

单词 pedaile


Forms: Middle English pedail, Middle English pedaile, Middle English pedaille, Middle English pedale, Middle English pedayle, Middle English pedel, Middle English petaile, Middle English pidaile, Middle English piecaille (transmission error), Middle English pitaile, Middle English pytaile, Middle English pytaille, Middle English pytayle. N.E.D. (1904) also records forms late Middle English pettaill, late Middle English pitall.
Origin: A borrowing from French. Etymons: French pedaile, pietaille.
Etymology: < Anglo-Norman pedaile, pedaille, petaile and Middle French pietaille (c1135 in Old French; French piétaille ), probably < an unattested alteration of classical Latin peditātus foot soldiers, infantry ( < pedit- , pedes foot-soldier, pedestrian (see pedestrial adj.) + -ātus -ate suffix1), after -ālia , neuter plural of -ālis -al suffix1, used as a collective suffix (compare -al suffix1). Compare putayle n.
1. The common people; the populace.
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 112 (MED) Þet bread..ne is naȝt mete to gromes ne to yeue, ne to piecaille [read pietaille]..ne to cherles ac to noble herten.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) i. 6510 In no countre þei ne fond bot husband men..& werkmen & oþer pedail þat couthe not werre no of batail.
c1450 (c1400) Bk. Vices & Virtues (Huntington) (1942) 111 (MED) Þis is no mete to ȝyue knaues and pitaile, ne to houndes, ne to cherles.
2. Infantry, foot soldiers.
society > armed hostility > armed forces > the Army > branch of army > [noun] > infantry
foot folkc1325
foot band1517
foot troop1579
a1350 Lament in MS Harl. 2253 f. 59 Par vn mardi firent la bataile, Tot a cheual, fust le mal, sauntz nulle pedaile.]
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 191 (MED) Þe duke at þat bataile lost sex & þritty knyghtes, Þre hundreth of pedaile, a hundreth sergeanz.
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) (1996) i. 891 Seuen thousand now we are of knyghtes redy to bataile ȝare, without sergeantes & oþer pedale [a1450 Lamb. pytaille].
a1425 (c1333–52) L. Minot Poems (1914) 23 (MED) Þare was slayne and wounded sore Thretty thowsand..Of pitaile was þare mekill more.
c1425 (c1400) Laud Troy-bk. 4000 (MED) He broght..to that batayle..men of Armes and other pedayle.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin 253 (MED) Orienx chese oute of peple..wele xl ml., with-outen the petaile [Fr. pietaille], that after hem folowed.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2005; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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