

单词 on either half

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on either half
(b) on either half: on each side, on both sides. Cf. either adj. 1a. Obsolete.
OE Old Eng. Hexateuch: Exod. (Claud.) xvii. 12 Aaron & Vr underwriðedon Moyses handa on ægðre healfe.
c1225 (?c1200) St. Juliana (Bodl.) l. 555 He dude on eiðer half hire fowre of hise cnihtes.
c1330 Sir Degare (Auch.) l. 815 in W. H. French & C. B. Hale Middle Eng. Metrical Romances (1930) 312 Þe leuedi..Amidde ȝhe sat anon riȝt, And on aiþer half maidenes fiue.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) l. 6263 Þe see on ayþer half ham stode. as ij. wallis.
a1450 (c1380) G. Chaucer Parl. Fowls (Tanner) (1871) l. 125 Ther wer vers writen As me thought On either half [c1430 Cambr. Gg.4.27 eythir syde] of ful grete reuerence.
extracted from halfn.
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