

单词 nourisher


Brit. /ˈnʌrᵻʃə/, U.S. /ˈnərɪʃər/, /ˈnʊrɪʃər/

α. late Middle English nurischere; Scottish pre-1700 nurasar, pre-1700 nuresar, pre-1700 nuresare, pre-1700 nuressar, pre-1700 nurisar, pre-1700 nurisare, pre-1700 nurischer, pre-1700 nurisear, pre-1700 nurisher, pre-1700 nurissar, pre-1700 nurissare, pre-1700 nvresare, pre-1700 nvrissar, pre-1700 nwrescher.

β. late Middle English norescher, late Middle English noreshoure, late Middle English norischar, late Middle English norischer, late Middle English norischere, late Middle English noriser, late Middle English norreyschere, late Middle English noryschare, late Middle English noryscher, late Middle English noryschere, late Middle English noryssher, late Middle English norysshere, late Middle English–1500s norissher, 1500s norysher, 1500s–1600s norisher.

γ. late Middle English– nourisher, 1500s nourysher, 1500s nouryssher; Scottish pre-1700 1700s– nourisher.

Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: nourish v., -er suffix1.
Etymology: < nourish v. + -er suffix1. Compare Anglo-Norman nuriseur , norisour and Middle French, French nourrisseur (late 14th cent.; late 12th cent. in Old French as norrissere ). Compare nursher n.
1. A person who or thing which nourishes, nurses, or fosters something.
the world > action or operation > easiness > aid, help, or assistance > support > [noun] > that which or one who supports > one who > and provides nourishment
a1425 (c1395) Bible (Wycliffite, L.V.) (Royal) (1850) Wisd. xvi. 25 For this thing and alle things transfigurid thanne seruyden to thi grace, nurischere of alle thingis.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Gouernaunce of Princis (1993) iii. 65 And tharfor js..the vnderstanding, the nurisare of vertues.
a1513 J. Irland Meroure of Wyssdome (1926) I. 58 This element [sc. earth] is of al manere of bestis and foulis moder and nurisare.
1562 N. Winȝet Certain Tractates (1888) I. 7 The inventaris, nurissaris, and simoniacall merchandis of the samyn mischeif.
1581 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1880) 1st Ser. III. 384 The makers and nurissaris of trouble and disorder.
1608 in J. D. Marwick Rec. Convent. Royal Burghs Scotl. (1870) II. 253 The lying of the mwk..vpoun the hie streitis..is daingerous also in tyme of plague, being a special nwrescher thairof.
1683 in J. Meikle Old Session Bk. (1918) 161 The nurisher of the fownd child.
β. ?a1425 tr. Catherine of Siena Orcherd of Syon (Harl.) (1966) 173 (MED) Mekenesse is norescher of charite.1439 in R. R. Sharpe Cal. Let.-bks. London (1911) K. 230 (MED) Many diverse persones..ben comyn norischers, promotours, and provocours of the same synnys in displesance of almyghti God.c1450 Jacob's Well (1900) 189 (MED) Almes-dede is noryschere & makere redy þe weye to god.a1500 ( Pilgrimage of Soul (Egerton) (1953) v. xxvi. f. 104v Myght is appropred to the Fadir as to the begynner..and good will to the Holy Gost as to the norissher and keper.1533 J. Heywood Play of Wether sig. Dvv Of euery thynge I se you are norysher.1589 T. Cooper Admon. People of Eng. 226 Whome hee hath appointed as fosterers and norishers of his church.γ. ?a1475 in Ld. Clermont Wks. J. Fortescue (1869) I. 485 (MED) Suche as be in the fortune of synne, and serve the bruyte and folowe the vanytees therof, been partyners and nourishers of synne.1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure xi. sig.D.ivv Fy upon slouthe the nouryssher of vyce Whiche unto youthe dooth often preiudyce.1526 R. Whitford tr. Martiloge (1893) 43 Saynt Ioseph was nouryssher & bringer up of our sauyour Chryst.1586 T. Bowes tr. P. de la Primaudaye French Acad. I. 737 Amongest such nourishers of our miseries, this prouerbe is rife.1611 R. Brathwait Golden Fleece Poem section l. 747 Thou art our piller and our nourisher, Who doest sustaine vs wheresoere we goe.1641 J. Jackson True Evangelical Temper i. 38 The Clergy, as the fomenters and nourishers of the religion.1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost v. 398 These bounties which our Nourisher..hath caus'd The Earth to yeild. View more context for this quotation1719 Heroick Friendship i. 12 It is the Blast, the Death of springing Glory; The Nourisher of idle Peace.1755 W. Dodd tr. Callimachus Hymns 207 Giver of wealth, thou holy nursing Ceres, Giver of riches, nourisher of corn.1808 C. Lamb Specimens Eng. Dramatic Poets 63 The nourisher and the destroyer of hopeful wits.1881 Science 23 July 350 In a language long anterior to the formation of the oldest Sanskrit..they called the sun the Illuminator, or the Warmer, or the Nourisher.1906 Polit. Sci. Q. 21 501 Pater familias is nourisher, protector and master of a household.1966 Slavic Rev. 25 445 He is director of the Soviet food trust; thus he fulfills the symbolic role of a nourisher and provider.1981 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 1 Mar. iv. 18/2 Mr. Brademas's skills as an advocate and nourisher of coalitions can be put to admirable use.
2. A thing which affords nourishment; a source of physical nourishment.
the world > food and drink > food > providing or receiving food > [noun] > nourishing agent
1528 T. Paynell tr. Arnaldus de Villa Nova in Joannes de Mediolano Regimen Sanitatis Salerni sig. F iv Wyne that is redde..and claret..are moche greatter nourishers than other wynes.
c1540 J. Bellenden tr. H. Boece Hyst. & Cron. Scotl. (1821) I. xii As floure dois smell, As frute is nurisare [v.r. nvresare], As precius balme reuertis thingis sare.
1577 B. Googe tr. C. Heresbach Foure Bks. Husbandry iii. f. 146 The greatest nourisher is Womans milke.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) ii. ii. 38 Sleepe,..Balme of hurt Mindes, great Natures second Course, Chiefe nourisher in Life's Feast. View more context for this quotation
1651 J. French Art Distillation v. 110 He may finde out, how great a nourisher, and restorative Wheat is.
1682 N. Grew Anat. Plants iv. i. vi. 158 Most Bodies which abound with Salt, are the greatest Nourishers of Plants.
1741 S. Richardson Pamela IV. li. 318 Sound Sleep is one of the greatest Nourishers in Nature.
1820 W. Irving Legend Sleepy Hollow in Sketch Bk. vi. 91 An eel-skin..esteemed throughout the country as a potent nourisher and strengthener of the hair.
1842 A. T. de Vere Song of Faith xi. 84 Ay, as the corn, our body's nourisher, Is sown, dissolves, and germinates again.
1865 Englishman's Mag. Sept. 200 As a nourisher of the body, it [sc. water] is certainly entitled to rank as a food.
1908 Sears, Roebuck Catal. No. 117. 798/1 Orange Flower Skin Food..acts as skin nourisher and wrinkle remover.
1996 Total Health June 34 I also used cactus, which is a great nerve nourisher and heart supporter.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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