one's whistc1874
to shut (one's) head, face1876
to wrap up1943
c1395 G. Chaucer Wife of Bath's Tale 838 What! amble or trotte or pees or go sit doun.
1461 R. Calle in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 261 Hervppon the people peacyd and stilled vnto the tyme the shire was doone.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 258 Will ye not peasse when I bid you?
1563 T. Sackville in W. Baldwin et al. Myrrour for Magistrates (new ed.) lxxii He peaste and couched while that we passed by.
1570 P. Levens Manipulus Vocabulorum sig. Ri/1 To Peace, tacere, silere.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard II v. ii. 82 Yorke Peace foolish woman. Du. I wil not peace . View more context for this quotation
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear xx. 100 When the thunder would not peace at my bidding. View more context for this quotation
a1634 W. Austin Devotionis Augustinianæ Flamma (1635) 154 When to speake, and when to peace.
2. transitive. To reduce to peace; to calm, still, quieten. Also with up. Now rare (chiefly archaic and regional in later use).
the mind > emotion > calmness > compose or make calm [verb (transitive)]
the world > action or operation > inaction > quietness or tranquillity > make quiet or tranquil [verb (transitive)]
1864 Centralia (Illinois) Sentinel 6 Oct. If Union can be peaced, you know, Well! peace it right away.
1887 Scribner's Mag. Dec. 739/1 Then says she, ‘Ain't the doctor comin'?’ and I peaced her up well's I could.
1888 E. Laws Hist. Little Eng. beyond Wales 421 I can't peace the child.
1911 A. Bierce Coll. Wks. V. 186 He faltered then, Yet with a mighty effort peaced himself.
1994 Technik Magazine, Oct 93, for IITB Oldtimers in soc.culture.indian (Usenet newsgroup) 19 May Then came last ‘Hope’ for man Like a scented breeze after a fiery gale Comforted, peaced and consoled them then.


peacing n. Obsolete rare the action of silencing a person, argument, etc.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. xcviij For the peacyng [other eds. peasynge, Grafton peasing] of the saied quarelles and debates.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2005; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /piːs/, U.S. /pis/
Forms: Middle English paase, Middle English peasse, Middle English pees, Middle English peese, Middle English pes, Middle English pesse, 1500s– peace.
Origin: Perhaps of multiple origins. Partly formed within English, by conversion. Perhaps partly a variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymons: pease n.; peace n.; peace v.
Etymology: Perhaps originally a variant of pease n.; in later use partly < peace n., and partly < peace v.
1. ‘Be quiet!’, ‘silence!’, ‘hush!’ Now somewhat archaic.
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > inaudibility > be silent [interjection]
soft and peace1576
pocas palabras1592
c1390 G. Chaucer Man of Law's Tale 836 Pees, litel sone, I wol do thee noon harm.
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xvi. 234 (MED)Pees!’ quaþ pacience, ‘ich praye þe, syre actyf!’
a1450 (?c1350) Pride of Life l. 471 in N. Davis Non-Cycle Plays & Fragm. (1970) 104 Pes and listenith to my sawe.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 20 (MED) Peasse, man, for godis payn!
?a1534 H. Medwall Nature i. sig. diiiv Sensua. He ys so full of ielosy As euer I knew man! W. Aff. Ielosy pece man be styll.
1556 J. Heywood Spider & Flie lvi. 27 Peace dawpates; while I tell a thing now reiounst In my head.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 ii. v. 401 Peace good pint-pot, peace good tickle-braine. View more context for this quotation
1637 J. Milton Comus 13 Peace brother, be not over exquisite To cast the fashion of uncertaine evils.
1682 A. Behn City-heiress v. 52 Peace, Sirrah, for sure I hear some coming.
1733 A. Pope Impertinent 15 Peace, Fools! or Gonson will for Papists seize you.
1796 W. Wordsworth Borderers i Wil. Oh, Sir! Mar. Peace my good Wilfred.
1847 Ld. Tennyson Princess iii. 58 Peace, you young savage of the Northern wild!
1881 ‘M. Twain’ Prince & Pauper xv. 124 Peace! Sheriff, name the day the deed was done!
1915 Times 6 Jan. 4/1 He would be helping to hasten the day when, should nation rise against nation, there should rise one strong clear voice which should say, ‘Peace, be still.’
1987 G. McCaughrean Little Lower than Angels iii. 28 Down the street came the cry, ‘Peace! On pain of my displeasure!’
2. colloquial (originally U.S.). Used as a salutation or valediction. Also (in later use, chiefly as a valediction) peace out. Cf. peace n. 4b.
1965 C. Brown Manchild in Promised Land ix. 234 Billy walked up to me and said, ‘Peace, brother.’
1970 Christian Sci. Monitor 1 Dec. 24/5Peace’ officially replaced ‘see you later’ as a farewell.
1988 ‘Beastie Boys’ 3-minute Rule (transcript of song) in www.lyricsfreak.com/b/beastie-boys (O.E.D. Archive) So peace out y'all.
1995 S. Nye Best of Men behaving Badly (2000) 4th Ser. Episode 7. 182/1 Maybe another time, eh? Peace! See you in class tomorrow.
2003 Los Angeles Times (Electronic ed.) 5 July b1 You just gotta respect all the living things. Peace out, sister!
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2005; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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